[NIFL-FOBASICS:65] Introduction

From: Audrey Riffenburgh (ariff@unm.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 07 1999 - 18:56:20 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:65] Introduction
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I'd like to introduce myself. I am the director of New Mexico's
Adult Basic Education Professional Development Project. We provide 
publications, workshops, funding for research and development projects,
curriculum materials, and technical assistance to ABE programs throughout
the state. 

I am also a readability, "Plain English," and health literacy consultant.
For four years, I ran a consulting and training business, primarily
serving the medical community. We provided training and technical
assistance in developing reader-friendly materials. Interestingly, the
majority of medical and health care materials developed for the public are
written at a college reading level, beyond the reach of most of the
population. Moreover, most documents don't conform to document design
principles for maximum reading ease.  

I subscribed to Focus on Basics because I want to glean and pass on the
latest best practices to the practitioners our project serves. 

Audrey Riffenburgh, Director		"The main dangers in this life  
Adult Basic Education 353 Project	are the people who want to change
College of Education 221		everything--or nothing." 
University of New Mexico				Nancy Astor
Albuquerque, NM  87131			
Phone: (505)277-5259
Fax: (505)277-0017 or 277-5553
E-mail: ariff@unm.edu

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