[NIFL-FOBASICS:29] Introductions

From: Peggy Lewis (mlewis@egusd.k12.ca.us)
Date: Sun Mar 14 1999 - 14:44:57 EST

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From: Peggy Lewis <mlewis@egusd.k12.ca.us>
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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:29] Introductions
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	I have mulitiple interestes in the field literacy.  I am president of a
regional literacy coalition as well as teaching literacy and ESL in a
county jail.  My years of teaching experience include first language
literacy (in both Englisha and Spanish) as well as second language
literacy, with very beginning ESL students.  
	Currently, my major curiosity has to do with LD issues in adult literacy
programs.   Our literacy coalition is working with adult ed schools,  a
One-Stop Center, and specialists from several LD centers to put on a
workshop for tutors and others working with LD students.  We are also
talking about creating a network of assistance for LD learners that will
include workshops for tutor training, coaching for tutor/learner pairs who
need more help, and underwriting of expenses for learners who need
attention of specialists. 
	I hope this list will encourage all of us to share questions and solutions
and to pose new questions.

Peggy Lewis			
Elk Grove Adult  Education		(916) 874-1943
Sacramento, CA                     	(916) 874-1901 (fax)

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