Talking Book Topics

September-October 1997
Books for Adults--Fiction

Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains books by many authors on fiction and nonfiction subjects, including biographies, classics, gothics, mysteries, romances, and others. Contact your cooperating library to learn more about the wide range of books available in the collection. Cassette books are labeled with the code RC and play at 15/16 ips. To order books, contact your cooperating library.

Note: For the information of the reader, a notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, or violence. The word "some" before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurrence, as in "some strong language."

Prophets and Warriors: The Children of the Lion, Volume 15 RC 38503
by Peter Danielson
read by Patrick Horgan
2 cassettes
The Teller of Tales once again begins. He speaks of how Theon and Talus recover the treasure of the Children of the Lion, of the new evil confronting them, and of a seafaring clan who will come forth to help them. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Sequel to The Trumpet and the Sword (RC 38502). 1992.

The Death of Kings: The Children of the Lion, Volume 17 RC 38505
by Peter Danielson
read by Patrick Horgan
2 cassettes
The scholar remembers that he has spoken of how Saul, even without the enlightenment of other leaders, forged a single realm out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Now he tells how David is persecuted, and how a Child of the Lion defends David and helps him lead his nation to a greatness heretofore unknown. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Sequel to Departed Glory (RC 38504). 1994.

The List of 7 RC 39937
by Mark Frost
read by Christopher Walker
3 cassettes
In late 1884, physician and writer Arthur Conan Doyle receives a note requesting his presence at a seance. When the gathering erupts in murder and mayhem, Doyle flees with the help of a lanky stranger. Finding his lodgings have been slimed in the interim, Doyle realizes it is he who is being targeted--but why? The stranger can provide the answers, but the men have little time to chat as they dodge their menacing pursuers. Strong language and violence. 1993.

To Green Angel Tower: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Book 3 RC 40339
by Tad Williams
read by Erik Sandvold
10 cassettes
In this sequel to Stone of Farewell (RC 40338), the Storm King and his undead allies continue to gather strength for a final confrontation with Simon and his companions, who are fighting to help Prince Josua gain the throne now occupied by his brother, King Elias. Each will face numerous skirmishes before the final confrontation at the Green Angel Tower. For high school and older readers. 1993.

The Titian Committee RC 40829
by Iain Pears
read by Patrick Horgan
2 cassettes
Flavia di Stefano of the Italian National Art Theft Squad is in Venice to investigate the death of fifty-eight-year-old Professor Louise M. Masterson, a member of the six-panel committee cataloging the works of Titian. Naturally the committee members seem likely suspects--until they also start turning up dead. Sequel to The Raphael Affair (RC 40828). 1991.

Bride of Pendorric RC 40924
by Victoria Holt
read by Vanessa Maroney
3 cassettes (Reissue)
A young woman marries the master of a castle on the coast of Cornwall, scarcely knowing him. The suspense builds when she learns of the legend that the previous bride of Pendorric cannot rest in her grave until a second bride has met her death. 1963.

Reklaw RC 40945
by Wayne Davis
read by John Stratton
2 cassettes
The wanderer who calls himself Reklaw is actually Andrew Jackson Walker. He has been on the run since he was twelve because he killed the man who murdered his parents. Now rancher Bauer is offering Reklaw a part of his herd in return for his help. But Bauer's granddaughter, Gretchen, has been in charge of the herd since her father left six years earlier, and she doesn't want any help from Reklaw. Some violence. 1995.

The Promise of Rest RC 41388
by Reynolds Price
read by David Palmer
3 cassettes
In this sequel to The Surface of Earth (RC 41386) and The Source of Light (RC 41387), Price continues his tale of the Mayfield family. In April 1993, Hutch travels to New York to bring his son Wade, who is dying of AIDS and has recently lost his lover, back home to North Carolina. It is Wade's return that will bring reconciliation to the family. Some strong language. 1995.

A Gathering of Memories RC 41475
by Lori Wick
read by Mary Woods
2 cassettes
Silas Cameron's young wife, Amy, is despairing of ever becoming pregnant when she hears about the five Jackson siblings. Their mother has just died and their father's whereabouts are unknown. Although the oldest, Mandy, is just four years younger than she, Amy wants to take the children in. As she explains to Mandy, "God knew you were just what we needed." Sequel to The Long Road Home (RC 41474). 1991.

Land of the Shadow: The Appomattox Saga, Book 4 RC 41582
by Gilbert Morris
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
Noah Rocklin's grandson Paul Bristol, just back from studying photography in France with Monsieur Daguerre, has been asked by President Davis to take photos of Confederate soldiers. He needs an assistant and has reluctantly hired Miss Frankie Aimes because of her knowledge of photography. But Paul has no idea she is hiding a secret that could endanger both of them. Sequel to Where Honor Dwells (RC 41581). 1993.

Out of the Whirlwind: The Appomattox Saga, Book 5 RC 41583
by Gilbert Morris
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
Burke Rocklin has returned home to Gracefield with one thought in mind--marry an heiress. But fate intervenes and Burke becomes involved in the war, is wounded, and ends up in a Northern hospital. There he is nursed by Grace Swenson, a Quaker preacher who has come to help the wounded. Her faith and support are vital to Burke's recovery, but the future is uncertain. Sequel to Land of the Shadow (RC 41582). 1994.

The Ground She Walks Upon RC 41829
by Meagan McKinney
read by Lindsay Ellison
3 cassettes
Ireland, 1828. Reverend Jamie Drummond is awakened from his musings by a scream from the woman cleaning the church--the old druid cross is glowing. A hurried note is sent to Father Patrick Nolan informing him that the council must meet this night. It is the eve of Niall Trevallyan's twentieth birthday, and the "geis" must be put into effect or Niall will suffer great misfortune. But must he really marry a newborn? Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

Women of Wonder: The Contemporary Years; Science Fiction by Women from the 1970s to the 1990s RC 41833
edited by Pamela Sargent
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
4 cassettes
Twenty-one stories arranged chronologically, including "Cassandra" by C.J. Cherryh, "The Thaw" by Tanith Lee, "Bloodchild" by Octavia Butler, "Fears" by Pamela Sargent, "Rachel in Love" by Pat Murphy, and "At the Rialto" by Connie Willis. Sequel to Women of Wonder: The Classic Years (RC 41832). Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1995.

Shame of Man: Geodyssey, Volume 2 RC 41902
by Piers Anthony
read by Madelyn Buzzard
4 cassettes
Beginning in prehuman times, Hu and his family are reincarnated into subsequent eras of history where they play out the drama and turbulence of human existence at different stages of civilization. The narratives of the reborn family serve as a chronicle of human cultural evolution from prehistoric times to the near future. Sequel to Isle of Woman (RC 38737). Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Western Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 2 RC 41981
by Ralph Compton
read by Bob Askey
2 cassettes
The love of a good fight stays with former Texas Ranger Benton McCaleb as he heads up an outfit to drive longhorns on the new Western Trail and settle a homestead in Cheyenne, which is now reached by rail. Rumors of shady land dealings challenge McCaleb's sense of justice, and he takes up the fight. Sequel to The Goodnight Trail (RC 41980). Some violence and some strong language. 1992.

The Bandera Trail: Trail Drive Series, Book 4 RC 41983
by Ralph Compton
read by Chuck Benson
2 cassettes
When Gil and Van Austin receive a plea for help from their partner, Clay Duval, who has gone into Mexico to get cattle, they have little choice but to go to his aid. Tension at the border runs high after the fall of the Alamo and the Texans' revenge at San Jacinto, making the journey nearly suicidal. But the two spirited men must find Clay, and they need the cattle. Strong language and violence. 1993.

Star Wars: Darksaber RC 42038
by Kevin J. Anderson
read by Chuck Benson
3 cassettes
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo return to the desert planet Tatooine on a quest to restore Jedi powers to Luke's beloved Callista. Meanwhile, the Hutt crime syndicate, headed by Jabba's successor, Durga, is building a new death star to terrorize the galaxy, and the ever-vengeful Admiral Daala of the Empire is marshalling forces to crush the New Republic. Sequel to Champions of the Force (RC 40279). Bestseller 1995.

Invader RC 42111
by C.J. Cherryh
read by Kimberly Schraf
4 cassettes
Two hundred years ago the starship Phoenix left a colony on the world of the atevi. Now the human colony lives in an uneasy peace with the humanoid atevi, and Bren Cameron, the only human allowed to come into contact with them, strives for continued peace between two entirely different cultures. But stability is threatened when the Phoenix returns to the planet. Sequel to Foreigner (RC 39135). Some strong language. 1995.

Arc Light RC 42118
by Eric L. Harry
read by Gregory Gorton
5 cassettes
In the near future a single red light blinks on the phone panel at the Pentagon as the United States learns that Russia is planning a nuclear attack on China. Unfortunately, the president's national security adviser suggests the Chinese be informed--which results in ground, sea, and air warfare. The nuclear battles threaten to snuff out humanity forever. Strong language and violence. 1994.

Storm Rising: The Mage Storms, Book 2 RC 42124
by Mercedes Lackey
read by Gary Tipton
3 cassettes
The Heralds of Valdemar and the Sunpriests of Karse struggle against the mysterious storms that are wreaking havoc on the two kingdoms. Even the magical power forged by the alliance between the two lands may not be strong enough to fend off total destruction. To make matters worse, the alliance is threatened when Karal, the Karse envoy to the court of Valdemar, is accused of spying. Sequel to Storm Warning (RC 42123). 1995.

Queen City Jazz RC 42173
by Kathleen Ann Goonan
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
3 cassettes
Verity, an orphan, is raised by a religious group that rejects nanotech, the once-promising technology that has now warped civilization. When a nanotech plague strikes, Verity sets out for the technologically superior but dangerously insane city of Cincinnati, where she hopes to find keys to her identity and learn the forbidden knowledge that can save or destroy those she loves. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

Tennessee Williams: Collected Stories RC 42200
by Tennessee Williams
read by Lindsay Ellison
5 cassettes
Forty-nine short stories by the Southern playwright, some published for the first time. Offbeat and tragic characters are placed in disturbing and emotional settings. Introduction by Gore Vidal provides insights about events in Williams's life that are reflected in the stories. Many of the works were later made into plays. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1985.

Cleo RC 42201
by Jean Brody
read by Lindsay Ellison
3 cassettes
Fictional memoir of a spirited country girl. In 1927, Cleo, fifteen, leaves her home in Robina, Oklahoma, because of a line in a book: "I craved to go beyond the garden gate, to follow the road that passed it by, and to set out for the unknown." Cleo tells all about her first job as a trumpet player, her first marriage with its tragic ending, a second marriage, and the many odd jobs she took in order to survive. Some descriptions of sex. 1994.

Someone Special RC 42204
by Judith Saxton
read by Anne Hancock
4 cassettes
Three girls are born in England on the same April day in 1926. One is Nell, the daughter of Hester Coburn, who must struggle to make a life for herself and her daughter. The second is Anna, whose mother, Constance Radwell, is used to having anything she wants. And the third is Princess Elizabeth. Follows the three girls as they grow into young adults before and during World War II. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

Pillar of Fire RC 42251
by Judith Tarr
read by Anne Flosnik
4 cassettes
Nofret, a young Hittite slave girl, is brought to the court of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten to serve as handmaiden to princess Ankhesenpaaten. Although outspoken and sharp-tongued, Nofret learns to fit in well with her new life. But Akhenaten's obsession with his one god alienates his people and causes disruptions. Nofret must flee Egypt, but she is destined to meet Akhenaten again--this time among the Hebrews, where he reappears as Moses. 1995.

She Flew the Coop: A Novel Concerning Life, Death, Sex, and Recipes in Limoges, Louisiana RC 42277
by Michael Lee West
read by Madelyn Buzzard
4 cassettes
Irreverent satire on small-town life with recipes for southern dishes thrown in. In 1952, Olive Nepper, sixteen, turns against Jesus and takes poison; she is pregnant by her minister. She lies in a coma while the eccentric town residents carry on their lives--working, attending church, gardening, cooking, and gossiping. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

Darkening of the Light RC 42283
by Paul Block
read by Roy Avers
2 cassettes
The Ballinger family saga continues from Beneath the Sky (RC 39120). In China, Ross Ballinger becomes embroiled in the bitter 1840s opium wars, with his trading company at the center of the conflict. His passion for the unattainable and married Mei-Li brings him great sadness. Meanwhile Connor Maginnis, now married into the Ballinger family, seeks his revenge. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Stanton Succession RC 42291
by Warren Kiefer
read by Roy Avers
3 cassettes
The impressive and brilliant economist Adam Walsh is the candidate favored to become the new CEO of Stanton Industries, until it is discovered that he has a criminal record of fraud and extortion and has stolen millions from the company. When confronted, Walsh acts as if his competitors for the job have merely tossed the gauntlet, beginning high-stakes corporate infighting, intrigue, and danger. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992.

The Reckoning RC 42293
by James Byron Huggins
read by John Polk
4 cassettes
Jonathan Gage, once a skilled secret agent, gave up the profession after being converted to Christianity by Father Simon. But now Father Simon has been murdered, and the priest's friends Professor Malachi Halder and Halder's daughter, Susan, are in grave danger--all because of a manuscript that Simon and Halder once discovered, translated, and then failed to destroy. Some violence. 1994.

Sound the Trumpet: The Liberty Bell, Book 1 RC 42297
by Gilbert Morris
read by Jack Fox
2 cassettes
When British Daniel and Lyna Bradford lose their mother, going to a workhouse seems their only option. Fortunately, they are hired by Lord Rochester to work as indentured servants for five years, and life is good. Then young Leo Rochester makes passes at Lyna, and Daniel fights with him and must leave. Both Daniel and Lyna will endure many hardships before they are reunited in America. Some violence. 1995.

The Mandarin of Mayfair: Tales of the Jewelled Men, Volume 6 RC 42299
by Patricia Veryan
read by Bruce Huntey
2 cassettes
Katrina Falcon is in love with Jamie Morris, a member of Rossiter's Preservers--a group trying to put an end to the League of Jewelled Men. Katrina's brother, August, also a member of the group, makes no secret of his dislike for Jamie. But dislikes must be put aside as the Preservers unite to prevent the League's overthrow of King George II. Sequel to Never Doubt I Love (RC 40818). 1995.

The Road Home RC 42307
by Ellen Emerson White
read by Madelyn Buzzard
3 cassettes
A tour of duty in Vietnam as a nurse has a profound effect on Rebecca. Endless days of triage--sorting and treating the incoming wounded--leave her a physical and emotional wreck; she all but forgets her own injuries. Coming home to the States is harder than she expects, and she heads west to find Michael, with whom she had a blossoming romance in Vietnam. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 1995.

Murder in the Executive Mansion RC 42311
by Elliott Roosevelt
read by Janis Gray
2 cassettes
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are making a state visit to the White House, where the staff is busy with last-minute details. Eleanor Roosevelt plans to introduce the royal couple to a few staff members who worked diligently on the preparations. But when the time arrives, Lucinda Robinson is missing. It is several days before she is found--strangled to death in a closet. Mrs. Roosevelt helps D.C.'s finest with the investigation. 1995.

All My Suspects RC 42337
by Louise Shaffer
read by Ann Hodapp
1 cassette
Prequel to Talked to Death (RC 42338). Shortly after Angie DaVito takes over as producer for the soap opera, Bright Tomorrow, her supervisor, network vice president Gregg Whithall, is found murdered on the set. Since none of the crew or cast has forgiven Gregg for firing the show's star, police detective Teresa O'Hanlon has many suspects to sift through, and Angie manages to help. Strong language. 1994.

Talked to Death RC 42338
by Louise Shaffer
read by Ann Hodapp
2 cassettes
In this sequel to All My Suspects (RC 42337), former soap opera producer Angie DaVito is offered a position producing a talk show hosted by Cee Gee. Angie plays amateur sleuth again as vicious pranks point to Grace Shipley, the producer Angie replaced. When Grace is murdered, Angie calls in police detective Teresa O'Hanlon but continues her own snooping with the help of Cee Gee's young daughter. Strong language and some violence. 1995.

Stradivarius RC 42346
by Donald P. Ladew
read by James DeLotel
2 cassettes
In 1685 Antonio Stradivari, the master craftsman of Cremona, created the violin he named Hercules. Now, in 1951, Hercules is found in a burned-out farmhouse in Korea by wounded sergeant Luther Cole, who thinks of it as just a fiddle. He comes to realize the instrument is special and feels he has survived to care for it and see that it is put into the right hands. For senior high and older readers. 1995.

The Wild Shore RC 42348
by Kim Stanley Robinson
read by Roy Avers
3 cassettes
In the year 2047, young Hank Fletcher struggles to maintain a simple existence in a Pacific Coast community recovering from nuclear attack. As Hank subsists amid the devastation, he dreams of the world that was and about the role that he might play in its rebirth. Prequel to The Gold Coast (RC 28118) and Pacific Edge (RC 35071). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1984.

The Information RC 42349
by Martin Amis
read by James DeLotel
3 cassettes
Richard Tull, forty, writer of experimental novels, longs for success. Instead, he spends his time cranking out reviews of hefty biographies while his wife makes more money than he does. Richard's best friend, Gwyn Barry, writer of "the ideal world" novel, has everything Richard wants. So Richard sets out to wreck Gwyn's career. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1995.

Murphy's Stand RC 42350
by Gary Paulsen and Brian Burks
read by John Polk
1 cassette
In the three years since his wife was killed, ex-sheriff Al Murphy and his horse have been wandering. Hungry and broke outside the small town of Turrett, he comes upon a murder and shoots his way free. The murder victim is Jake McCormick, who owns a business with his sister, Christine. Christine hires Murphy to defend her wagons against the rival tradesman she holds responsible for Jake's death. Violence. 1993.

Arcadia RC 42352
by Jim Crace
read by Roy Avers
2 cassettes
It is Victor's eightieth birthday. Rook, his right-hand man, and Anna, his secretary, have planned a simple country meal--tablecloths flapping in the breeze, and cats to pick up the scraps--as best they can for the man who lives twenty-seven stories and a hundred meters up. Victor has asked five guests and specified no speeches or gifts. But this billionaire has quite a surprise for his visitors. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1992.

The Far Side of Home RC 42353
by Maggie Davis
read by John Polk
2 cassettes (Reissue)
A soldier in the Civil War can think of nothing but the fiasco of his wedding night and his desperate wish to make things right with his bride. That the granting of his wish also makes him a prisoner of the enemy gives him no concern at all. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1963.

Paper Doll RC 42358
by Elizabeth Feuer
read by Jill Fox
1 cassette
Leslie, who lost her legs in a car accident twelve years ago, is now a high school senior and gifted violinist planning to apply Juilliard, much to her father's delight. Leslie is bothered by her father's anger at her brother's decision to drop out of college, and his displeasure when she finds a first boyfriend in Jeff, who has cerebral palsy. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high readers. 1990.

Act of Betrayal RC 42359
by Edna Buchanan
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
As Miami police reporter Britt Montero investigates the disappearances of eerily similar boys, she is told to interview Reyes, a man who hopes to become the first president of free Cuba. Confused that Reyes insisted on her for the interview, Montero is shocked to learn he knew her father, who was executed in Cuba when Montero was three. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1996.

Relic RC 42361
by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
3 cassettes
In September 1987, all members of an expedition to the Amazon were killed. A box of relics survived and has finally arrived at the New York Museum of Natural History, where the contents will be part of a new exhibit. But first the staff must deal with the brutal murders of two young boys in the museum's basement. Graduate student Margo Green thinks all the deaths are connected. Violence and strong language. 1995.

A Woman by Design RC 42363
by Frances Kennett
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
4 cassettes
When her marriage proves disastrous after the birth of her daughter, Alice defies nineteenth-century convention and seeks a divorce. To support herself, she develops a talent for designing elegant dresses for women of the class to which she had belonged. As her business and reputation grow, she feels fulfilled, except that she cannot marry the man she truly loves. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1987.

Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids RC 42364
by Kenzaburo Oe
read by Barry Bernson
1 cassette
In wartime Japan, fifteen reformatory boys are moved from village to village. The scorn and cruelty of ignorant and base peasants along the way add to the mistreatment of the boys. After being exposed to the plague, they are forced into isolation in a deserted village. The author of this angry and poetic first novel first published in 1958 later won the 1994 Nobel Prize for Literature. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1995.

Ultimate Sports: Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults RC 42366
edited by Donald R. Gallo
read by Gary Tipton
2 cassettes
Collection of stories about young men and women involved in a variety of sports. In Jim Naughton's "Joyriding," pudgy piano student Peter Whitney decides he can learn something about winning from the boy who practices cross-country running in his neighborhood. Instead, Peter passes on some valuable tips of his own. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

The Voyage RC 42369
by David Drake
read by Gary Tipton
3 cassettes
Looking for adventure, young Ned Slade signs on with a tough crew of mercenaries led by pretty, capable Lissea Doormann. Lissea, who is determined to win back her standing as head of the powerful Doormann clan of Telaria, arms her ship and sets off with her crew on a mission to recover a priceless artifact from the far end of the galaxy. True to expectations, they encounter danger and plenty of battle action along the way. Strong language and violence. 1994.

Ho-Ho Homicide RC 42373
by Corinne Holt Sawyer
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
Murder at Camden-sur-Mer, a California retirement home. Large Caledonia Wingate and tiny Angela Benbow of Murder by Owl Light (RC 40500) get another chance to help Lieutenant Martinez. The body of fellow resident Beatrice Benton was found among the lower branches of the lobby Christmas tree. Beatrice had been nicknamed Birdy for her habit of feeding wild birds. Could her messy flock have caused someone to kill her? 1995.

Eagle Station RC 42374
by Mark Berent
read by Roy Avers
3 cassettes
Loyalty stemming from their days at the Air Force Academy in the 1950s unites the men as they fight in Vietnam in 1968. Ken Tanaka and Court Bannister fly their F-4s on dangerous missions over Laos. Manuel Dominguez is a rescue jumper whose daring helps him forget the injustice of his dismissal from the academy. Sequel to Phantom Leader (RC 37713). Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1992.

The Case of the Dead Winner: A Father Dowling Mystery for Young Adults RC 42394
by Ralph McInerny
read by Nick Sullivan
1 cassette
Retired professor Mrs. Mortimer, a regular at St. Hillary's parish center, hires Carl, the twelve-year-old son of parish director Edna Hospers, to do odd jobs at her home. When Mrs. Mortimer's estranged daughter appears with an unsavory boyfriend in tow, Mrs. Mortimer has Carl hide the key to her late gambler husband's safe-deposit box. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

An Echo in the Darkness: Mark of the Lion, Volume 2 RC 42396
by Francine Rivers
read by John Horton
3 cassettes
Marcus, believing he saw Hadassah die in the arena of lions, has become a bitter man and is unable to forgive his sister Julia for her part in Hadassah's death. But Hadassah lives. Hiding behind a veil and now known as Rapha, she uses her faith to heal others. But can her faith sustain her as she is called upon to help the very person who sent her to her death? Sequel to A Voice in the Wind (RC 42380). 1994.

The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov RC 42397
by Vladimir Nabokov
read by Gordon Gould
6 cassettes
Sixty-five short stories taken from four earlier collections and including thirteen first-time English translations by Nabokov's son, Dmitri. These stories, arranged chronologically, were written from the early 1920s to the mid-1950s, when Nabokov abandoned the short story form for the novel. Known for employing psychological and linguistic twists, he explores such themes as loss, illusion, and bizarre aspects of human nature. 1995.

Night of the Wolf: The Gunsmith RC 42400
by J.R. Roberts
read by J.P. Linton
1 cassette
Outside Molasses, Montana, Clint Adams (the Gunsmith) finds the body of a man with his throat ripped out and wolf tracks nearby. Further down the road, Adams finds another man lying in the snow. In town Adams learns that the second man, Ned Holt, has had a series of spells. The gypsies have made him believe that he is turning into a werewolf, and Ned's sister wants Adams to prove them wrong. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

All Souls' Rising RC 42403
by Madison Smartt Bell
read by Frank Coffee
4 cassettes
Set in the slave rebellion of eighteenth-century colonial Haiti. The French doctor, H,bert, is the guide on a relentless journey through a world of political chaos, brutal conflict, and mind-numbing torture. Former slave Toussaint serves as a force of reason amid the horror. Explicit descriptions of sex and violence. 1995.

The Mystery of Swordfish Reef: An Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte Mystery RC 42405
by Arthur W. Upfield
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
On a calm October day, Bill Spinks and Bob Garroway set out with Mr. Ericson on the Do-me for a day of fishing off the coast of Australia. They do not return. Weeks later, a trawler comes into port looking for the sheriff. It has an unusual cargo on board--a severed head with a bullet hole. Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte gets involved because Mr. Ericson is retired from New Scotland Yard. 1943.

Rama Revealed RC 42410
by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
read by John Stratton
4 cassettes
Condemned to death by the dictator who seized control of the human habitat of Rama, Nicole Wakefield escapes to rejoin her husband across the Cylindrical Sea. Here they encounter the octospiders and other alien species inhabiting Rama, the vast spacecraft carrying both humans and aliens to an ultimate destiny. Sequel to The Garden of Rama (RC 34359). Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1994.

A City Not Forsaken: Cheney Duvall, M.D., Volume 3 RC 42412
by Lynn and Gilbert Morris
read by Suzanne Toren
2 cassettes
After her difficult experiences in Arkansas, Cheney returns to New York with her nurse, Shiloh. Cheney plans to enter private practice with Dr. Devlin Buchanan, who is en route from London. But there is cholera on his ship, and all are quarantined. When cholera spreads into the city, Cheney must decide if she wants to treat the rich or return to helping the poor. Sequel to Shadow of the Mountains (RC 42381). 1995.

As Sure as the Dawn: Mark of the Lion, Volume 3 RC 42413
by Francine Rivers
read by John Horton
3 cassettes
Once again Hadassah awaits death in the cells below the arena. As she waits, Hadassah is visited by Atretes, and she tells him that his son by Julia still lives. Atretes is told to go to John, who has given the son to a young widow named Rizpah. Atretes is reunited with his son, but in order to keep him alive, Atretes must also accept Rizpah into his life. Sequel to An Echo in the Darkness (RC 42396). 1995.

Shadow of the Dragon RC 42420
by Sherry Garland
read by Jamie Horton
2 cassettes
Danny Vo's family moved from Vietnam to America ten years ago when he was six, and he considers himself fully Americanized. Danny's older cousin Sang Le is just arriving in America to live with Danny's family. While Danny romances Tiffany Schultz, Sang Le falls in with the Vietnamese gang Danny has avoided. But it is Danny who is in danger when Tiffany's skinhead brother learns who she is dating. For junior and senior high readers. 1993.

Happy Days, Uncle Sergio RC 42424
by Magali GarcĀ”a Ramis
read by Gabriella Cavallero
1 cassette
As Lidia grows into womanhood in Puerto Rico in the 1950s, the country also matures, becoming more industrialized and politicized. Lidia and her brother live in a household of women until the mysterious Uncle Sergio arrives home from New York. He introduces the children to art, stamps, and a broader view of life, helping Lidia as she grows up. Translated by Carmen C. Esteves. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995.

The Banishment: Being the First Volume of the Daughters of Mannerling RC 42437
by Marion Chesney
read by Yvonne Fair Tessler
1 cassette
In Regency England, Isabella, the eldest of six Beverley daughters, is disappointed to have gone through the London season without becoming engaged. The men were bored by her only interest: Mannerling, the family mansion. When her father gambles away the home, the Beverleys, banished to poorer surroundings, all agree Isabella must marry Mannerling's new owner to reclaim their wealth. 1995.

The Deception: Being the Third Volume of the Daughters of Mannerling RC 42439
by Marion Chesney
read by Yvonne Fair Tessler
2 cassettes
In nineteenth-century England, after their two older sisters fail to regain the family's gambled-away mansion through marriage in The Banishment (RC 42437) and The Intrigue (RC 42438), twins Abigail and Rachel have their chance at winning over the cruel son of Mannerling's current owner. But not if their governess, Miss Trumble, and a lord smitten with Abigail have any say in the matter. 1996.

Rob Roy RC 42490
by Sir Walter Scott
read by George Holmes
5 cassettes (Reissue)
First published in 1817. In eighteenth-century England, when the poetic Frank Osbaldistone refuses to enter the family business, he is banished to his uncle's home. There he learns he has falsely been named an outlaw by his corrupt cousin because they love the same woman. Jacobite outlaw Rob Roy helps Frank clear his name. Some violence. 1995.

Horace RC 42526
by George Sand
read by Steven Carpenter
3 cassettes
Set in 1832 Paris during the time of the student rebellion, this story, written in the 1840s, was so scandalous that Sand's editor refused to publish it. The story involves Horace, a young law student up from the provinces, who is amazed at the opportunities Paris offers him; Marthe, a barmaid with whom Horace falls in love, yet almost ruins when he gets her pregnant; and the narrator, a medical student who befriends Horace. 1995.

Grave Music: An Inspector Bill Slider Mystery RC 42538
by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
read by Anne Flosnik
2 cassettes
The murder of the pompous conductor of the Royal London Philharmonic presents many possible suspects for Inspector Bill Slider. The investigation also brings Slider's lost love, Joanna, back into his life. An ever-twisting plot with wry British humor. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Oath RC 42541
by Frank Peretti
read by Mary Kane
3 cassettes
Biologist Steve Benson arrives in rural Hyde River to investigate his brother's gruesome death, which officials attribute to a rogue bear. But when an old hermit reveals the unspeakable sin that has haunted the town for a century, Steve vows to seek out and confront the evil monster that killed his brother. 1995.

The Love Talker RC 42543
by Elizabeth Peters
read by Margaret Strom
2 cassettes
Both Laurie and her brother Doug receive disturbing letters from seventy-five-year-old Aunt Ida in rural Maryland. It seems that Aunt Lizzie, seventy, is seeing fairies in the woods. When Laurie and Doug arrive, they find that Aunt Lizzie actually has pictures--proof there is something out there. 1980.

Assault at Selonia: Star Wars Corellian Trilogy, Book 2 RC 42545
by Roger MacBride Allen
read by Chuck Benson
2 cassettes
The corrupt Human League, led by Thrackan Sal-Solo, the evil cousin of Han Solo, has revolted against the New Republic and taken over the planet Corellia. Han Solo, who has been imprisoned by his cousin, joins forces with an alien Selonian in a bid to escape to the planet Selonia and warn Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Lando Calrissian of Thrackan's plan to seize control of the galaxy. Sequel to Ambush at Corellia (RC 41492). 1995.

Fool's Puzzle RC 42552
by Earlene Fowler
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
2 cassettes
Recently widowed Benni Harper has moved to San Celina County, California, to become curator for a folk museum and overseer of the artists' cooperative connected to it. Returning to the museum late one night, Benni sees her cousin Rita hurrying away and discovers the body of an artist. 1994.

Irish Chain RC 42553
by Earlene Fowler
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
2 cassettes
Benni Harper, curator of the San Celina folk museum, is preparing for a needlework exhibit and also planning a "senior prom" for folks at the local retirement home. On the night of the dance, Benni finds herself faced with an old boyfriend and the bodies of two elderly residents. 1995.

The Eyes of Darkness RC 42555
by Dean Koontz
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
A year after Las Vegas show director Tina Evans's twelve-year-old son, Danny, dies in a bus crash, the phrase "not dead" appears repeatedly in mysterious ways. Tina and her attorney friend, Elliot Stryker, are drawn into a deadly chase when they want Danny's body exhumed. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1981.

The Protection of Love RC 42559
by Barbara Cartland
read by Jill Fox
1 cassette
In 1887 after her parents die, Meta Lindley is very bored and lonely at her family home in the English countryside. Her brother, who, like their father, has gone on secret missions for the queen, has a suggestion. A minor Russian prince and his sister are arriving in England. To determine if the prince is a spy, Meta, fluent in Russian, can volunteer to teach the sister English while renting them the Lindley home. 1995.

Jumping the Nail RC 42570
by Eve Bunting
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
1 cassette
Shortly after Dru's high school graduation in La Paloma, California, Elisa and Scooter, a couple from Dru's class, decide to jump the Nail, a deep, narrow gorge where thrill-seekers fall from the cliffs into the ocean below. Dru's concern about Elisa's surviving the stunt mentally and physically turns to alarm when terrified Elisa describes being held under water by a girl previously drowned there. For junior and senior high readers. 1991.

Bible Stories for Adults RC 42572
by James Morrow
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
Twelve witty and sardonic tales based on stories from legend, history, and the Bible. One such tale revises the biblical story of the deluge to have Noah rescue a prostitute who proceeds to revive the evils that God intended to destroy. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996.

Dancing after Hours: Stories RC 42573
by Andre Dubus
read by John Polk
2 cassettes
Fourteen short stories by an award-winning author. Major disappointments and hardships face the characters. Some find a sense of joy in their survival; others know a sense of satisfaction. Some just survive. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996.

The Pecos River: Rivers West RC 42587
by Frederic Bean
read by Roy Avers
2 cassettes
Weary of the sea and ill with a lung disease, Buck Wallace sets out to spend the rest of his life trapping along the Pecos River. Despite stories he hears of savage Comanches there, he does not fear death and wants to live in peace among the Indians. The brutality of life he finds is tempered by his unexpected love of Asa, a beautiful Kiowa woman. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 1995.

Trial by Fire RC 42599
by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
Dallas prosecutor Stella Cataloni finds herself accused not only of setting the fire that killed her parents but also of murdering her accuser and former flame Tom Randall. Stella must overcome the wily efforts of district attorney Holly Oppenheimer--a friend turned adversary--to prove her innocence. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Knocker on Death's Door RC 42634
by Ellis Peters
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
Set in a small remote English village near the Welsh border, this mystery begins with the dedication of what is supposed to be the original door of the village church. Inspector George Felse is called when a photographer is found dead at the door. 1970.

Sacrifice of Isaac RC 42636
by Neil Gordon
read by Annie Wauters
3 cassettes
Luke Benami goes to Jerusalem on the death of his father, a high Israeli official and a hero of World War II, only to learn that his expatriate older brother, Danni, has sent word that he expects a son's share of the inheritance. Luke's search for Danni takes him to Paris and to a shadowy world of mystery, deception, and murder. 1995.

Dance for the Dead RC 42659
by Thomas Perry
read by Mary Woods
2 cassettes
Jane Whitefield plies her uncommon specialty of helping people in trouble to disappear and start new lives. She saves the life of an eight-year-old boy from murderers set on plundering his trust account. Her second client is a savings-and-loan scam artist being pursued by security agents for an ill-gotten $50 million. 1996.

The Dogs of War RC 42670
by Frederick Forsyth
read by David Hartley-Margolin
3 cassettes (Reissue)
A minute-by-minute account of a coup involving the takeover of Zangaro, an emergent African state. Cat Shannon, a tough, cool mercenary leader, is up against Sir James Manson, a shrewd London money manipulator. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1974.

The Examination RC 42676
by Malcolm Bosse
read by David Hartley-Margolin
2 cassettes
Set in China during the Ming Dynasty, this story follows two brothers on their arduous journey from Chengdu to Beijing. Older brother Chen, the gifted scholar, is on his way to take the palace examination, accompanied by Hong, his loyal and brave younger brother. Along the way, they encounter a host of obstacles--pirates, floods, famine--and each brother carries a secret message. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1994.

Skeleton Crew RC 42678
by Stephen King
read by Jim Zeiger
4 cassettes
Stories primarily collected from magazines, written by a master of horror. Includes such tales as "The Jaunt," a science fiction horror hybrid; "The Monkey," a familiar tale of a demonic toy; and "Big Wheels," a humorous and macabre account set in rural Maine. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1985.

Recessional RC 42695
by James A. Michener
read by Jim Zeiger
4 cassettes
After some personal and career setbacks, physician Andy Zorn is hired to revitalize the Palms, a lagging retirement community in Tampa. Residents and staff of the Palms all have stories to tell, and some have major challenges to confront. 1994.

Runestone RC 42697
by Don Coldsmith
read by Jim Zeiger
4 cassettes
The tale of an early-eleventh-century Norse expedition that provokes an attack by Indians along the St. Lawrence River. Only two explorers survive, along with their Indian guide, nicknamed Odin. The three men brave a perilous inland trek to Odin's village, where the Norsemen confront a strange and alien civilization. Violence. 1995.

Death of a Dude: A Nero Wolfe Mystery RC 42699
by Rex Stout
read by Jim Zeiger
2 cassettes (Reissue)
When a detective's friend is accused of shooting a guest at a Montana dude ranch, the detective refuses to leave without solving the case. Nero Wolfe joins his assistant in the Wild West. 1969.

Rose RC 42707
by Martin Cruz Smith
read by John Horton
2 cassettes
Set in mid-nineteenth-century Victorian England in the mining town of Wigan, this story involves Jonathan Blair, an American explorer. Blair agrees to help coal baron Bishop Hannay find his daughter's fianc,, who disappeared on the same day that an explosion in one of Hannay's coal mines killed seventy-six people. Bestseller 1996.

Cause of Death RC 42716
by Patricia Cornwell
read by Madelyn Buzzard
2 cassettes
Dr. Kay Scarpetta, chief medical examiner for the commonwealth of Virginia, is covering for an absent deputy when she is informed of a drowning. The victim is a reporter Scarpetta knew, and soon she, her niece, and her police captain friend are drawn into a deadly investigation. Some strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1996.

Tobacco Sticks RC 42733
by William Elliott Hazelgrove
read by Robert Sams
2 cassettes
A Southern coming-of-age tale set in 1945, as the established order is beset by organized labor, new politics, and racial tension. In the poignant courtroom climax, a lonely man of conscience confronts bigotry and injustice. 1995.

Special Victims RC 42738
by Nick Gaitano
read by Steven Carpenter
2 cassettes
Rogue cop Tony Tulio bucks police corruption and the Chicago mob as he stalks the Collector, a contract killer of unwilling organ donors. When Tulio vies with a rich art gallery owner for the favors of a sexy district attorney, he makes a startling break in the case. Strong language and some violence. 1994.

Answer My Prayer RC 42740
by Sid Hite
read by Madelyn Buzzard
1 cassette
As the horse-drawn wagon nears the village of Valerton in the mythical kingdom of Korasan, Lydia grows more excited about her first dance. A brief encounter with the handsome carver Alderson Hale stirs her imagination long after she returns home. But her prayers about the elusive artist quickly give way to pleas for protection of her father's guild, which is threatened by the greed of the regent. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

Her Own Rules RC 42741
by Barbara Taylor Bradford
read by Ann Hodapp
2 cassettes
Meredith Stratton, successful owner of six international inns with plans for two more in Europe, is a happy mother with two children, one of whom is about to be engaged. But the fulfillment of Meredith's dreams is overshadowed by a fatiguing illness and visions of her lost childhood. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

Hey, Cowboy, Wanna Get Lucky? RC 42742
by Baxter Black
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
Two wild cowboys on the rodeo circuit, Cody and Lick, might be far from making the National Finals, but they are champions at living the cowboy life. Writing with humor and earthiness, the author, a cowboy poet and large-animal veterinarian, promises "sex, violence, intrigue, and the occasional philosophical observation," in this, his first novel. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

Missing: A Harry Stoner Novel RC 42743
by Jonathan Valin
read by David Palmer
2 cassettes
Private detective and former cop Harry Stoner is hired by Cindy Dorn to find her lover, Mason Greenleaf. The bisexual teacher has been missing for a few days. When leads indicate Greenleaf is helping a sick friend, Dorn drops the search. But Greenleaf's corpse is found in a hotel, and Stoner must determine what caused the apparent suicide. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1995.

Bloodchild and Other Stories RC 42749
by Octavia E. Butler
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
1 cassette
Short works by the author of Parable of the Sower (RC 39777). The title story, winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards for science fiction, tells of a horrified man, who, because of love, agrees to carry the devouring eggs and larvae of an extraterrestrial being. The collection includes three other science fiction pieces, a general short story, and two essays. The author, known for her feminist and racial themes, gives tips on getting published. 1995.

Say No to Murder: A Jenny Cain Mystery RC 42751
by Nancy Pickard
read by Madelyn Buzzard
2 cassettes
A member of the committee on renovating Liberty Harbor, Jenny Cain investigates the murder of the construction foreman to learn why the project is being sabotaged. Although her detective boyfriend is on the case, Jenny urgently seeks her own answers after a second sinister murder. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1985.

Stress RC 42752
by Loren D. Estleman
read by Ray Foushee
2 cassettes
It is New Year's Eve 1972 when a Detroit cop moonlighting at a posh party shoots and kills three intruders. On the case is officer Charlie Battle, who knows the department is protecting its own yet doggedly pursues the truth up to the startling courtroom climax. Companion to Edsel (RC 40817). Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996.

Going Native RC 42772
by Stephen Wright
read by Ray Foushee
3 cassettes
One day Wylie Jones decides to leave his suburban wife and family, steal his neighbor's car, and set out on a cross-country American joyride. Wylie's surreal adventure includes encounters with a murderous hitchhiker, several pornographic film stars, and the proprietor of a Las Vegas wedding chapel. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Debt to Pleasure RC 42788
by John Lanchester
read by Steven Carpenter
2 cassettes
Englishman Tarquin Winot, whose spiritual home is France, considers himself a chef and scholar. As he drives through France to his home in Provence, Winot treats us to recipes for some of his favorite dishes and reveals a sinister side to his nature. Bestseller 1996.

Notorious RC 42793
by Janet Dailey
read by Michele Schaeffer
3 cassettes
Eden Rossiter is struggling to hold on to Spur Ranch, just north of Friendly, Nevada. Her neighbor wants the ranch as retribution for the death of his brother, a death for which he blames Rossiter. She finds an ally in a newcomer who develops an interest in more than just saving her ranch. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Duke RC 42797
by Catherine Coulter
read by Corrie James
2 cassettes
Ian Carmichael, Duke of Portmaine, has also just become Earl of Penderleigh and plans to travel to Scotland to visit his recently inherited property. His fianc,e, Lady Felicity, is less than pleased at his departure during the London season, but Ian relishes the chance to escape. Yet he is unprepared for the people and problems he encounters when he reaches Penderleigh Castle. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1981.

How Stella Got Her Groove Back RC 42803
by Terry McMillan
read by Gail Nelson
2 cassettes
Forty-two-year-old Stella Payne, a successful, divorced black woman, decides on impulse to go to Jamaica while her son is visiting his father. Not expecting romance, Stella is shocked to be wooed by a twenty-year-old Jamaican student and even more surprised to find herself falling in love. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Statement RC 42804
by Brian Moore
read by Robert Blumenfeld
2 cassettes
Seventy-year-old Pierre Brossard, a former officer in France's Vichy government and a known Nazi collaborator, is wanted for crimes against humanity. He has eluded capture for over forty years, aided by officials in government and the Catholic Church. On his trail, however, is a vigilante group of Holocaust survivors who seek to avenge the dead. Bestseller 1996.

The Fourth Estate RC 42806
by Jeffrey Archer
read by George Holmes
4 cassettes
Richard Armstrong is a European Jew who escaped the Nazis and fled to England. Keith Townsend is the son of a wealthy Australian newspaper publisher. They control competing mass-circulation newspapers in Britain and New York, and each plans to own the largest media empire in the world. Some strong language. Bestseller 1996.

Tales from a Village School RC 42807
by Miss Read
read by Patricia Kilgarriff
1 cassette
Collection of forty tales from Miss Read's 1920s teaching days in England's rural village schools. 1995.

Slowness RC 42810
by Milan Kundera
read by Robert Blumenfeld
1 cassette
Two sexual encounters in the same French chfteau take place two hundred years apart. Kundera uses the tales to contrast the deliberate pace of eighteenth-century France with contemporary frantic activity and to highlight the ability of memory to savor only what has been experienced at leisure. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1996.

Together Alone RC 42812
by Barbara Delinsky
read by Barbara Caruso
3 cassettes
As September approaches in a small northeastern town, three women send their last children away to college and begin plans for their future. Kay's husband is more amorous than ever; Celeste, who is divorced, advertises for romance, adventure, and sex; and Emily, whose husband travels, wonders how to fill her empty days. Then Brian, a widower with a young child, rents a room from Emily. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995.

The Burglar in the Closet: A Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery RC 42814
by Lawrence Block
read by L.J. Ganser
1 cassette
New York burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr tries to keep his career a secret, but somehow his dentist finds out and wants to hire him. While Bernie is burgling the dentist's ex-wife's apartment, she returns and unknowingly locks Bernie in her closet. After picking his way out, Bernie discovers that the woman has been murdered and the killer has made off with Bernie's loot. Bernie is a prime suspect. Strong language. 1978.

Burglars Can't Be Choosers: A Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery RC 42815
by Lawrence Block
read by L.J. Ganser
2 cassettes
The first mystery featuring New York burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr. Bernie is commissioned to break into an apartment to steal a blue box, but the police burst in on Bernie before he can find it. The cops are just about to accept Bernie's bribe when they discover the still-warm body of the apartment owner. Bernie has no choice but to flee. From the author of The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams (RC 42198). Strong language. 1977.

Therapy RC 42816
by David Lodge
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
Middle-aged Tubby Passmore is a happily married, successful British sitcom writer who drives the car of his dreams. But he suffers from an angst that none of his many therapists can relieve. Finally, he seeks his peace from the past by reuniting with his first love. Strong language. 1995.

Bone Deep RC 42821
by David Wiltse
read by Chuck Benson
2 cassettes
As agent John Becker and his friend, Clamden police chief Tee Terhune, search for a serial murderer, they each wrestle with problems in their marriages. Meanwhile the killer is making his future victims fall in love with him. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1995.

The Voyage RC 42827
by Robert MacNeil
read by Chuck Benson
2 cassettes
David Lyon of the Canadian foreign service has just been offered a plum job by the prime minister when another bit of news deflates his mood. Former fashion model Francesca D'Anielli is missing from a rented boat and presumed dead, leaving behind a note to David. David's remembrances of their adulterous affair alternate with scenes from Francesca's time on the boat as she, too, thinks back on her life. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1995.

Resistance RC 42842
by Anita Shreve
read by Gabriella Cavallero
2 cassettes
In 1943 an American B-17 is downed near a village in Nazi-occupied Belgium. At a safe house the injured pilot finds succor and love with an unhappily married woman. Then he is arrested. Fifty years later his betrayer's identity is revealed to his lovechild. 1995.

Telling Time RC 42843
by Austin Wright
read by David Hartley-Margolin
2 cassettes
The Westerly family reunites amid confusion about the elderly father's condition. Did he have a stroke, was he shot intervening in a hostage situation, or both? Through notes, faxes, and letters to each other during the crisis, members share stories and quirks. The most surprising revelations are found in the father's papers after his death. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1995.

Refinements of Love: A Novel about Clover and Henry Adams RC 42848
by Sarah Booth Conroy
read by Jill Ferris
2 cassettes
Fictional diary of Clover Adams, wife of scholar, presidential grandson, and Washington socialite Henry Adams. Her mysterious death by poison in 1885 scandalized the capital city, and this diary based on research chronicles the events that led to her death, proffering a motive that would suggest murder. 1993.

Johanna: A Novel of the van Gogh Family RC 42861
by Claire Cooperstein
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
2 cassettes
Fictional diary of the sister-in-law of artist Vincent van Gogh, beginning with Johanna's marriage to brother Theo. Recounts Vincent's cutting off his own ear, the birth of Johanna and Theo's son, Vincent's suicide, Theo's decline and death, Johanna's establishment of a boarding house, and her efforts to have Vincent's work acknowledged. 1995.

Reckless Driver RC 42862
by Lisa Vice
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
2 cassettes
Through a series of vignettes, Lana Franklin looks at her life, from age six to eleven, growing up in 1960s rural Indiana with an older sister. Her father's mental illness affects the entire family, and her mother is self-absorbed. Strong language. 1995.

Plot It Yourself: A Nero Wolfe Mystery RC 42866
by Rex Stout
read by Jim Zeiger
1 cassette (Reissue)
Originally published in 1959. Includes a new introduction by Susan Dunlap. A succession of charges of plagiarism against writers and publishing houses indicates there is evidence beyond blackmail, especially when a murder occurs. 1994.

The Deep End of the Ocean RC 42874
by Jacquelyn Mitchard
read by Barbara Caruso
3 cassettes
While on a trip to Chicago with her three young children, a woman briefly turns away from her three-year-old son in a hotel lobby. The child vanishes, leaving his family anguished and splintered. Nine years later, some hope is rekindled when a familiar-looking boy shows up at their house. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

"M" Is for Malice RC 42875
by Sue Grafton
read by Mitzi Friedlander
2 cassettes
In this sequel to "L" Is for Lawless (RC 40689), private detective Kinsey Millhone is hired to locate a missing person. Years ago, as a young drug and alcohol abuser, Guy Malek left home in disgrace. Now his father has died, and Guy's brothers are outraged to learn Guy is still in the will. Some strong language and some violence. Bestseller 1996.

The Regulators RC 42876
by Richard Bachman
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
3 cassettes
After autistic six-year-old Seth Garon's family is murdered, he goes to live with relatives in a placid Ohio suburb. Mayhem erupts when the alien Tak, who inhabits Seth's body, emerges to attack the neighborhood with a bizarre force of violent, cartoonish creatures. Companion to Desperation (RC 43098), written under the name Stephen King. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1996.

Alias Grace RC 42878
by Margaret Atwood
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
3 cassettes
A fictional portrait of Grace Marks, a sixteen-year-old Canadian domestic who was convicted in the murder of her employer and his mistress in 1843. In prison, Grace is hypnotized by a psychiatrist to help her recall the murders and reveal whether she is a monster or a victim. Violence and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Mamur Zapt and the Men Behind: A Suspense Tale of Old Cairo RC 42884
by Michael Pearce
read by Patrick Horgan
2 cassettes
Cairo, Egypt, 1909. The khedive is taking his time in naming a new prime minister. Meanwhile someone shoots at a customs agent, and violence erupts in the bazaars. As if that's not enough, David Cadwallader Owen, the mamur zapt, or head of Cairo's secret police, must also contend with increasing reports of civil servants being followed. 1991.

Yolk: Short Stories RC 42889
by Josip Novakovich
read by Ed Blake
2 cassettes
Croatian-born author combines the tone of folktales with wit and realism. Daily life in Croatia is depicted in an unromanticized but affectionate manner in seventeen stories. In "The Burning Clog," a man returning from America learns that his favorite storyteller got his stories from library books and war experiences, not from oral tradition. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1995.

The Best of O. Henry RC 42891
by O. Henry
read by Gordon Gould
2 cassettes
Twenty-six short stories, originally published in the New York World newspaper, about city life in the early 1900s. Includes such well-known tales as "Gift of the Magi" and less familiar ones, such as "Memories of a Yellow Dog." While their themes vary, the stories share O. Henry's incisive humor, irony, and pathos. 1978.

In the Loyal Mountains RC 42901
by Rick Bass
read by Gregory Gorton
1 cassette
Ten stories depicting people living close to nature in Montana and the deep South. In the title story, a man recounts his youthful escapades with his adventurous uncle in the Texas hill country. Other stories deal with human isolation or conflict, but all are told against the backdrop of the environment. 1995.

The Day RC 42903
by Douglas Hobbie
read by Mary Kane
2 cassettes
The day is Thanksgiving 1991, and Jack and Gwen Fletcher are spending the holiday with her smug, wealthy New England family. Jack seems to be the only one to recollect the suicide of Gwen's sister--Jack's soul mate--just one year earlier. The day's events unfold to reveal a tragic family portrait. Strong language. 1993.

Swan Road RC 42907
by Rebecca Brandewyne
read by Michele Schaeffer
3 cassettes
Princess Rhowenna of Usk awakens many times from a nightmare in which her beloved is slain by a warrior who arrives on a red-sailed ship. But she is afraid to tell anyone, lest they think her a witch. Now, standing at the cliff's edge, Rhowenna knows her destiny has arrived. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Yellow Admiral RC 42910
by Patrick O'Brian
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
This sequel to The Commodore (RC 39897) finds Jack Aubrey ashore in England. Beset by lawsuits, debts, and political disputes, he also faces forced retirement from the navy. Friend Stephen Maturin, surgeon, secures them both posts with the Chilean navy, just as Napoleon escapes from Elba--and Aubrey is urgently recalled to active service. Bestseller 1996.

Heart of War: Loss of Eden, Volume 2 RC 42912
by John Masters
read by John Horton
5 cassettes
In this sequel to Now, God Be Thanked (RC 14560), it is 1916 and President Wilson has committed an isolationist America to battle in the trenches of Europe. Meanwhile, four disparate English families are beset by the turmoil of war and the sacrifices it demands. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. 1980.

Pride of Lions RC 42914
by Morgan Llywelyn
read by Terry Donnelly
3 cassettes
In this sequel to Lion of Ireland (RC 17081), Donough, Brian Boru's son, vies for his father's crown after the latter's death in 1014. Plotting against Donough, however, is his formidable mother, Gormlaith, who was exiled by Boru. And Donough must choose between his bride, Neassa, and Cera the druid, of whom the church staunchly disapproves. Some descriptions of sex. 1996.

Lord Grizzly: Buckskin Man Tales, Volume 2 RC 42917
by Frederick Manfred
read by J.P. Linton
3 cassettes (Reissue)
This story, originally published in 1954, tells of a mountain man's agonizing adventure in hostile Indian country in the early 1800s. Deserted and left to die, he drags his broken body across two hundred miles of wilderness in search of revenge. Sequel to Conquering Horse (RC 11401). Some violence. 1983.

Ain't Gonna Be the Same Fool Twice RC 42921
by April Sinclair
read by Gail Nelson
2 cassettes
Stevie is a young African American woman coming to terms with her sexual and racial identity in the 1970s. A trip to San Francisco becomes a journey of self-discovery as she explores feminist perspectives and lesbian relationships. Sequel to Coffee Will Make You Black (RC 40187). Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1996.

An Open Weave RC 42922
by Devorah Major
read by Connie Winston
2 cassettes
Imani turns seventeen today. Her mother, grandmother, and extended family want to celebrate, but Imani has not come home. Although she knows the family is waiting, Imani chooses to stay with her best friend, Amanda, who is pregnant and has no one else to turn to. While the family tells stories of the past, Imani helps Amanda cope with the present. 1995.

Under the Domim Tree RC 42926
by Gila Almagor
read by Suzanne Toren
1 cassette
Autobiographical novel about young girls growing up in a youth village in Israel. Most of the children were orphaned in the Holocaust in Europe. Now teenagers, they wrestle with their own identities and coming adulthood. Aviya, a Sabra, seeks answers about her father's death. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

Straitjacket and Tie RC 42956
by Eugene Stein
read by Steven Carpenter
2 cassettes
Philip Rosenbaum has just finished his freshman year at college when he has a psychotic breakdown. Philip's brother Bert, sixteen, has doubts about his sexual orientation. Later when Bert gets a job and moves to Manhattan, he finds himself attracted to both a female and a male coworker, and then he is visited by aliens. Bert begins to wonder if he too is becoming psychotic. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1994.

The Rotary Club Murder Mystery RC 42961
by Graham Landrum
read by Margaret Strom
2 cassettes
The district governor of the Rotary Club is found shot in his locked hotel room the day he is to give his annual speech in Borderville, Virginia-Tennessee. Because of her success in solving The Famous DAR Murder Mystery (RC 42097), the Rotary Club members offer to pay eighty-eight-year-old Harriet Bushrow's expenses if she'll investigate his death. 1993.

The Last Integrationist RC 42965
by Jake Lamar
read by Bob Moore
3 cassettes
A political tale set in a racially divided America. Conservative U.S. Attorney General Melvin Hutchinson, an African American espousing public executions and other harsh crime measures, is on the verge of being named vice president. But party leaders have a private agenda, and Hutchinson has a potentially explosive secret. Some strong language. 1996.

Partners in Crime RC 42971
by Agatha Christie
read by Anne Flosnik
2 cassettes (Reissue)
A series of twenty-three light parodies about the vicissitudinous lives of Tommy and Tuppence Beresford since they took over an international detective agency. No one can say the Beresfords were not warned. But they are confident in the knowledge gleaned from reading every detective novel published in the past decade. 1929.

Floaters RC 42976
by Joseph Wambaugh
read by L.J. Ganser
2 cassettes
The America's Cup comes to San Diego, and Ambrose Lutterworth, the Keeper of the Cup, plots with prostitute Blaze Duvall to sabotage New Zealand's yacht. Duvall's suspicious behavior gets the attention of a pair of water cops. Then, on the eve of the race, Duvall and another hooker are found dead. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Piper on the Mountain RC 42977
by Ellis Peters
read by Graeme Malcolm
2 cassettes
Dominic Felse, son of Inspector George Felse, has plans for a European trip with friends, including Tossa Terrell. But what should have been a holiday turns into a hunt for the murderer of Tossa's father, Herbert, a mountain climber who supposedly falls during an expedition. 1966.

Idoru RC 42981
by William Gibson
read by Christopher Hurt
2 cassettes
In near-future Tokyo, Colin Laney is hired to sleuth the pending marriage of pop-singer Rez to an "idoru," or hologram image. Laney uses his unique talent to discern patterns within vast sets of "nodal points" and encounters smugglers, the Russian Mafia, and high-tech intrigue. Strong language and violence. 1996.

Haveli RC 42984
by Suzanne Fisher Staples
read by Yolande Bavan
2 cassettes
Continues the story begun in Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind (RC 32145). Shabanu and her young daughter are never safe from the cruelty within Rahim's family. Hoping for a better future, she begs to go with Rahim to his ancestral home in Lahore. But even there she remains in danger. For junior and senior high readers. 1993.

Love among the Haystacks and Other Stories RC 42986
by D.H. Lawrence
read by Graeme Malcolm
1 cassette
The title story, set in the English countryside, depicts two brothers, both fiercely shy of women and jealous of one another, who learn the pleasures of love. The other five tales are about a wonderfully preserved woman of seventy-two, a man who loved his neighbor's wife, a child who goes mad with the thought of becoming rich, a man who wants to be alone on an island, and a resurrection in Jerusalem. 1930.

The Trial of Elizabeth Cree: A Novel of the Limehouse Murders RC 42987
by Peter Ackroyd
read by George Holmes
2 cassettes
In a squalid London neighborhood in 1880, brutal murders are suspected by some to be the work of a mythical "golem." But John Cree's diary reveals otherwise after his wife, Elizabeth, is executed for his murder. Karl Marx and other thinkers of the period become involved in the case. Violence. 1994.

Death of a Nag: A Hamish Macbeth Mystery RC 42989
by M.C. Beaton
read by John Horton
1 cassette
On holiday to forget his troubles, Scottish constable Hamish Macbeth himself becomes a murder suspect. Another guest at the third-rate boardinghouse, an abusive husband, turns up dead after being punched in the nose by Hamish. But other guests have grudges against the nagging husband, and Hamish begins sleuthing. 1995.

The Camelot Caper RC 42990
by Elizabeth Peters
read by Barbara Caruso
2 cassettes
Jessica Tregarth has come to England to visit her grandfather, and at his request has brought along an antique ring that had belonged to her father. As soon as Jessica arrives, someone tries to steal her suitcase, and while she is visiting Salisbury Cathedral, the same person attacks her, demanding she hand over the ring. 1969.

At Home with the Glynns: The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences, and Observations of Peter Leroy (Continued) RC 42994
by Eric Kraft
read by Christopher Hurt
1 cassette
Peter Leroy, almost twelve, is captivated by the twin daughters of the neighboring Glynns, but his first task is to gain the confidence of their bohemian parents, an artist and a poet. Peter's involvement in art heightens both his aesthetic and sexual awareness. Sequel to What a Piece of Work I Am (RC 41170). Descriptions of sex. 1995.

Moving House: Stories RC 43003
by Pawel Huelle
read by Robert Blumenfeld
1 cassette
English translations of seven short stories set in modern Poland. Huelle often writes from the perspective of childhood and imbues his stories with a sense of magic realism. In "Snails, Puddles, Rain," a young lad's observations of snails lead to contemplation about faith, death, and the mysteries of life. 1995.

Lieberman's Thief: An Abe Lieberman Mystery RC 43004
by Stuart Kaminsky
read by Richard Davidson
2 cassettes
When he finds the house he carefully cased is occupied after all, George "Pitty-Pitty" Patniks hides in the pantry, leaving his burglar tools in plain sight. But the homeowner is intent on killing his wife and doesn't notice Patniks or his tools--until he has finished. Some violence and some strong language. 1995.

The Emperor's Coloured Coat RC 43006
by John Biggins
read by Robert Blumenfeld
3 cassettes
In this prequel to A Sailor of Austria (RC 39418), Austrian navy lieutenant Otto Prohaska stumbles on a plot to kill Archduke Ferdinand in 1914. Otto's seniors ignore his warning and post him to China, where he contends with pirates and other sordid types before returning to Vienna and the decaying empire he serves. Violence. 1992.

Ill Wind RC 43008
by Nevada Barr
read by Suzanne Toren
2 cassettes
In this sequel to A Superior Death (RC 39506), widowed park ranger Anna Pigeon has transferred to the Anasazi ruins of Colorado's Mesa Verde National Park. Construction workers are replacing water lines, upsetting historians and possibly Indian spirits, and a high number of tourist medical alerts are occurring. Then Anna's problems increase: an intruder attacks her, and a colleague she has feelings for is murdered. Strong language and some violence. 1995.

Forget Me Not RC 43009
by Shari MacDonald
read by Nona Pipes
2 cassettes
Hayley Buckman, landscape architect, has traveled to England for an internship at Harrington Gardens on the Newhaven estate. Upon arriving she literally runs into the head gardener, Carson Elliott, and is quickly caught up in the lives of the residents. Then she receives a note warning her to leave. 1996.

Billingsgate Shoal: A Doc Adams Thriller RC 43011
by Rick Boyer
read by J.P. Linton
2 cassettes
When Doc Adams suggests that young diver Allan Hart swim to an apparently stranded boat to see if help is needed, Adams doesn't expect that his friend will turn up dead with a head wound. Guilt drives Adams to try to identify the boat and talk to its owner, but he soon finds himself in danger. Violence and some strong language. Edgar Award winner. 1982.

Like Sisters on the Homefront RC 43031
by Rita Williams-Garcia
read by Melissa Maxwell
1 cassette
At fourteen, Gayle is pregnant for the second time in Jamaica, New York. Her mother takes her for an abortion and then sends Gayle and her young son to stay with the family of Gayle's minister uncle in Georgia. Whining and missing her homegirls, Gayle is disgusted by her straitlaced relatives including her cousin Cookie. But by summer's end, Gayle's whole world has been turned upside down. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

Damned Strong Love: The True Story of Willi G. and Stefan K. RC 43032
by Lutz van Dijk
read by Ken Kliban
1 cassette
In this historical novel, Stefan K. was sixteen in 1939 when the Nazis occupied his native Poland. It was then that Stefan realized his homosexuality and began a love affair with a German soldier. The discovery of their liaison led to a brutal prison term, which Stefan barely survived. Strong language and violence. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

I'm Losing You RC 43042
by Bruce Wagner
read by Carole Jordan Stewart
3 cassettes
A series of vignettes depicting the hip and deviant lives of some of Hollywood's rich and famous power brokers. Features a gallery of celebrities, agents, porn stars, and hangers-on who are engulfed in a culture obsessed with fame and self-gratification. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1996.

Desert Rain RC 43126
by Elizabeth Lowell
read by Mary Woods
2 cassettes
Holly Shannon North is two women in one body. Holly is an awkward duckling haunted by dreams of Linc McKenzie, a teenage crush. Shannon is a well-known fashion model. Now Holly Shannon North has returned to California, where she grew up. And when her Shannon persona first encounters Linc, sparks fly. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

Dirt RC 43128
by Stuart Woods
read by Chuck Benson
2 cassettes
When gossip columnist Amanda Dart finds herself the victim of scandalous fax messages sent to the national media, she calls in ex-cop Stone Barrington. As the venomous faxes begin to involve other celebrities as well, someone is driven to murder. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1996.

The Sensational Music Club Mystery RC 43213
by Graham Landrum
read by Margaret Strom
1 cassette
As the ladies of the Borderville Music Club gather for their annual fashion-show fund-raiser, their emcee, Monica Gaulton, is found murdered. Monica had recently returned and was newly married to a wealthy old man, much to the dismay of his heirs. Now Harriet Gardner Bushrow and her friends from the DAR and the Rotary Club get involved in the case and take turns telling the story. Sequel to The Rotary Club Murder Mystery (RC 42961). 1994.

Timepiece RC 43227
by Richard Paul Evans
read by Barry Bernson
1 cassette
In this prequel to The Christmas Box (RC 43556), David and MaryAnne Parkin of Salt Lake City, 1908, attach special significance to a timepiece that becomes a symbol of the importance of time spent with loved ones. Bestseller 1996.

It's a Matter of Trust RC 43238
by Marcia Byalick
read by Kerry Cundiff
1 cassette
Sixteen-year-old Erika Gresham's father, who monitors student loans for the state of New York, is accused of taking a bribe. As the Greshams try to avoid reporters while awaiting the trial, Erika's anger toward her father grows. For junior and senior high readers. 1995.

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