[NIFL-FOBASICS:316] Civics Education for English Language Learners Q & A available from NCLE

From: Miriam Burt (miriam@cal.org)
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 14:39:20 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:316] Civics Education for English Language Learners Q & A available from NCLE
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English language learning and civics education have been paired for more
than a century. From classes sponsored by labor unions in the early
1900s; to amnesty classes run by public schools, community-based
organizations, and churches in the 1980s, service providers have worked
to integrate language and content in civics education for immigrants.
Now, designated monies are being provided to states and individual
programs for English Literacy/Civics Education. Since nearly 50% of all
adults enrolled in U.S.-Department-of-Education-funded education courses
are English language learners, this program will have a significant
national impact.  

"Civics Education and Adult English Language Learners" is a four-page Q
& A, written by Lynda Terrill of the National Clearinghouse for ESL
Literacy Education (NCLE). It discusses key terms in civics education
(e.g., distinguishing between citizenship education and civic
participation education) and events that have shaped civics education
for immigrants during the last 100 years. It also describes approaches
and activities that integrate language learning with civics content for
beginning, intermediate, and advanced level language learners. A list of
additional resources to aid in curriculum development is included.   

This article, available on NCLE's  Website at
http://www.cal.org/ncle/digests/civics.htm, contains live links to those
resources that are available on the Web.

 Print copies are available from NCLE at (202) 362-0700, extension 256.

Miriam Burt
Associate Director, National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education
Center for Applied Linguistics
4646 40th Street NW
Washington, DC 20015
(202) 362-0700 (phone)
(202) 363-7204 (fax)
Visit NCLE's Web site at www.cal.org/ncle

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