[NIFL-FOBASICS:113] Re: to the multiple intelligences authors

From: nike (nike@mcmail.com)
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 14:19:11 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:113] Re: to the multiple intelligences authors
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Mkenned99@aol.com wrote:
> The other night when my parenting class was over and the families were all
> gone a colleague came back to my classroom and exclaimed, "This classroom is
> a MESS!."  There were papers, markers, playdough, magazines, scissors and
> glue strewn over the floor and tables and writing all over the chalkboard.
> (If my colleague had come into the classroom 30 minutes earlier he may have
> said it was noisy, chaotic -- a mess!)  I took his comment as a great
> compliment and said, "Yes --  It's a disaster-area.  It was a great class!"
> My students thought so, too.  Thank you to the authors of the FOB issue on
> multiple intelligences.  I might never have had such a "messy classroom"
> without your support!
Who are you and what are you going on about?????????

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