Ready to Read * Ready to Learn
First Lady Laura Bush's Education Initiatives
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Foreword by First Lady Laura W. Bush

Some of my fondest memories are of sitting quietly wrapped in my mother's arms, listening to her read to me. Little did I know that she was doing much more than providing comfort and entertainment -- she was paving the way for learning and success in school.

Unfortunately, not every child is as fortunate as I was.

Some children enter school without even knowing the basics, such as the alphabet and counting. For these children, reading and learning can often be a struggle. And, it is a struggle that affects every American because if our children are not able to read, they are not able to lead.

Our challenge is to reach these children early and lift them to success. My experiences as a mother and an elementary school teacher have taught me that children that are ready to read are ready to learn.

As First Lady, I will work tirelessly to make sure that every child gains the basic skills to be successful in school and in life.

Across America, there are countless classroom heroes who are helping children beat the odds. I want to build on their success by helping to recruit more teachers, shine the spotlight on successful early childhood pre-reading and vocabulary programs, and help parents get access to information that will help them help their children learn.

Each of us has a duty to help our children achieve their full potential. By working together, we can shape the destiny of America's children with our hands and hearts.

Children who are able to read will be ready to learn and ready to lead.

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Last Modified: 03/01/2007