[NIFL-FOBASICS:126] accountability balance

From: ralph silva (silva_ralph@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Sep 08 1999 - 22:14:46 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:126] accountability balance
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When we think about all the accountability scenarios presented in Juliet 
Merrifield's piece; is there a hierarchy of accountabilities? On page 10 she 
says, "Reforming accountability requires moving from one-way, top-down lines 
of accountability to a mutual web of accountability 
relationships...(changes) will require federal and state government 
departments to consult with the field and with stakeholders."
How can these goals be implemented in a way that both honors the mission (of 
ABE) and satisfies funders and legislators? Does success depend on the type 
and size of your organization? Can Shirley Wright's success in Maine be 
duplicated in other programs? If not, why not, and if not, how do you decide 
what takes precedence? RS

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