[NIFL-FOBASICS:40] Introduction

From: Regie Stites (stites@unix.sri.com)
Date: Tue Mar 16 1999 - 21:34:39 EST

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Hello, I'm Regie Stites.� I was prompted (though slow to follow-through)
to respond to the request for subscribers to the Focus on Basics list to
introduce themselves by seeing Margery Freeman's self-intro.� Hello
Margery - I interviewed you in New Orleans in 1994 when I was evaluating
the Culturally Relevant Anti-Bias Education Leadership Project
(CRABELP).� Nice to cross paths with you again (if only virtually this
I am an educational researcher and evaluator by trade and an
anthropologist by training.� I first got interested in adult literacy
education when I was assigned Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed
in my freshman year in college.� Freire stuck with me as I pursued
studies in anthropology and eventually took up Chinese studies.� I spent
three years teaching in China and then came back to finish my doctorate
in education.� My dissertation was an ethnography of adult literacy work
in a Chinese village.� I worked in the UCLA assessment research center
for a couple of years and then went to the National Center on Adult
Literacy at Penn from 1994-1997.� In 1997, I moved back to California
and took a job at a large, nonprofit research firm - SRI International.
I do research on instructional, assessment, and policy issues in adult
basic literacy and ESL.� One of my current projects involves development
of multimedia case studies of adult literacy practice for professional

I joined the Focus on Basics list as an opportunity to join in a
discussion at� the intersection of research and practice.�� From the
introductions of members I have seen, it looks like a good group to take
up this kind of dialogue.


Regie Stites, Ph.D.
Center for Education and Human Services
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
email: stites@unix.sri.com
phone: (650) 859-3768
fax: (650) 859-2861
www:� http://www.sri.com

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