[NIFL-FOBASICS:120] accountability

From: ralph silva (silva_ralph@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 22:48:03 EDT

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HI. My name is Ralph Silva. I teach at the Adult Learning Center in 
Brattleboro, VT. Our office is part of Vermont Adult Learning, a statewide 
ABE organization. I will be taking over as moderator of this online FOB 
discussion forum. Thanks to Barb Garner for giving me this opportunity to 
help the cause.
I'd like to start the accountability discussion by posing a general 
question. In the next few days, I will follow up with more specific 
questions inspired by articles in the June FOB. Whoops, I see you've already 
started. No problem.Here's my question;

How has the increasing emphasis on accountability affected what you do with 
your learners? That is, do you have to assess differently/more, use more of 
your time documenting, change the kind of class activites you do,have a 
greater sense of learner progress? Discuss-we'll talk. RS

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