From: Lashley Mann (lmann@uucom.com)
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 10:49:33 EST

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From: Lashley Mann <lmann@uucom.com>
To: Multiple recipients of list <nifl-fobasics@literacy.nifl.gov>
Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:5] NIFL-FOBASICS Welcome Message...
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The FOBasics list (http://novel.nifl.gov/FOBasics/) is one of 10 forum/lists 
set up by the National Institute for Literacy's LINCS (http://www.nifl.gov) 

The Focus on Basics electronic discussion list is designed to provide a forum 
for discussion about the articles published in the National Center for the 
Study of Adult Learning and Literacy's quarterly publication Focus on Basics. 

It is intended as a place:

   * to converse with colleagues about the themes examined and critique
     issues raised in the publication; 
   * to get questions answered and to pose them; 
   * and to share relevant experiences and resources. 

Focus on Basics  authors have agreed to subscribe to the list and respond 
to communications about their work. It is expected that subscribers --- 
including NCSALL staff --- will use information exchanged on the list to 
broaden their knowledge of a topic, with the hope that the knowledge will 
be put to good use in teaching, program design, policy, and research.

To read Focus on Basics on-line, go to the NCSALL website at 

The FOBasics list is for adult educators, basic skills instructors,
literacy providers, technology coordinators, researchers, policy
developers, and any other parties who are interested in the continuous
improvement of adult literacy instruction, research, and administration.
The list moderator is Barbara Garner, Editor of Focus on Basics and
Director of Publications for the National Center for the Study of
Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL). 

NCSALL pursues basic and applied research in the field of adult basic
education; builds partnerships between researchers and practitioners;
and disseminates research and best practices to practitioners, scholars, 
and policymakers. NCSALL is a collaborative effort between the Harvard 
Graduate School of Education and World Education. The Center for Literacy 
Studies at The University of Tennessee, Rutgers University, and Portland 
State University are NCSALL's partners.  NCSALL is funded by the U.S. 
Department of Education through its Office of Educational Research and 
Improvement (OERI) and OERI's National Institute for Postsecondary Education, 
Libraries, and Lifelong Learning (PLLI).

The ten forums are among the important features of the Institute's Literacy
Information And Communication System (LINCS). LINCS is a cooperative electronic 
network of the National Institute For Literacy, four Regional Partners, and
major national organizations.  LINCS' home pages and communication sites at 
every level -- national, regional, and in 52 states and territories -- bring 
all adult literacy-related resources, expertise, and knowledge to a single
focal point (SEE :"ABOUT LINCS" AT:


The National Institute for Literacy's goals for LINCS' Forum/Lists are to:

        o Enrich literacy practice and research by fostering discussion and
          information exchange among researchers, practitioners, and literacy
          clients on major-literacy related issues.

        o Link policy to practices and research by providing a forum
          for timely interchange about relevant policy issues among
          researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and literacy clients.

The ten LINCS's Forum/lists are:


We look forward to your active participation in NIFL-FOBASICS.  The following 
brief information will assist you with obtaining further help.


1.  Subscribing/Unsubscribing to/from a NIFL List

    To participate in the NIFL lists, subscribe by sending an e-mail message 


    with the following request in the body of the message:

        subscribe NIFL-FOBASICS firstname lastname

    Substitute your first and last name spelled exactly as you would like it
    to appear.  For example, to subscribe to the NIFL-FOBASICS list Sue 
    Smith would type:

        subscribe NIFL-FOBASICS Sue Smith

    There should be no other text in the message (e.g., your signature block).
    It is recommended that the subject line be left blank if possible with
    your e-mail client.  Give the listserv a couple of minutes to respond.  
    You should receive a return mail message welcoming you to the list you
    subscribed to.

    You may remove yourself from a list by issuing a request to:


    with the following message body:

        unsubscribe NIFL-FOBASICS

    Again, leave the subject blank if possible with your e-mail client.

    Subscribing and unsubscribing to/from a list can also be performed on
    the World Wide Web.  Go to:


    and select the "Subscribe to Listservs" link.

2.  Sending a Message to the List

    Send all messages to be posted to the members of the list to:


    The subject line should indicate what your message is about.  Just type
    your message and send it like any other regular e-mail.  The message is
    received by the server and will be automatically reposted to all list
    subscribers and to the web based list archive.

    Important: Note that messages to be posted should be sent 
    to: NIFL-FOBASICS, and not to: LISTPROC.

3.  Other Features

    A.  In order to find out which lists are available for subscription, 
        send e-mail to:




        and nothing else in the body of the message or go to:


    B.  In order to find out how many others are subscribed to the list, 
        send a message to 


        with a message body of:


        To prevent the gathering of email addresses on focused groups, the
        subscriber listings for all NIFL lists are concealed (not available to
        the typical user).  To find out who is subscribed to the list, send a 
        message to the list moderator.  Each moderator receives an uptodate
        listing of subscribers for their respective lists weekly.

    C.  Each list has its messages automatically archived. This can be useful 
        for newcomers who want to catch up with the discussion, or for posting 
        and archiving frequently asked questions.  There are two ways to 
        access a lists archives.

        Via the World Wide Web:

            Go to:


            You may also subscribe, unsubscribe or request help through LINCS 
            on these pages.

        Via e-mail:

            To access the archives, send an INDEX request to:


            to find out what archives are available and what files may be 
            obtained from these archives.  A user then may send a request to:


            with one or more files via a GET request.  For example:

                get products/database/name/version/fixes patch

            will send the file from that archive.

    D.  For extensive information on all requests send a message to:


        with a message body of:



    o When you join the list, please introduce yourself to other list members.

    o At the end of each message, please include your name, e-mail address and
      your program or affiliation.  The header information is not displayed on
      all mail systems, and including this information will better allow others 
      to respond to your message.

    o Be concise.  Messages more than two screens in length are difficult for
      some participants to read.  Shorter, to-the-point messages move the
      discussion along at a lively pace.

    o Before you send a reply, consider if it should go to everyone on the 
      list or just to the person to whose message you are replying.  If you 
      think it will be of general interest, then send it to the list; if not, 
      be careful to reply only to the message originator.  Consider carefully 
      whether or not the entire original message should be included in your 

    o When you are replying to a posted message, it helps readers if you quote
      the part of the message (usually not the whole message) that you are
      replying to.  All list readers will then respond to your message in the
      proper context.

    o If you wish to communicate privately with individuals on the list rather
      than publicly to all list participants, be sure to reply to an 
      individual's e-mail address not to the list address.

    o Many of us have found that learning is promoted by dialogue in a spirit
      of inquiry, curiosity, and mutual respect.  Please conduct your
      discussions in that spirit on this list.

    o E-mail messages typed in all capitals are considered shouting, so please
      be considerate.

    o Be cautious in using sarcasm on the Internet.  Comments made in jest may
      not always appear that way to other readers.  Because of the immediate 
      nature of electronic communication, e-mail messages do not always receive 
      the same examination as other written communication.  Sarcastic or ironic
      messages can be marked with emoticons, for example a typed grin [i.e. <g>
      or <grin>] or with a sideways smiley.   [i.e. :) or :-)]

We look forward to your active participation in FOBasics. Thanks for joining, 
we look forward to working with you.

Our address is:

   World Education
   44 Farnsworth Street
   Boston, MA  0220-1211


For additional help contact: Jaleh Behroozi at NIFL by e-mail
(jsoroui@nifl.gov) or via telephone at (202) 632-1506.

Lashley H. Mann II | UUcom, Inc.
Email: lmann@uucom.com | Voice: 703.461.1350 | Fax: 703.461.1360

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