[NIFL-FOBASICS:73] Re: Volunteer Recruitment

From: AWoodc3207@aol.com
Date: Sun Apr 18 1999 - 19:24:58 EDT

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Hey Frances,

I'm way behind on reading and housekeeping the Listservs and I apologize if 
this input to your NIFL-FOBASICS posting of 04/12/1999 is too late for your 
need.  Also apologize to monitors and members of the listserv if this is not 
the proper way to respond.

You've received some great replies which I want to keep in my references for 
board work supporting our volunteer, Laubach-based, basic literacy program in 
Montgomery, Alabama. I want to add my experience that occurred on two 
different occasions because they didn't really require a lot of extra effort.

Last spring, volunteer response to our tutor training workshops began to fall 
off to the point we canceled one but ran two with less than our ten trainee 
minimum (Six and seven) because we were desperate with a growing learner 
waiting list.  Our training committee called all the media and other 
newsletter outlets to see what it took to get on their public serviced 
announcements, but still had no great increase in volunteer response (PSAs 
are traditionally read at less than peak listening/viewing hour and printed 
ones are often buried in remote places of the print media.  

We began a campaign to get on prime time and on the visual pages of the print 
media.  We used the training workshops (we hold one every eight weeks or so) 
as the first news item to get us noticed.  The primary newspaper came and did 
a feature story on the next two along with pictures.  We also sent the 
volunteer announcement for the newspaper, which is handled by a local 
volunteer clearing house and often reduced in size due to available space, to 
the city news section for "information" and they began running them in     a 
"Neighborhood News" feature periodically.  

We tried to have a release every six weeks to two months using some of our 
normal, but more notable. (initiation of the Action Reading "Fast Track" 
program for our welfare to work students, receipt of a grant for taking tutor 
training to surrounding rural counties, etc..) and we received coverage that 
put us on the front and second page of the newspaper's city section and in 
one or two  local TV stations 6:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m. news.  This gave us a 
slight advantage in a city where there is heavy resource competition among 
many worthy volunteer causes.

Our response to our fall trainings went up and in January we had 26 people, 
the second highest number in our history!  We overcame a similar problem in a 
similar way about three years ago.  That time we used contacts in the TV 
stations to get on the live news programs every couple months.  It all served 
to keep people reminded that we were here and needed help.

What is needed is one individual who can write pretty well, has a fax 
machine, and can keep in touch with what is coming up in the literacy 
program?  We also keep track of the TV and radio stations news staffs, so we 
can fax our releases right to an individual.

Again, the responses you've received so far are all great and I want to keep 
them for future reference.  Just thought I'd add what has worked for us.  
Again my apologies for being late and for any breaches of net etiquette.

"Woody" Woodcock
Central Alabama Laubach
Literacy Council
(Volunteer tutor, trainer, board member)
Montgomery, Alabama

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