[NIFL-FOBASICS:138] Tailored Reading

From: Jeffrey B. Reiter (jefcar@herald.infi.net)
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 14:22:35 EDT

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I thought I'd throw in something into the discussion of how to teach
beginning reading with something I've been developing for a long time,
called Tailored Reading. I recently started a web site to share the
information and I just wrote the following to generate interest. I'd be
delighted to receive comments.


Tailored Reading
An exciting breakthrough in literacy education is now on the Internet!
Jeffrey B. Reiter
September 23, 1999

The innovative techniques of Tailored Reading, which represent a genuine
breakthrough in reading instruction for at-risk readers, are now
available to be learned via the internet by prospective tutors at
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8493/Homepage.htm. Since the
ideas and materials can be downloaded directly from the web pages for
free, and they can enable almost anyone to help at-risk readers of any
age, this extremely cost-effective system brings literacy within the
reach of everyone! While the method was primarily developed for pupils
who have difficulty just "getting off the ground," parents, volunteers,
and teachers can also use the ideas with preschoolers, with pupils
learning English as a second language, adult illiterates, as well as
other categories of beginning readers.

The "breakthrough" concept of the system sounds almost too simple, but
it works. It holds that the continuous mastery of words is the most
consequential goal of instruction for beginning readers (as compared to,
for example, comprehension ac-tivities), and this is where instructional
time is spent most efficiently. The system involves the constant
upgrading of the pu-pil’s mastery of the most frequently used words
(preprimer, primer, first grade, etc.), while simultaneously increasing
his abil-ity to decode (sound out) "new" ones. Tailored Reading
represents a highly personalized integration of the whole word
(look-say) and phonics methods. It also complements the "top-down" whole
language approach (in which instruction is based on children’s
literature, from which new words and phonic elements are extracted and
taught). The pupil’s knowledge of the fundamental building blocks of
reading (sightwords, phonics, and vocabulary) are elevated by using
"bottom up" techniques, such as learning new words through motivational
manipulation activities rather than from a particular story.

Almost by definition, at-risk readers, for various reasons, develop
ever-increasing gaps in their reading vocabularies as soon as they are
involved in formal instruction. Typically, teachers have little or no
mechanism to systematically find and fill these gaps, and as a result,
such pupils slip increasingly further behind. It is the specific
emphasis of Tailored Reading that enables the tutor to supplement
instruction for an at-risk reader in a highly efficient manner,
regardless of what curriculum the class-room teacher is using. This is
accomplished by nurturing the development of the pupil’s mastery of
sightwords, phonics, and vocabulary, to the degree that he can succeed
with each, based on his specific gaps, which the tutor continuously
finds and fills.

Tailored Reading techniques enable tutors (who may be parents,
volunteers, and even peers) to bring the joy of reading to pupils for
whom school failure has caused high frustration, low self-esteem, and
perhaps even a range of destructive and anti-social behaviors. What may
be impossible for overworked teachers is done quite easily by means of
this one-on-one, highly individualized approach. The Tailored Reading
tutor provides the conditions that enable the pupil to realize that she
does, in fact, possess knowledge, and that she is able to use this
knowledge to further her learning. This is done by uncovering what the
pupil already knows and then specifically relating new material to that,
rather than using a more arbitrary, fixed curricu-lum, so typical of
classroom and tutoring programs. As the pupil’s reading vocabulary
improves, she is progressively able and motivated to utilize materials
consisting of her newly learned words.

One of the chief reasons for the current pressing need for school reform
involves the myriad problems we face as we try to promote a literate
population. If all youngsters would truly be able to read on grade level
by third grade there would probably be no debate concerning vouchers,
and we would be looking towards improvement in other subject areas to
expand the po-tentials of our children. Hopefully these efforts would
greatly advance the arts and humanities, laying the groundwork for the
involvement of our future leaders and citizens in a more humane society.

On the web site, aside from the descriptive material, interested
individuals will find very usable advice that actually enables them to
help beginning readers as soon as some of the major ideas are
assimilated. Pretesting a learner usually takes less than 30 minutes,
the knowledge from which immediately enables the tutor to provide highly
motivational reading experiences. The flexibility of Tailored Reading
makes many scenarios possible The system can be used almost anywhere,
whenever a tutoring team can meet. Tutors might be parents, for example,
working alone (with our without the teacher’s cooperation), or
volun-teers, as part of a tutoring network in an after school center.
The latter can be a wonderfully supportive environment for shar-ing
creative ideas, running motivational contests, and in general, providing
community spirit.

Tailored Reading empowers people to become part of the solution by
empowering kids!

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