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Newspaper and Current Periodcial Reading Room (Serial and Government Publications Division)

United Nations Collection

  1. United Nations documents, 1945/46-.
    U.N. documents are arranged by document number in the closed stacks of the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room, Madison Building, Room LM-133. The U.N. documents collection includes both paper and microfiche.
  2. United Nations Official Records, 1946-.
    Official records are produced by major bodies of the U.N. that hold meetings; for example, the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Trusteeship Council. They are the final, official forms of selected documents, primarily meeting records, important annual reports, resolutions and decisions. The Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room has U.N. Official Records in paper or microfiche. Older years of the major Official Record sets are also bound and in the permanent collections in the Jefferson and Adams buildings.
  3. Current serial publications of the United Nations.
    The Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room has aproximately the last two years of United Nations serials published more frequently than annually. Older U.N. serials are located in either the Jefferson or Adams building depending on the call number.
  The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers >> Research Centers
  October 19, 2005
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