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Annual Secondary Education Expenditures per Student

Description of chart is below.
Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Education at a Glance, 2004.
This graph shows that on secondary education (per student) the United States spends more than 17 other nations.

Total U.S. Expenditures for Elementary and Secondary Education

Description of chart is below.
Sources: NCES, "Common Core of Data," surveys and unpublished data.
This graph shows that federal funding for Title I, which provides grants to help disadvantaged children, rose from under $3 billion in 1980 to more than $7 billion in 2000 and nearly $14 billion in 2005.

Total Expenditures per Pupil (for Fall Enrollment)

Description of chart is below.
Source: NCES, Digest of Education Statistics, 2003.
* No data available for 1966-67 and 1968-69.
This graph shows that average education expenditures per pupil (for fall enrollment) rose from $3,400 in 1965 to $8,745 in 2001.

Title I Grants for Disadvantaged Children

Description of chart is below.
Sources: 2006 U.S. Budget, Historical Tables.
This graph shows that spending on education from all sources—local, state, federal, and others—rose from $249 billion in 1990-91 to $442.7 billion in 2000-01 and $501.3 billion in 2003-04.

Federal Spending Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Description of chart is below.
Funding under NCLB. Detail in next chart.
Sources: 2006 U.S. Budget, Historical Tables.
This graph shows that the federal investment in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act rose from under $2 billion in 1966 to $15 billion in 2000 and $25 billion in 2005.

No Child Left Behind Funding: 2002-06

Description of chart is below.
Sources: 2006 U.S. Budget, Historical Tables. Note: FY 2001 is the baseline year—the last year of federal funding for elementary and secondary education prior to funding under NCLB.

Federal Grants to States for Special Education *

Description of chart is below.
* Under IDEA, Part B, Grants to States.
Sources: 2006 U.S. Budget, Historical Tables.
This graph shows that federal grants from special education rose from under $250 million in 1977 to $5 billion in 2000 nearly $12 billion in 2005.