[NIFL-FOBASICS:142] teaching/funding et al

From: ralph silva (silva_ralph@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 10:44:18 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:142] teaching/funding et al
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Anne's dilemma reflects a widespread sentiment among teachers I know. Let me 
try to explain the way I see it.  Adult ed programs have limited financial 
resources. Teachers need to spend as much of those resources as possible on 
direct service to learners(I just can't call them "customers"). Teachers can 
see outcomes and progress; Improved academic test scores(easy to document), 
better retention and persistence(not as easy to document to funders, because 
of learners' changes in situation), improved attitude, appearance, family 
and social involvement, self-advocacy, etc. etc. etc.(difficult to document 
in terms funders will accept-do not easily fit into check boxes). Now, when 
the new RFP comes out, with specific requirements and outcomes, teachers 
must walk that tightrope between direct service and organizational needs. 
Maybe learners don't have the time to spend both attending class, and 
undergoing more assessments, but the central office wants to know when your 
paperwork will be in, so that the grant money can flow. Help me here, 
people; is this close? RS

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