From: Jeanette Baldridge (ginet_b@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 09:53:00 EDT

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From: "Jeanette Baldridge" <ginet_b@hotmail.com>
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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:163] Re:
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Would be very interested in seeing the discussion you mentioned, but have no 
idea how to access it. Pointers, anyone?


>From: "GEORGE E. DEMETRION" <gdemetrion@juno.com>
>Reply-To: nifl-fobasics@literacy.nifl.gov
>To: Multiple recipients of list <nifl-fobasics@literacy.nifl.gov>
>Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:161] Re:
>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 22:35:17 -0400 (EDT)
>I don't know whether you have access to the FOB archives, but from
>9-7-9-10-99 several of us had a spirited discussion on the Wilson System,
>whole language, andsthe importance of student narratives, which I think
>would be particularly interesting in a college level writing course.  The
>discussion did not focus on Reading Recovery.
>I count 10 thoughtful posts on that topic.  A review of those materials
>might be a good place to begin.
>George Demetrion
>P.S.  While I have the horn, I had stated in one of the posts something
>like, "despite the plentitude of student narratives  that abound in our
>field, as a genre, they remain fairly marginalized.  I won't add my
>thoughts as to why that might be so at this time, but I do wonder:
>a)  whether folks on this list agree or disagree
>b)  if agree, would venture some thoughts as to why
>c)  what would be invloved and whether it would be valuable (losses and
>gains) of making student narratives of all manifestations  a more central
>part of our work?
>On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:24:11 -0400 (EDT) "Jeanette Baldridge"
><ginet_b@hotmail.com> writes:
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am an adult ed teacher and also teach writing for the University of
> >Maine.
> >
> >As and adult ed teacher, I use Wilson Reading for very low level
> >readers
> >with great success. Recently, however, a comment was made by someone
> >who
> >teaches Reading Recover that she did not think Wilson was a good
> >program. I
> >am wondering what others think, especially in view of the fact that as
> >a
> >college writing teacher, I have found that the majority of students
> >who are
> >right out of high school, and who I assume have been taught with the
> >whole
> >language theory, cannot spell, punctuate, or write a correct sentence.
> >
> >I was unhappy with my own children's involvement with the whole
> >language
> >technique. Teachers seemed to stress writing in quantity as opposed to
> >using
> >correct grammar and punctuation.
> >
> >Any clarification will be very helpful. I would like to understand the
> >
> >philosophy behind both Reading Recover and the whole language system
> >and how
> >they are related.
> >
> >Jeanette Baldridge
> >Bethel Adult Ed
> >Bethel, Maine
> >
> >______________________________________________________
> >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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