[NIFL-FOBASICS:26] Re: Introductions

From: Barbara (winvlf@richmond.infi.net)
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 13:34:37 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:26] Re: Introductions
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My name is Barbara Gibson and I am replying to the request that we
introduce ourselves and tell why we have subscribed to the NIFL-FOBASICS
list serve. I am associate director of the Virginia Literacy Foundation
and the Workforce Improvement Network, a partnership between the
Foundation and James Madison University. In my general Foundation work, I
support community based literacy organizations in the state and am
beginning to direct a pilot project that will decentralize such support by
establishing four hub centers with part-time staff. The Workforce
Improvement Network provides training and development programs (including
a certification program for workplace program developers) and other
support services for adult education and literacy practitioners around the

I enjoy Focus on Basics and look forward to discussions about the
articles. As you can tell from the description of my work, I can use a
wide range of information and ideas because I am involved in such diverse

Barbara Gibson

Barbara Garner wrote:

> There are about 60 people subscribed to the Focus on Basics electronic
> discussion list now.
> It would be great if people would introduce themselves and say a bit
> about why they subscribed.  This information will help me "moderate"
> the list.
> What do you hope to get out of this list?
> Are there any particular issues of Focus on Basics or articles you
> would like to discuss, ask questions about, or challenge?
> The authors from the articles in Volume 2, Issue D, Project-Based
> Instruction, are subscribed, and are eager to discuss their articles
> with readers.
> I look forward to hearing from you,
> Barb Garner
> ******************************
> Barbara Garner                  phone (617) 482-9485
> World Education                fax      (617) 482-0617
> 44 Farnsworth Street          e-mail bgarner@worlded.org
> Boston, MA  02210-1211

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