SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 1994 Prolific Authors Brian Wilson Aldiss Cassettes Dracula Unbound RC 35960 read by Randy Means 2 cassettes In 1999 two graves discovered in Utah indicate that vampires coexisted with dinosaurs. Inventor Joe Bodenland uses his ingenuity to board a time-traveling train that appears at the gravesites. When his nightmarish adventure teams him up with Dracula's author, the duo reaches into the distant past and far future to track down Dracula's vampire race. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis RC 13253 read by Michael Way 1 cassette When their bus crashes during a trip to the primitive planet of Lysenka II, the mass-produced survivors find their lives threatened by strange animals. They soon realize these are the descendants of the first human colonists who landed one million years earlier. 1978. Frankenstein Unbound RC 8824 read by Phil Lustri 2 cassettes In the year 2020 Joe Bodenland is suddenly transported back in time to 1816 and Geneva, Switzerland. There he meets Victor Frankenstein, whose monster has escaped and killed a boy. 1973. An Island Called Moreau RC 19500 read by Jeff Halberstadt 1 cassette A high-ranking State Department official is stranded on a remote island inhabited by grotesque creatures that are half man, half animal. He is horrified to learn that the creatures are the product of genetic engineering experiments conducted by a mad scientist. He is even more horrified to learn that the experiments are secretly supported by his own department. 1981. _Helliconia trilogy_ Helliconia Spring RC 29838 read by Gary Tipton 4 cassettes Helliconia is an Earth-like planet where seasons last for years. In this first volume of a trilogy, the story revolves around the boy hunter, Yuli, who loses his father and must find shelter in order to survive against the enemy the phagors. As this volume ends, we find the city of Oldorando, founded by Yuli, in the grips of violent change as winter yields to spring. 1982. Helliconia Summer RC 29839 read by Gary Tipton 4 cassettes During Helliconia's scorching summer, the king of Borlien plans to divorce his loving, popular queen and marry a child princess of neighboring Oldorando. But his foes sensing his weakness are beginning to encircle him, and he can trust only his phagor guard. 1983. Helliconia Winter RC 29840 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes The long, frigid winter which will last for centuries is fast approaching. As the inhabitants prepare themselves, the phagors humankind's ancient enemies begin to war upon the humans and a new order of beings begins to form. 1985. Braille The Eighty-Minute Hour: A Space Opera BR 4008 3 volumes A farce set in 1999 includes romantic quests, low comedy, political intrigue, technology, unknown planets, space travel, and time travel. The plot involves conflict between computers and men. 1974. Poul Anderson Cassettes The Avatar RC 14773 read by Ken Kliban 3 cassettes A rescue mission from Demeter picks up a Betan a member of a highly advanced civilization and they set out for the home of "the Others," benevolent but aloof superbeings. There they glimpse how this ancient race has cherished and studied humanity. 1978. The Boat of a Million Years RC 32289 read by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes Immortal humans live through Earth history and then explore space. Early in human history, several men and women are born. They live past their normal life span without aging. But in twentieth-century America, their secret of immortality becomes known. Once everyone on Earth becomes immortal, the men and women must search for new challenges challenges that take them to outer space. 1989. The Byworlder RC 16724 read by Mark Ahearn 2 cassettes Skip Wayburn, a twenty-first-century bohemian drifter, learns a terrifying secret from the first alien emissary from interstellar space, but no one in Earth's establishment will listen to him. 1971. The Dancer from Atlantis RC 16554 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes A future experiment in time travel goes awry and accidentally drags four people from different periods of Earth history into the far past. When twentieth-century Duncan Reid awakens, he finds himself marooned in ancient Crete with a medieval Russian, a fourth-century Hun, and a beautiful priestess. The four, who quickly form an alliance, soon learn that their survival depends upon finding the mythical isle of Atlantis. 1972. The High Crusade RC 14375 read by Livingston Gilbert 1 cassette Fourteenth-century England is invaded by a spaceship full of little blue men with tails. The doughty knights who are carried off turn the tables by subjugating the planet of their abductors. 1960. The Merman's Children RC 17415 read by Adam Norton 2 cassettes During the growth and expansion of Christianity in Europe of the Middle Ages, the magical peoples such as the merfolk must give up their ancient homes or lose their immortality. When King Vanimen's people are forced to abandon their underwater town, his children must search the seas for refuge. 1979. Mirkheim RC 11523 read by Marcia Herndon 2 cassettes Rousing novel of cosmic sweep. Aliens and humans struggle to control the newly discovered planet called Mirkheim and its treasure of valuable supermetals. Some strong language. 1977. The Shield of Time RC 33382 read by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Time Patrol agent Manse Everard recruits Wanda Tamberley from the year 1987 as part of the Time Patrol's ongoing efforts to prevent dissident groups from meddling with the past to change the future. Wanda's mission takes her to the prehistoric Pleistocene era, while Manse travels to 200 B.C. to observe the breakup of Alexander the Great's empire and then to twelfth-century Naples to ensure the onset of the Renaissance. 1990. Tau Zero RC 13290 read by Hal Tenny 2 cassettes A yarn about twenty-five men and twenty-five women speeding through space to colonize a planet thirty-five light years away. Disaster strikes as the ship's deceleration mechanism malfunctions, locking the voyagers in an incredible struggle for survival. For high school and adult readers. 1970. Braille The Dancer from Atlantis BR 2895 2 volumes A future experiment in time travel goes awry and accidentally drags four people from different periods of Earth history into the far past. When twentieth-century Duncan Reid awakens, he finds himself marooned in ancient Crete with a medieval Russian, a fourth-century Hun, and a beautiful priestess. The four, who quickly form an alliance, soon learn that their survival depends upon finding the mythical isle of Atlantis. 1971. Piers Anthony Cassettes Ghost RC 25081 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes With dwindling energy supplies, overpopulation, and decadence threatening Earth, the mission of Space Captain Kerr Shetland, commander of the timeship _Meg II_, is to locate new energy sources. But Shetland's success is thwarted when his ship approaches the rim of a black hole beyond the farthest reaches of the universe. There he and his crew are transformed into pure spirit. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1986. Tatham Mound RC 35213 read by Roy Avers 4 cassettes An Indian burial ground was discovered near the author's Florida home, and he has created a story of sixteenth-century Native Americans whose bones rest in Tatham Mound. Throat Shot is a young boy endowed with a gift for language, who is sent on a journey across the southeastern United States. His mission is to find the crystal Ulunsuti and save his people from the danger that threatens them. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Total Recall RC 30732 read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Earth, 2089. Douglas Quail, haunted by a recurring nightmare of a beautiful woman and a life on Mars, doesn't remember ever having been to Mars. In hopes of uncovering the mystery, he goes to Rekall, a company specializing in implanted memories. Unfortunately, the treatment uncovers a deadly secret. Some strong language. 1989. _Apprentice Adept series_ Split Infinity RC 30602 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Stile, a serf and master Gamesman in the decadent world of Proton, is in danger of losing his life. He escapes to Phaze, a world ruled by magic, but his fate there is not much better. As he shuttles between worlds, Stile wonders if he should stay on Proton and try to win the Great Games, or stay on Phaze where his survival depends on his mastering their magic? 1980. Blue Adept RC 30603 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Stile (known as Blue Adept on the world of Phaze) continually shuttles between the two worlds of Proton and Phaze, on each of which someone is trying to kill him. In addition to proving his right to exist on the science world of Phaze, Stile must win the love of Lady Blue and find the paranoid Adept who wants to kill him. And if that's not enough he must fight a duel with a dragon. 1982. Juxtaposition RC 30604 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Stile has two big problems: someone is trying to kill him on the worlds of both Proton and Phaze. He is currently living on Phaze, where he was sent with the help of a lovely robot. He must locate and destroy his enemy among the paranoid Adepts so that he can return to Proton to win the Great Games and therefore be free to face the real problem saving both worlds from total destruction. 1982. Out of Phaze RC 32462 read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes The story of the two worlds of Proton and Phaze continues as life proceeds in an orderly fashion. On Proton there is the belief that each person has an alternate self on Phaze. One day Mach, a young man of Proton, suddenly awakens from a dream to find he has switched places with Bane, a resident of Phaze. Both must now adjust to their new worlds. 1987. Robot Adept RC 30735 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Mach, a brave and sensitive young man from Proton, and Bane, from the magical world of Phaze, hold the power to unite these two warring worlds. They could also destroy both. Although both young men are prepared to save their worlds, they do not anticipate the problems that arise when each falls in love with someone from the other world. 1988. Unicorn Point RC 31292 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes Mach, from the technological world of Proton, and his alternate self, Bane, from the magical world of Phaze, form an alliance in hopes of uniting their worlds. For years they fight the opposition to peaceful rule on each planet, but it now appears that the opposition may win. But all may not be lost, as their children possess special powers of communication. Descriptions of of sex. Bestseller 1989. Phaze Doubt RC 31563 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes The conclusion of the Apprentice Adept series in which the worlds of science and magic have merged in the two-phase planet Proton/Phaze. The planet is invaded by tentacled creatures known as Hectares, and Citizens and Adepts are told not to resist. Salvation comes in the form of two special children and an enemy spy. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. _Incarnations of_ _Immortality series_ On a Pale Horse RC 22239 read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Cheated out of his chance for romance and wealth, Zane should have been a miserable failure. Instead, he is given the power and the symbols of Death. He soon discovers that Satan is drawing him inescapably into an evil war against God. For junior and senior high and adult readers. 1983. Bearing an Hourglass RC 23387 read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Finding his life pointless after a sad love affair, Norton agrees to accept the position of the all-powerful Incarnation of Time, even though it means living backward from present to past. For junior and senior high and adult readers. Bestseller 1985. 1984. Wielding a Red Sword RC 27936 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Hoping to escape an unhappy personal life, Mym, the second son of the Raja of Gujarat, takes up the Red Sword of the Incarnation of War. But his efforts to ease the sufferings of war are thwarted at every turn by Satan. Some descriptions of sex. 1986. Being a Green Mother RC 28528 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes The daughter of the Incarnation of Fate has spent a lifetime pursuing "Llano," the elusive Song of Nature. In her search she meets Natasha, who seems to be the Incarnation of Evil. Is he trying to trap her into marriage to fulfill the prophecy that Orb should marry Evil? 1987. For Love of Evil RC 29611 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Parry, a sorcerer's apprentice in medieval France, is contending with Satan for dominion in Hell. Before Parry can become the new Satan, he must pass through various stages husband, sorcerer, monk, and inquisitor. But even then his position is not safe. 1988. And Eternity RC 31302 read by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Orlene, mortal daughter of Gaea, has died. In the afterlife, her spirit joins with that of Gaea's companion Jolie, and together they help and protect Vita, a mortal. The three women undertake a quest that pursues the ultimate questions of good, evil, and divinity. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. _Magic of Xanth series_ A Spell for Chameleon RC 20595 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Xanth is an enchanted land where magic rules, where every citizen has a special spell that only he can cast. For Bink of North Village, however, Xanth is not a fairy-tale land. He alone has no magic, and unless he gets some fast, he will be exiled forever. Fantasy laced with humor for high school and adult readers. 1977. The Source of Magic RC 21078 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Bink undertakes a quest to discover the wellspring of Xanth's uniqueness by order of the King. But the King never expected that Bink might utterly destroy the magic of Xanth. Fantasy laced with humor for high school and adult readers. 1979. Castle Roogna RC 20633 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes To prove his right to rule Xanth in the future, young magician Dor embarks on a quest into Xanth's past in search of a magic life-giving elixir. Fantasy laced with humor for high school and adult readers. 1981. Centaur Aisle RC 20755 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes The young magician Dor must save King Trent of Xanth, who is being held captive in the land of Mundania. Dor soon discovers that, unfortunately, his Xanth magic is absolutely useless in non-magical Mundania. Fantasy laced with humor for high school and adult readers. 1981. Ogre, Ogre RC 20761 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Ogres are stupid, ugly creatures who can hardly speak and who spend all their time fighting and eating young girls. But Smash, an ogre whose mother was human, is different. Though ugly, Smash is articulate, and he is surrounded by young nymphs who trust him implicitly. Fantasy laced with humor for high school and adult readers. 1982. Night Mare RC 19172 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Fantasy adventure in which Mare Imbrium, the Night Mare, becomes a day horse on a perilous mission to help save the magical land of Xanth from the invading barbarians. Bestseller 1982. Dragon on a Pedestal RC 20547 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Three-year-old Princess Ivy, her memories erased by a passing forget-whorl, gets lost in the jungles south of Gap and must face the rampaging Gap dragon, among other perils. Meanwhile her distraught mother leads a motley band of rescuers through the troubled fantasy land of Xanth. 1983. Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn RC 22258 read by Lee Ewing 3 cassettes Five-year-old Princess Ivy befriends a four-hundred-year-old ghost who inhabits Castle Roogna. For junior and senior high and adult readers. 1984. Golem in the Gears RC 32153 read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Grundy Golem attempts to prove himself and gain respect by riding the Monster under the Bed to the Ivory Tower to find Stanley Steamer, little Ivy's long lost dragon. 1986. Vale of the Vole RC 32441 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Young Esk is the son of an ogre and a nymph. He and his companions, a beautiful winged centaur and a brave burrower, search the far reaches of Xanth to help the inhabitants of a paradise menaced by a demon horde. Bestseller 1987. Heaven Cent RC 30213 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Xanth is a magic realm where bad dreams are directed by the Night Stallion and carried by nightmares, and where Gorgons stare at milk to make Gorgonzola cheese. Prince Dolph, age nine, bedeviled by his older sister, bossy fourteen-year-old Ivy, sets off on a quest to find the missing Good Magician Humfrey. For senior high and older readers. 1988. Man from Mundania RC 31630 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Princess Ivy travels to the world of Mundania via the Heaven Cent. She meets Grey Murphy, a college student, who doesn't believe in either Xanth or magic. Grey helps Princess Ivy return to Xanth and then undertakes his own search to find out if he has supernatural powers. Bestseller 1989. Isle of View RC 32442 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Prince Dolph is faced with a difficult decision he is betrothed to two girls, but he loves only one of them. The young but rather plain Electra, who really loves Dolph, is under an enchantment and will die if he does not marry her. Nada, who is older and more beautiful, does not love Dolph, but she has given her word that she will marry him, and as a princess she cannot go back on her word. Bestseller 1990. Question Quest RC 33916 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes She had fun as a child, but now that Lacuna has joined the Adult Conspiracy, life is blah, and she is suffering a blue funk. Her decision to do something about it leads her to approach the Good Magician with a question. But in order to see the Good Magician, she must brave three challenges and print the Magician's autobiography, which may mean a trip to hell. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 33916. Bestseller 1991. Braille Omnivore BR 3414 2 volumes Three scientists exploring the planet Nacre discover a strange alien ecosystem that carries the seeds of Earth's destruction. For high school and adult readers. 1968. Var the Stick BR 2088 3 volumes A subculture of nomadic tribes lives on the wild lands of a postholocaust America. A mysterious beast that raids one of the tribes is found to be a mutilated young boy. 1972. Isaac Asimov Cassettes Currents of Space RC 35224 read by John Polk 2 cassettes What Rik knows about the future can destroy a solar system, so the rulers of Sark sear the memory from his brain and leave him for dead. Then a lonely peasant girl adopts him and turns him into a man. 1952. The Gods Themselves RC 10913 read by Patricia Beaudry 2 cassettes In the twenty-first century, Frederick Hallam discovers the electron pump that delivers a ceaseless flow of energy from another universe. It soon becomes evident that this is a one-way ticket to cosmic disaster. 1972. Murder at the ABA: A Puzzle in Four Days and Sixty Scenes RC 9146 read by George Patterson 4 cassettes A mystery in which the author appears as himself, a science fiction writer. Giles Devore, an egocentric novelist, is found dead in the shower after a joint autographing session with Asimov in the glamorous world of authors and publishers at the American Booksellers Convention in New York. 1976. Nemesis RC 31116 read by Fred Major 3 cassettes A.D. 2236. The star Nemesis with its own planetary system that includes Rotor, home to a renegade Earth colony, is on a collision course with Earth. A young Rotorian girl is trying to warn Earth of the impending destruction. When she discovers that her own planet is also in danger from Nemesis, she must try to save both planets. 1989. Pebble in the Sky RC 18535 read by Marc Overton 2 cassettes A retired tailor is accidentally transported to the far future where Earth is a backward, scarred planet of a Galactic Empire. Bewildered and pursued, he becomes the key figure in foiling a plot to destroy interstellar civilization. 1950. Stars, like Dust RC 15314 read by Hal Tenny 2 cassettes A mysterious document survives a thousand years of time and a million light years of space to prove itself the Universe's strongest weapon and to bring about a happy ending to a love affair. 1951. _Robot series_ (_The Robots and Empire_ links this series with the Foundation series.) The Robots of Dawn RC 20203 read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes Earth detective Elijah Baley is summoned to the planet Aurora where he must solve the puzzling murder of an advanced, human-like robot. He becomes painfully aware that man's future role in space depends upon the outcome of his investigation. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1983. The Robots and Empire RC 22982 read by Pam Ward 3 cassettes In her twenty-third decade of life, Gladia Solaris leaves her home world of Aurora on what becomes a self-styled mission to reconcile the long-standing enmity between the spacer and settler worlds. Meanwhile her two intelligent robots, Daneel and Giskard, work diligently to uncover a plot that would destroy Earth and halt human expansion into the galaxy. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 22982. Bestseller 1985. _Fantastic Voyage series_ Fantastic Voyage RC 35208 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes This science fiction story of inner space is based on the popular motion picture, that tells of an experiment in miniaturization to clear a blood clot from the brain of an indispensable scientist. 1966. Fantastic Voyage II: Destination BrainRC 27172 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes American scientist Albert Jonas Morrison is kidnapped and flown to the USSR, where he soon discovers the reason for his abduction. A world-renowned Russian scientist, the mastermind behind the top-secret Soviet Miniaturization Project, lies in a deep coma with the key to the twenty-first century's greatest scientific advance locked within his brain. Reduced to molecular size, Morrison enters the dying Russian's brain in a search for the origins of thought itself. 1987. _Foundation series_ Prelude to Foundation RC 27002 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes In the year 12,020, unknown Outworld mathematician Hari Seldon presents his paper on psychohistory at the Decennial Convention on Trantor, the high-tech planet that is the administrative center of the Galactic Empire. Much to Seldon's surprise, he and his theory of psychohistory draw the attention of Emperor Cleon and other men of power. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 27002. Bestseller 1988. Forward the Foundation RC 35904 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Hari Seldon, nearing the end of his life, faces some of his greatest challenges. If he is to guarantee the survival of humanity and the Galactic Empire, he must perfect his theory of psychohistory. But there are persons in the galaxy who want to prevent the completion of Seldon's work. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 35904. Bestseller 1993. Foundation RC 10365 read by Robert Donley 2 cassettes The old Galactic Empire dies, and Hari Seldon and his band of psychologists create a new world dedicated to art, science, and technology. 1970. Foundation and Empire RC 9591 read by Patricia Leclercq 2 cassettes Two groups struggle for control of the Galactic Empire's destiny in the future when mankind has settled in the Milky Way. Then a mutant appears, bringing a new threat for everyone. 1970. Second Foundation RC 10610 read by Art Metzler 2 cassettes Third novel in the original Foundation trilogy. Relates the adventures of fourteen-year-old Arkady Darrell, a stowaway on a spaceship, who finds herself caught up in the search for Second Foundation, a colony that is secretly attempting to put the Seldon Plan back into effect. 1953. Foundation's Edge RC 18682 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes The First Foundation, located on the planet Terminus, continues to implement the Seldon Plan for restoration of the Galactic Empire. However, Councilman Golan Trevize notices that the plan is working too smoothly, and he suspects an unknown group of mind controllers to be at work for mysterious purposes. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 18682. Bestseller 1982. Foundation and Earth RC 23942 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Foundation councilman Golan Trevize, accompanied by historian Janov Pelorat and the beautiful Gaian woman Bliss, sets out on a perilous galactic odyssey in search of Earth, the long-lost planet of man's origin. He feels that only by clearing up the mystery of the legend-shrouded Earth can he justify the awesome and painful decision he must make about the future of man in the galaxy. Some descriptions of sex. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 23942. Bestseller 1986. Braille The Currents of Space BR 3583 2 volumes What Rik knows about the future can destroy a solar system, so the rulers of Sark sear the memory from his brain and leave him for dead. Then a lonely peasant girl adopts him and turns him into a man. 1971. The Gods Themselves BR 1860 3 volumes In the twenty-first century, Frederick Hallam discovers the electron pump that delivers a ceaseless flow of energy from another universe. It soon becomes evident that this is a one-way ticket to cosmic disaster. 1972. Fantastic Voyage BR 368 3 volumes This science fiction story of inner space is based on the popular motion picture that tells of an experiment in miniaturization to clear a blood clot from the brain of an indispensable scientist. 1966. _Robot series_ (_The Robots and Empire_ links this series with the Foundation series.) The Caves of Steel BR 3001 2 volumes A science-fiction tale of detection. A New York City police detective is assigned a new partner, a robot called Daneel. Their assignment is to find the murderer of Daneel's creator, an immigrant from outer space. 1953. The Naked Sun BR 5964 2 volumes When murder occurs for the first time on the planet Solaria, Earth detective Elijah Baley is sent across space to investigate with the assistance of his robot aide, Daneel. 1957. The Robots of Dawn BR 5658 4 volumes Earth detective Elijah Baley is summoned to the planet Aurora where he must solve the puzzling murder of an advanced, human-like robot. He becomes painfully aware that man's future role in space depends upon the outcome of his investigation. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1983. The Robots and Empire BR 6339 4 volumes In her twenty-third decade of life, Gladia Solaris leaves her home world of Aurora on what becomes a self-styled mission to reconcile the long-standing enmity between the spacer and settler worlds. Meanwhile her two intelligent robots, Daneel and Giskard, work diligently to uncover a plot that would destroy Earth and halt human expansion into the galaxy. Bestseller 1985. Greg Bear Cassettes Queen of Angels RC 32750 read by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes The year is 2047; the place is Los Angeles. Therapy has almost eliminated violence, and people are divided into groups the "therapied" and the "untherapied." But, in this climate of non-violence, an aging poet has murdered eight of his students and fled the country. Policewoman Mary Choy is assigned to investigate the crime and to discover why the poet committed such a terrible act. 1990. This two-book sequence should be read in the following order: Eon RC 24498 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes The Stone, a huge object that is part spaceship, part asteroid, appears mysteriously in orbit around the Earth. Earthmen who undertake the exploration of the Stone learn that it holds the key to the survival of the Earth, which is on the brink of a nuclear war. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1985. Eternity RC 29239 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes A messenger from the end of time topples the precarious balance of power between the Old Natives of Earth and their benefactors, the human members of the Hexamon who live inside the asteroid Thistledown. 1988. This two-book sequence should be read in the following order: The Forge of God RC 36088 read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes On June 26, 1996, scientist Arthur Gordon learns that Europa, Jupiter's sixth moon, has disappeared without a trace. On September 28, geologist Edward Shaw and two associates discover a mysterious cinder cone in Death Valley. On October 1, a granite mountain appears in Australia. And unusual activity is taking place within the Earth's core. The Earth is under attack by alien forces! Strong language. 1987. Anvil of Stars RC 36089 read by David Hartley-Margolin 4 cassettes When Earth was destroyed in _The Forge of God (RC 36088)_, the few survivors were banded together by the Benefactors, a beneficent alien party. The adults would try to make Mars habitable, and the children, known as Lost Boys and Wendys, would train to exact vengeance from Earth's destroyers. But can the children safely seek retribution, or will they commit a greater crime than destroying Earth? Some strong language. 1992. Gregory Benford Cassettes Against Infinity RC 19574 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes While terraforming Jupiter's giant, barren moon Ganymede, Earth colonists encounter a mysterious alien life form billions of years old. 1983. This two-book sequence should be read in the following order: The Stars in Shroud RC 14758 read by Larry McKeever 2 cassettes A human spaceship captain becomes a pawn in the war between the disintegrating human space empire and a mysterious mind-manipulating alien race. Sophisticated science fiction for high school and adult readers. 1978. Timescape RC 19699 read by James Westbrooks 3 cassettes In 1998, while the world is slowly dying from ecological disasters, famine, and social collapse, a small group of scientists work feverishly to send a message of warning back into the past. In 1963 a young physics professor receives their message and must convince a doubting world to take steps to avert a hopeless future. 1980. This two-book sequence should be read in the following order: Great Sky River RC 27270 read by John Polk 3 cassettes Humans on the planet Snowglade have been driven to the brink of extinction by intelligent machines called "mechs." After a devastating raid by the mechs, young Killeen gathers his and other clans together to begin a terrifying odyssey for survival on a barren world dominated by incomprehensible intelligences. Strong language. 1987. Tides of Light RC 30088 read by John Polk 3 cassettes Captain Killeen and his Bishop Tribe are refugees from the planet Snowglade. They are about to land on a new planet that has been cleared of the hostile "mechs" but that harbors two other groups primitive human beings and highly advanced nonhuman cyborgs. 1989. Ray Bradbury Cassettes Fahrenheit 451 RC 34963 by Ray Bradbury read by Jeff Halberstadt 1 cassette Social satire set in the future, when owning or reading books is a crime. Guy Montag, the fireman-hero, becomes a fugitive when he succumbs to temptation. Some strong language. 1982. A Graveyard for Lunatics: Another Tale of Two Cities RC 33543 by Ray Bradbury read by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Hollywood in the 1950s. A stone wall separates a graveyard from a movie studio. It's Halloween, and a science fiction screenwriter is invited to the graveyard at midnight. Curious, he accepts, finds a corpse, and is plunged into a twenty-year-old mystery. A satirical account of his adventures amid the world of studio characters and through the backlots leads to a fantastic climax. Strong language. 1990. The Martian Chronicles RC 26787 by Ray Bradbury read by Ronald B. Meyer 2 cassettes Covering the years 1999 to 2026 A.D., the story tells of the successive visits by Earth people to an unfriendly Mars. 1958. Something Wicked This Way Comes RC 9245 by Ray Bradbury read by Ed Kallay 4 cassettes Two thirteen-year-old boys are fascinated by the carnival that comes to their small town. A series of frightening events makes them realize that there is something sinister about the carnival and its owner. 1962. Braille Fahrenheit 451 BR 8799 2 volumes Social satire set in the future, when owning or reading books is a crime. Guy Montag, the fireman-hero, becomes a fugitive when he succumbs to temptation. Some strong language. 1982. Terry Brooks Cassettes _Heritage of Shannara series_ The Sword of Shannara RC 11046 read by Patricia Leclercq 5 cassettes Young brothers Shea and Flick Ohmsford are urged by the mysterious Allamon to seek and use the sword of Shannara against Warlock Lord, the greatest power of evil the world has known. 1977. The Elfstones of Shannara RC 20598 read by James DeLotel 4 cassettes Ancient evil threatens the Elves and the Races of Man. For the Ellcrys, the tree created by long-lost Elven magic, is dying, losing the spell that repels the ravening demons from Earth. Already the most fearsome of the demons is free, and only one source is powerful enough to stop it: the Elfstones of Shannara. 1982. The Wishsong of Shannara RC 23354 read by James DeLotel 4 cassettes The Four Lands are menaced by the Ildatch. Brin holds the powers of the wishsong, the only weapon against the Ildatch, but finds she needs the help of her younger brother to prevail. 1985. The Scions of Shannara RC 30931 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Allanon has died and many changes have taken place in the Four Lands. Southland is now under the rule of the Federation, and magic is forbidden. But Par Ohmsford and his brother Coll continue to practice magic and consequently are arrested. They escape and eventually meet at Hadeshorn with other Scions where the spirit of Allanon orders them to go forth and perform some seemingly impossible tasks in order to save the Four Lands. Bestseller 1990. The Druid of Shannara RC 32685 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes The Shadowen still control the Four Lands, draining them of their magic. Walker Boh has been given the task of finding the Black Elfstone, which will be used to restore power to the Keep of the Druids. He is helped by Par, Coll, Wren, and representatives of the king of the Silver River. Their journey will take them into perilous lands ruled by the Stone King, who wants to turn the world into stone. Bestseller 1991. The Elf Queen of Shannara RC 34763 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Continuing their quest to return the Elves to their own land, Wren and her companion Garth have gone to the demon-filled jungle on the desolate island of Morrowindl. As Wren, having learned she is herself an Elf, stands in the jungle awaiting the Elves, she has only her magic to protect her from the evil creatures. Bestseller 1992. The Talismans of Shannara RC 36386 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes The scions of Shannara, Walker Boh, Wren, and Par, have completed their tasks and returned to the Four Lands. But now they are faced with new challenges because the land is still being ravaged by the Shadowen. Par, having found the Sword of Shannara, now has the opportunity to use its powers. But what will be the cost to him and the other scions? Bestseller 1993. _Magic Kingdom of Landover series_ Magic Kingdom for Sale Sold! RC 33051 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes When Ben Holiday arrives in Landover, the Magic Kingdom he purchased through a mail-order department store, he finds the place in shambles. The taxes have not been collected, the peasants are without hope, the barons refuse to recognize him as king, and a dragon is laying waste to the countryside. Bestseller 1986. The Black Unicorn RC 33052 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Ben Holiday, now king of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, faces the treachery of his wizard Questor Thews, the disappearance of Lady Willow in search of the Black Unicorn, and the loss of his royal medallion, the source of his magic and power. 1987. Wizard at Large RC 33053 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Ben Holiday, the current ruler of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, finds himself traveling back to Earth, thanks to the fumbling efforts of wizard Questor Thews. Thews's attempts to restore Court Scribe Abernathy to his human form resulted in Abernathy's disappearance, and now it is up to Ben to find him. But remaining on Earth for any length of time spells disaster for Ben's bride, Willow. 1988. Braille _Magic Kingdom of Landover series_ Magic Kingdom for Sale Sold! BR 6608 3 volumes When Ben Holiday arrives in Landover, the Magic Kingdom he purchased through a mail-order department store, he finds the place in shambles. The taxes have not been collected, the peasants are without hope, the barons refuse to recognize him as king, and a dragon is laying waste to the countryside. Bestseller 1986. The Black Unicorn BR 7161 3 volumes Ben Holiday, now king of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, faces the treachery of his wizard Questor Thews, the disappearance of Lady Willow in search of the Black Unicorn, and the loss of his royal medallion, the source of his magic and power. 1987. Wizard at Large BR 7846 3 volumes Ben Holiday, the current ruler of the Magic Kingdom of Landover, finds himself traveling back to Earth, thanks to the fumbling efforts of wizard Questor Thews. Thew's attempts to restore Court Scribe Abernathy to his human form resulted in Abernathy's disappearance, and now it is up to Ben to find him. But remaining on Earth for any length of time spells disaster for Ben's bride, Willow. 1988. Orson Scott Card Cassettes Treason RC 31743 read by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes The families on the planet Treason have for a long time been separated into warring clans. Yet each family is using its own special products to help barter for much-needed iron. Lanik Mueller, whose family is able to reproduce body parts, finds himself unable to stop growing parts. As this disaster takes him on a journey across the planet, he develops a plan that will help unify the families. For high school and older readers. 1988. Wyrms RC 28650 read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Legend has it that the "seventh seventh seventh" Heptarch ruler number 343 will come to either destroy or save the world. Patience, the daughter of Lord Peace, the rightful ruler of Heptarch, would be the 343d ruler. There are those who would help Patience regain the throne, but she hears the Cranning call and begins a journey that may affect her future and that of the world. 1987. _Ender Wiggins series_ Ender's Game RC 22934 read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes In a future Earth engaged in an interstellar war against insectoid aliens, Ender Wiggins is chosen at the age of six to be trained as the military genius who will carry his people to victory. Along with his brother Peter and his sister Valentine, he not only brings the conflict to an end, but also affects the evolution of human society. Strong language. 1985. Speaker for the Dead RC 24421 read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes Portuguese colonists on the planet Lusitania discover a species of intelligent life whose puzzling, brutal customs threaten to trigger a second war. Ender Wiggins, hero and scapegoat in the last war, seeks a chance to redeem his own and humanity's greatest crime, the failure to understand. 1986. Xenocide RC 34265 read by Bob Askey 4 cassettes The planet Lusitania is now inhabited with three intelligent species humans, the indigenous pequeninos (piggies), and a hive queen and her descendants (buggers). The planet, however, is teeming with descolada, a sentient virus essential to the life cycle of the planet natives, but deadly to humans. Ender Wiggins and a group of aliens try to find a solution to the problem. 1991. _Tales of Alvin Maker series_ Seventh Son RC 27233 read by John Polk 2 cassettes Fantasy set in an early-nineteenth-century alternate-world America. Alvin Miller is the seventh son of an Appalachian family and as such, carries great magic within himself. But someone, or something, does not seem to want him to grow up. 1987. Red Prophet RC 28545 read by John Polk 2 cassettes Alvin Miller, the seventh son of a seventh son, becomes caught up in a struggle be-tween good and evil in early eighteenth-century America. The culture of the American Indians and their reverence for, and awareness of, nature play an important part in this novel of the struggle between settlers and natives. 1988. Prentice Alvin RC 29660 read by John Polk 3 cassettes Alvin is now serving an apprenticeship to Makepeace Smith, the blacksmith, where he is learning to become a Maker. He finally meets Peggy, "the torch" who has been his protector since birth and who watches over him as he saves the life of his friend Arthur. But will Alvin learn what he needs in order to become a Maker? Some strong language. 1989. C.J. Cherryh Cassettes Cyteen RC 29083 read by Catherine Byers 6 cassettes Political intrigue that tackles a variety of social and ethical issues. The brilliant and ruthless scientist Ariane Emory, whose laboratories have developed a process of rejuvenating and replicating people, is the real power on the planet Cyteen. When she is murdered, her relatives have her replicated in what, they hope, is a less volatile form. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1988. Downbelow Station RC 33814 read by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes When probes from Sol Station were sent out by Earth Company, they found many stars on their journey. But Pell's Star was the first to prove livable. Over the years, as more star colonies were established, Pell became a liability for Earth Company, and now it is the focus of a conflict among Earth's colonies. Pell wants to remain a neutral star, but must resist or succumb to Earth Company's struggle to regain its lost empire. 1981. Exile's Gate RC 27388 read by Carol McCartney 3 cassettes Silver-haired Morgaine and her liege Vanye are searching for the Gates, which must be closed to preserve the world. As they travel, they rescue the equivocal Chei, who is a victim of the treacherous Lord Gault and is following his own path among those who can become evil changelings. Some strong language and violence. 1988. Heavy Time RC 33843 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Hoping to salvage the drifting ship they've just discovered, two asteroid miners find themselves rescuing the delirious pilot and trying to comprehend his rambling accusations. The pilot's partner and lover is missing, and he's blaming the vast ASTEX mining monopoly. Soon the two miners are dangerously involved in helping the pilot expose a coverup. Strong language and some violence. 1991. Rimrunners RC 30808 read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Bet Martin is stranded and starving on Thule, a station in the Hinder Stars. When the _Loki_, a mercenary starship, docks, Bet is hired on as a machinist. The _Loki_ is searching for the outlaw Earth Company fleet, on which Bet has served most of her life. She courts further danger when she is caught between two factions trying to gain control of the ship. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1989. This three-book sequence should be read in the following order: Rusalka RC 32419 read by Noah Siegel 3 cassettes Set in pre-Christian Russia, the story tells of Pyetr, who, accused of killing a nobleman, flees the village of Vojvoda. Pyetr and Sasha, who aided his escape, make their way to Kiev. In the forest, the wizard Uulamets enlists their help in searching for his daughter, Eveshka. She is a rusalka the spirit of a drowned maiden whose ghost haunts the river. A love that is strong enough might resurrect her. Some strong language. 1989. Chernevog RC 32420 read by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes It has been three years since Uulamets's sacrifice restored Eveshka to life. Pyetr and Eveshka, together with Sasha, have lived in the forest in peace. Chernevog the wizard has lain in an enchanted sleep. Eveshka becomes restless and leaves for the north, toward the place where Chernevog lies sleeping, and toward a dangerous rendezvous. Some strong language. 1990. Yvgenie RC 36006 read by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes Pyetr and Eveshka are concerned about their daughter Ilyana, who was born a wizard just like her mother. They have kept her safe in the forest of Kiev for fifteen years, but now they discover that each spring she has been meeting by the river's edge a ghostly child, called Yvgenie, who is always Ilyana's age. And that shadowy figure is none other than the wizard Kavi Chernevog! Strong language. 1991. Braille Downbelow Station BR 8797 4 volumes When probes from Sol Station were sent out by Earth Company, they found many stars on their journey. But Pell's Star was the first to prove livable. Over the years, as more star colonies were established, Pell became a liability for Earth Company, and now it is the focus of a conflict among Earth's colonies. Pell wants to remain a neutral star, but must resist or succumb to Earth Company's struggle to regain its lost empire. 1981. Arthur C. Clarke Cassettes Childhood's End RC 16549 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Gigantic spaceships from the stars appear in the skies over Earth, and mysterious, unseen aliens put an end to the squabbling between the nations of Earth and set the human race on a course toward its ultimate evolutionary destiny. 1953. The Fountains of Paradise RC 12962 read by Patrick Horgan 2 cassettes A novel that brings together the past and future, revealing the aspirations of two dreamers a tyrannical second-century prince and an engineer of the twenty-second century. 1979. Ghost from the Grand Banks RC 33713 read by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes In the year 2012, two groups are racing to capitalize on raising the _Titanic_. An inventor working with a glass company designs a method of elevating the front half of the ship using glass bubbles. The company's interest is in the rare glass items on board as well as the potential for attracting tourists. The other group plans to lift the stern by encasing it in ice and then to reenact the sinking over and over. 1990. Imperial Earth RC 9949 read by Roger Brown 2 cassettes Duncan Makenzie, third-generation descendant of the founder of the nation Titan on the moon of Saturn, travels to Earth for the American Quincentennial. He has himself cloned because his family genes have been damaged by radiation. 1976. The Songs of Distant Earth RC 23048 read by John Polk 7 cassettes in two containers After centuries of tranquility, the small colony on the warm ocean-planet, Thalassa, sees its peaceful way of life threatened when a huge spacecraft appears in orbit carrying the last refugees from Earth. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 23048. Bestseller 1986. _2001 series_ Two Thousand One: A Space OdysseyRC 19164 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Novel based on the popular film written with the film's director Stanley Kubrick. On a voyage into the unknown, the spacecraft _Discovery_ hurtles its human passengers through time toward a confrontation with an unknown, powerful intelligence. 1968. Two Thousand Ten, Odyssey TwoRC 20032 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes A joint U.S.-Soviet space crew sets out on a mission to the moons of Jupiter to learn what happened to the spaceship _Discovery _and its captain, and to investigate the cos-mic intelligence behind the mysterious monoliths discovered on the moon and in space. Bestseller 1982. Two Thousand Sixty-one, Odyssey Three RC 26047 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes The spaceship _Universe_ cuts short its ex-ploration of Halley's comet to undertake a rescue mission to Europa, the former moon of Jupiter that has been declared off limits to humankind. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 26047. Bestseller 1988. _Rama series_ Rendezvous with Rama RC 34890 read by Earle Hyman 2 cassettes Rama is the name given to the massive object that passes through the solar system in the twenty-second century. Explorers discover that Rama is not an asteroid or a dead relic but is instead a thirty-one-mile-long alien spaceship that is undergoing amazing changes as it approaches the sun. 1973. Rama II RC 31474 read by John Stratton 3 cassettes Sixty-seven years after the huge alien spacecraft _Rama_ passes through the solar system, another apparently identical spaceship is discovered hurtling toward the sun. Much has changed on Earth, and members of the new exploration team have diverse motivations. Humanity's second meeting with destiny will be different from its first. Written with Gentry Lee. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. The Garden of Rama RC 34359 read by John Stratton 3 cassettes The exploratory mission to the mysterious alien spacecraft _Rama II_ was a disastrous failure. Now three astronauts, two men and a woman, are trapped aboard the vast, daz-zling spaceship that is leaving the solar system for an unknown destination. Written with Gentry Lee. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Braille The Deep Range BR 2636 2 volumes Set a century in the future in the depths of the sea. A grounded spaceship engineer is assigned to a submarine patrol tending the whale herds and plankton farms from which the Earth's population is now fed. Separated from his Martian family, he must redesign his whole life. 1957. Islands in the Sky BR 2740 2 volumes A twenty-first-century boy wins a trip to the Inner Space Station and arrives there just in time to wrangle with a gang of interplanetary criminals. For high school and adult readers. 1952. _2001 series_ Two Thousand One: A Space Odyssey BR 1206 2 volumes Novel based on the popular film written with the film's director Stanley Kubrick. On a voyage into the unknown, the spacecraft _Discovery_ hurtles its human passengers through time toward a confrontation with an unknown, powerful intelligence. 1968. Two Thousand Ten, Odyssey Two BR 5580 3 volumes A joint U.S.-Soviet space crew sets out on a mission to the moons of Jupiter to learn what happened to the spaceship _Discovery_ and its captain, and to investigate the cos-mic intelligence behind the mysterious monoliths discovered on the moon and in space. Bestseller 1982. Two Thousand Sixty-one, Odyssey Three BR 7226 2 volumes The spaceship _Universe_ cuts short its exploration of Halley's comet to undertake a rescue mission to Europa, the former moon of Jupiter that has been declared off limits to humankind. Bestseller 1987. Philip K. Dick Cassettes Martian Time-Slip RC 18545 read by Marc Overton 2 cassettes Earth authorities want to destroy ten-year-old Manfred Sterling, who was born on Mars with a curious defect in his sense of time. However, con man Arnie Kott sees in Manfred a way to foretell the future and make lots of money, until something goes wrong with his plans. 1964. The Penultimate Truth RC 32659 read by Jack Fox 2 cassettes A nuclear holocaust has forced humans to seek shelter and safety underground. For fifteen years the survivors have lived in warrens, sustained and exhorted by the patriotic speeches of an unseen president. He urges them to produce more and better armaments. Three people, writer Joseph Adams, physician Carol Tigh, and Nick St. James, band together to go above ground and discover the truth. 1964. Ubik RC 35967 read by Jeff Halberstadt 2 cassettes Scientists have found a way to preserve bodies in order to bring them back to half-life. Glen Runciter, concerned about some of his firm's clients, goes to consult with his dead wife, Ella, but finds her body taken over by a stronger half-life. When Runciter is killed during an assignment on the moon, his employees hope to put his body into a state of half-life also. But strange happenings make them wonder if he is really dead. Strong language. 1969. _VALIS trilogy_ VALIS RC 35690 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes In the first of a trio of novels inspired by the author's "mystical experience," the protagonist is a science fiction author named Philip. When his suicidal alter ego, Horselover Fat, encounters a higher being and the event is eerily duplicated in a science fiction film entitled _VALIS_ (Vast Active Living Intelligence System), Philip visits the film's creators to investigate. Strong language. 1991. The Divine Invasion RC 35691 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Herb and Rybys work in system CY30-CY30B until Rybys contracts multiple sclerosis. Ancient Elias informs Rybys, a virgin, that she is pregnant by the god Yah and that her illness is a sign that she should return to the evil-ruled Earth in time for the second coming. An accident takes Rybys's life and leaves Herb in cryonic suspension, but the fetus lives, protected by Elias. Strong language. 1991. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer RC 35692 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Episcopalian bishop Timothy Archer's life changes dramatically when his son's suicide begins a series of deaths. Supernatural messages from loved ones warn the bishop and his daughter-in-law of each impending death and help them cope with their grief. Strong language. 1991. Braille The Penultimate Truth BR 8483 2 volumes A nuclear holocaust has forced humans to seek shelter and safety underground. For fifteen years the survivors have lived in warrens, sustained and exhorted by the patriotic speeches of an unseen president. He urges them to produce more and better armaments. Three people writer Joseph Adams, physician Carol Tigh, and Nick St. James band together to go above ground and discover the truth. 1964. Stephen R. Donaldson Cassettes _Mordant's Needs series_ Mirror of Her Dreams RC 25182 read by Sally Darling 6 cassettes Living alone in a Manhattan apartment full of mirrors, Teresa Morgan knows that she exists only because there is virtually no angle in her domicile from which she can't see herself. When a young man named Geraden suddenly appears in one of her mirrors, Teresa is swept into the fantastic land of Mordant and into a seething mass of conflicts. Descriptions of sex. 1986. A Man Rides Through RC 28625 read by Sally Darling 6 cassettes Continues the story of Teresa Morgan, who is seduced into the fantasy land of Mordant where conjurers use mirrors to bend forces and beings to their wills. Descriptions of sex. 1987. _Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever_ The First Chronicles Lord Foul's Bane RC 17147 read by Terry Hayes Sales 4 cassettes Epic fantasy centers on Thomas Covenant, a successful novelist who contracts leprosy and is shunned by his wife and society. The outcast is transported to a magical and beautiful world where he encounters an immortal enemy. 1977. The Illearth War RC 17164 read by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes When Lord Foul the Despiser discovers his single most powerful weapon, the Illearth Stone, Thomas Covenant must assume personal responsibility for a fateful situation he has tried desperately to avoid. 1977. The Power That Preserves RC 17165 read by Dale Carter 4 cassettes Thomas Covenant makes his own stand against Lord Foul the Despiser. Covenant will use if he can discover how the power that is his alone and that Foul fears above all others. 1977. The Second Chronicles The Wounded Land RC 17475 read by Terry Hayes Sales 4 cassettes Thomas Covenant returns to the Land after ten years have passed on Earth, to find that three thousand years have passed in the Land and that it is once again menaced by Lord Foul and his allies. 1980. The One Tree RC 17727 read by Bob Askey 4 cassettes Thomas Covenant, accompanied by Earthwoman Linden Avery, begins his search for the One Tree, from which he hopes to fashion a new Staff of Law to stop the desecration of the Land by Lord Foul and his allies. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 17727. Bestseller 1982. White Gold Wielder RC 19216 read by Merwin Smith 4 cassettes Covenant and his companions set out on a quest to extinguish the Sunbane, restore health to the Land, and face Lord Foul for a final showdown at Mount Thunder. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 19216. Bestseller 1983. David Eddings Cassettes _Belgariad series_ Pawn of Prophecy RC 30805 read by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes In the distant past, the evil god Torak stole the sacred Orb of Aldur, a living jewel of great power, and sealed it in a cask. The sorcerer Belgarath led a group who reclaimed the Orb, took it to the Isle of the Winds, and secured it within the walled city of Riva. Now young Garion, raised by his aunt Polgara at Faldor's farm, is drawn into a plot to waken the dreaded Torak. 1982. Queen of Sorcery RC 30806 read by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes The sorcerer Belgarath and his daughter Polgara seek to regain the sacred Orb. With them travels the young Garion, a simple farm lad, whose power and acts of wizardry grow with each step he takes. 1982. Magician's Gambit RC 31478 read by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes The young farm lad Garion, trained in sorcery by his aunt Polgara and his grandfather Belgarath, sets out for the strange tower where the evil god Mara lives. Princess Ce'Nedra joins the quest to recover the stolen Orb. She is sure there is no such thing as sorcery, but feels herself strangely drawn to Garion. 1983. Castle of Wizardry RC 31479 read by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes Garion has regained the stolen Orb, but he and his friends must escape from the enemy fortress and cross a desert. The Murgo soldiers seek to kill them, and the Grolim Hierarchs use dark magic to try to destroy them. Garion knows they must get the Orb to Riva by Erastide. 1984. Enchanters' End Game RC 31480 read by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes The Orb of Aldur has been restored to its rightful place and Garion is crowned to rule as overlord of the West. But the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled, for Torak still lives and is awakening from his long sleep. Garion and his grandfather, the ancient sorcerer Belgarath, travel to the City of the Endless Night to face Torak in a final duel. 1984. _Elenium series_ The Diamond Throne RC 30180 read by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes When Sparhawk, Pandion Knight and Queen's Champion, returns to Elenia, he finds Queen Ehlana sitting on her throne and sealed in a block of crystal. She is suffering from a fatal disease and will die within a year if a cure is not found. With the help of Sephrenia, the ageless magician, and Flute, the powerful girl-child, Sparhawk battles the evil forces trying to destroy Queen Ehlana. Bestseller 1989. The Ruby Knight RC 32298 read by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes Sparhawk, a knight and the queen's champion, searches for a way to save Queen Ehlana, poisoned and frozen in a block of crystal. He at last knows that the cure is the Bhelliom a great jewel lost over 500 years ago when King Sarak of Thalesia died in battle. Sparhawk hopes his companion knight Tynian can help locate King Sarak's burial place, but the year during which the queen can remain frozen is almost up. Bestseller 1990. The Sapphire Rose RC 34210 read by Jon Beryl 4 cassettes Sparhawk, Pandion Knight, has located Bhelliom the jewel that can save Queen Ehlana, who has been poisoned and frozen in a block of crystal until the antidote can be found. But Sparhawk is being stalked by Primate Annias, who must have Bhelliom if he is to assume the throne of the Church. Bestseller 1991. Domes of Fire RC 35897 read by Erik Sandvold 3 cassettes Six years ago Sparhawk defeated the evil god Azash. Now rumors of the return of the Troll-Gods, who threaten the Tamul Empire, send Sparhawk, with family and followers, to save the empire. Bestseller 1993. _Mallorean series_ Guardians of the West RC 27266 read by Hal Tenny 3 cassettes After eleven years of peaceful rule, King Garion is again contacted by the Orb of Aldur and warned of a new evil that will arise to dispute with the Prophecy of Light the fate of all creation. 1987. King of the Murgos RC 28102 read by Hal Tenny 3 cassettes Garion and Ce'Nedra set out on a quest across alien lands in search of the evil sorceress Zandramas, who has kidnapped their infant son. Zandramas, following a Prophecy that could lead to the victory of Darkness, intends to use their son as a sacrifice to ensure her continued mastery as the Child of Dark over the Child of Light. Bestseller 1987. Demon Lord of Karanda RC 28490 read by Hal Tenny 3 cassettes Follows Garion and Ce'Nedra as they track Zandramas, who kidnaps their infant son and heads for a final confrontation between the Child of Light and the Child of Dark. However, on the way, Garion and his friends are captured by Zakath and taken to the city of Mal Zeth, where a fatal plague is raging. Some violence. 1988. Sorceress of Darshiva RC 30832 read by Hal Tenny 3 cassettes Garion, Belgarath, Polgara, and Ce'Nedra are in pursuit of Zandramas. She has kidnapped Garion's infant son with plans to use him in an unspeakable ritual. They must battle the army of the demon lord Nahaz and the forces of Emperor Zakath as they continue on toward the Place Which Is No More and a showdown with Zandramas. 1989. The Seeress of Kell RC 33007 read by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes Garion and his companions begin a fateful quest to rescue Garion's infant son from Zandramas, the Child of Darkness. This quest precipitates the final battle of the seven-thousand-year war between good and evil, on which the fate of all creation hangs. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 33007. Bestseller. 1991. Braille _Belgariad series_ Pawn of Prophecy BR 8117 3 volumes In the distant past, the evil god Torak stole the sacred Orb of Aldur, a living jewel of great power, and sealed it in a cask. The sorcerer Belgarath led a group who reclaimed the Orb, took it to the Isle of the Winds, and secured it within the walled city of Riva. Now young Garion, raised by his aunt Polgara at Faldor's farm, is drawn into a plot to waken the dreaded Torak. 1982. Queen of Sorcery BR 8119 3 volumes The sorcerer Belgarath and his daughter Polgara seek to regain the sacred Orb. With them travels the young Garion, a simple farm lad, whose power and acts of wizardry grow with each step he takes. 1982. Magician's Gambit BR 8266 3 volumes The young farm lad Garion, trained in sorcery by his aunt Polgara and his grandfather Belgarath, sets out for the strange tower where the evil god Mara lives. Princess Ce'Nedra joins the quest to recover the stolen Orb. She is sure there is no such thing as sorcery, but feels herself strangely drawn to Garion. 1983. Castle of Wizardry BR 8267 3 volumes Belgarion has regained the stolen Orb, but he and his friends must escape from the enemy fortress and cross a desert. The Murgo soldiers seek to kill them, and the Grolim Hierarchs use dark magic to try to destroy them. Belgarion knows they must get the Orb to Riva by Erastide. 1984. Enchanters's End Game BR 8268 3 volumes The Orb of Aldur has been restored to its rightful place and Belgarion is crowned to rule as overlord of the West. But the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled, for Torak still lives and is awakening from his long sleep. Belgarion and his grandfather, the ancient sorcerer Belgarath, travel to the City of the Endless Night to face Torak in a final duel. 1984. Philip Jose Farmer Cassettes _Dayworld series_ Dayworld RC 31494 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes It is 3414 A.D. The world has become so crowded that the New Era government has decreed a vertical calendar during which each person is allowed to live one day each week. The rest of the time the person is in a state of suspended animation. Jeff Caird is a "daybreaker," a criminal; he lives every day of the week. Caird is pursuing the mad genius Chang Castor, and is being pursued by government investigators. Some strong language. 1985. Dayworld Rebel RC 32355 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes The world is so crowded that people are allowed to live only one day each week and must remain in suspended animation the other six days. Jeff Caird, a Tuesday cop, has escaped and lives seven days each week. He has integrated seven personalities and created an eighth, William St. George Duncan. Now Duncan has fled with other rebels and travels to Los Angeles to discover who the real enemy is. Some strong language. 1988. Dayworld Breakup RC 32336 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes William Duncan (a.k.a. Jeff Caird) knows the truth that those in power are keeping secret. The population has been decreasing, and it is now possible to discontinue the practice of living one day while spending the other six in suspended animation. Will Duncan be able to avoid capture and reveal the truth? Some strong language. 1990. _Riverworld series_ To Your Scattered Bodies Go RC 23296 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes The entire human race is reincarnated at the same time on the banks of a river millions of miles long. The nineteenth-century adventurer, Sir Richard Burton, leads a group of historical figures in a search for the source of the river to find the explanation for their baffling new existence. 1971. The Fabulous Riverboat RC 23297 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Samuel Clemens builds a kingdom in order to construct the perfect riverboat for reaching the headwaters of the river along with King John and Cyrano de Bergerac. Opposing the plan are the mysterious Ethicals, engineers of the massive enterprise. 1971. The Dark Design RC 23298 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Sir Richard Burton and Samuel Clemens continue to seek an explanation for their rebirth and the reason why resurrections have ceased on the shores of the river. Their quest is directed toward the river's headwaters and Misty Tower, the home of the Ethicals. 1977. The Magic Labyrinth RC 23299 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Burton clashes with Cyrano and Clemens battles King John. Burton, along with Alice Liddell, who inspired _Alice in Wonderland (RC 12392)_, reaches the source of the river where the secrets of Riverworld are revealed. 1980. Gods of Riverworld RC 23300 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes The people of this strange, precarious world attain enormous, almost overwhelming, powers when they take over the tower control center for all of Riverworld. 1983. Braille _Riverworld series_ To Your Scattered Bodies Go BR 6390 2 volumes The entire human race is reincarnated at the same time on the banks of a river millions of miles long. The nineteenth-century adventurer, Sir Richard Burton, leads a group of historical figures in a search to explain their baffling new existence. 1971. The Fabulous Riverboat BR 1786 3 volumes Samuel Clemens builds a kingdom in order to construct the perfect riverboat for reaching the headwaters of the river along with King John and Cyrano de Bergerac. Opposing the plan are the mysterious Ethicals, engineers of the massive enterprise. 1971. The Dark Design BR 6391 4 volumes Sir Richard Burton and Samuel Clemens continue to seek an explanation for their rebirth and the reason why resurrections have ceased on the shores of the river. Their quest is directed toward the river's headwaters and Misty Tower, the home of the Ethicals. 1977. The Magic Labyrinth BR 6392 4 volumes Burton clashes with Cyrano and Clemens battles King John. Burton, along with Alice Liddell, who inspired _Alice in Wonderland (BR 1412)_, reaches the source of the river where the secrets of Riverworld are revealed. 1980. Gods of Riverworld BR 6393 3 volumes The people of this strange, precarious world attain enormous, almost overwhelming, powers when they take over the tower control center for all of Riverworld. 1983. Robert A. Heinlein Cassettes Beyond This Horizon RC 16636 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes The planet Eautt has become a near-utopia, but there still remain some malcontents who threaten to jeopardize the equilibrium by science or revolution. 1948. The Cat Who Walks through Walls RC 23002 read by Bob Askey 3 cassettes Philosopher, soldier of fortune, and rogue Richard Ames sets out on a whirlwind adventure with rejuvenated agent Hazel Stone and other characters from Heinlein's previous novels. This group must foil a plot by the bad guys to change reality. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 23002. Bestseller 1985. Citizen of the Galaxy RC 32478 read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Thorby is taken from his parents at an early age and knows many cruel masters in his childhood. Now he is sold again this time to a decrepit beggar named Baslim. After living with Baslim for a while, Thorby realizes that Baslim is involved in more than begging. Thorby promises that when Baslim dies, Thorby will deliver a message for him. But delivery of the message lands Thorby in an alien spaceship where he becomes both guest and prisoner. 1957. The Door into Summer RC 16382 read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Betrayed by his girl and his business partner, a man is robbed of his business assets and left with only his pet tomcat to confide in. As a final blow he is forced into a thirty-year-long sleep in suspended animation. Awakening in the year 2000, he is determined to pick up the pieces of his life and somehow avenge himself on those who betrayed him. 1957. Friday RC 20597 read by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes As an artificial person and secret agent, Friday has been genetically engineered for beauty and intelligence. In a complex and fragmented future society, she carries out her assignments with precision, while wishing to be accepted by ordinary humans as an equal. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1982. Glory Road RC 17121 read by George Backman 2 cassettes When a hardened young Vietnam veteran answers an ad in a French newspaper, he finds a job escorting a beautiful queen through another dimension where he must fight golems, dragons, horned ghosts, and other dangerous species. Some descriptions of sex. 1963. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress RC 25524 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Luna is a twenty-first-century penal colony and, since no one can stand Earth gravity after being on the moon for a few weeks, all who are sent there must stay. When the liberated people rise against the authority, they receive unexpected help from a computer with a personality. 1966. The Number of the Beast RC 16623 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 3 cassettes Two scientists and their brides, newly acquired at a swinger's party in California, discover a way to other universes. After aliens try to kill them, the four escape through universes of popular fiction, including Burrough's Barsoom, Baum's Oz, and several from the author's earlier works. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1980. The Puppet Masters RC 16557 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Three secret-service agents must find a way to halt the invasion of Earth by alien monsters who have the ability to control men's thoughts and actions. 1951. Revolt in 2100 RC 21714 read by Peter Johnson 2 cassettes Young guardsman John Lyle secretly joins the revolutionary cause in the year 2100 to overthrow the Prophet, the evil dictator who controls the masses through religion, science, and a dedicated military elite. 1954. The Rolling Stones RC 7937 read by Nita Elliott 3 cassettes A gentle spoof of television space serial stories, introducing the daft but intelligent Luna family and a Martian cat. 1952. Star Beast RC 11949 read by Mark Heckler 2 cassettes Humorous science fiction tale involves John Thomas and his beloved beast of a pet who becomes an incredible problem with intergalactic ramifications when space voyagers appear. 1954. Starship Troopers RC 17818 read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Thousands of years in the future, a young man joins mobile infantry and fights in an interplanetary war against insect-like aliens. Hugo Award. 1959. Stranger in a Strange Land RC 12651 read by Joel Crothers 4 cassettes Valentine Michael Smith was born on Mars and educated to its way. A young nurse kidnaps him from a hospital after his arrival on Earth and ensures that he is protected from exploitation by scientists, politicians, and newsmen. A mixture of fantasy, satire, and social criticism. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1961. Time for the Stars RC 14186 read by George Backman 1 cassette A pair of identical twins provide communication between Earth and spaceships exploring distant solar systems. One twin retains his youth in the frontiers of space while his brother ages on Earth. An imaginative tale combining humor and adventure for junior and senior high and adult readers. 1956. To Sail beyond the Sunset: The Life and Loves of Maureen Johnson (Being the Memoirs of a Somewhat Irregular Lady) RC 26957 read by Carol McCartney 3 cassettes Born on Earth in "time line two" on July 4, 1882, Maureen Johnson lived there until 1982 when she moved to Tertius, was rejuvenated, and married into the Long family group. Maureen recalls her life marriage, loves, and joyous copulations in detail. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 26957. Bestseller 1987. Tunnel in the Sky RC 13216 read by Patrick Van Horn 2 cassettes Adventures of a graduating class of survivalists in a future time when, through a hyperspace tunnel, humans from Earth can be deposited on any one of the countless planets of the universe. 1955. Braille Citizen of the Galaxy BR 8623 2 volumes Thorby is taken from his parents at an early age and knows many cruel masters in his childhood. Now he is sold again this time to a decrepit beggar named Baslim. After living with Baslim for a while, Thorby realizes that Baslim is involved in more than begging. Thorby promises that when Baslim dies, Thorby will deliver a message for him. But delivery of the message lands Thorby in an alien spaceship where he becomes both guest and prisoner. 1957. Friday BR 5780 3 volumes As an artificial person and secret agent, Friday has been genetically engineered for beauty and intelligence. In a complex and fragmented future society, she carries out her assignments with precision, while wishing to be accepted by ordinary humans as an equal. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1982. Orphans of the Sky BR 4335 2 volumes A civilization evolves in a huge spaceship lost between the stars. The ship is a world in itself, and its inhabitants have forgotten, except as a myth, the rest of the universe. Then one man on the ship learns the truth. 1971. Red Planet: A Colonial Boy on Mars BR 3816 2 volumes Two young colonists on Mars, with the help of their Martian buddy, discover a subversive plot and lead their fellow colonists in a terrifying revolution. For high school and adult readers. 1949. Stranger in a Strange Land BR 1156 6 volumes Valentine Michael Smith was born on Mars and educated to its strange ways, superhuman abilities, and ignorance of sex. A young nurse kidnaps him from a hospital after his arrival on Earth and ensures that he is protected from exploitation by scientists, politicians, and newsmen. A mixture of fantasy, satire, and social criticism. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1961. Frank Herbert Cassettes _Dune series_ Dune RC 8029 read by Jon Beryl 8 cassettes in 2 containers In this science fiction novel with sociological and religious overtones, an exile with psychic powers becomes the prophet of the savage people on the planet Dune. 1975. Dune Messiah RC 19126 read by George Backman 2 cassettes A sociological science fiction novel in which Paul Atreides fulfills his strange destiny as prophet and leader amid the savage people on the planet Dune. 1969. Children of Dune RC 10349 read by John Polk 4 cassettes Combines ecology and adventure as Paul's sister Alia, one of the "preborn," who carry the living memories of the entire family ancestry back to Agamemnon, is possessed by a spirit. 1976. God Emperor of Dune RC 15846 read by Merwin Smith 3 cassettes Takes place 3500 years after the events of the original Dune trilogy and tells the story of Leto, the son of Paul Atreides, savior of the planet Dune. Leto still lives, but is no longer human. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 15846. Bestseller 1981. Heretics of Dune RC 20241 read by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes Fifteen hundred years after the death of God Emperor Leto, the Bene Gesserit sisterhood fights to preserve Leto's plan for humanity. The key to their success lies in a clone of the ancient Atreides warrior, Duncan Idaho, and in a mutant girl who has the ability to speak to the giant sand worms of Dune. Some descriptions of sex. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 20241. Bestseller 1984. Chapterhouse, Dune RC 21526 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes On the planet Chapterhouse, the fugitive sisterhood of Bene Gesserit Reverend Mothers is trying to recreate the desert ecology of destroyed Arrakis (complete with sandworms) and to restore the spice supply they need. At the same time they are engaged in a duel to the death with the Honored Matres, a rival order. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 21526. Bestseller 1985. _Pandora series_ Destination: Void RC 7791 read by Tom Rasmussen 3 cassettes The organic Mental Cores guiding a spaceship fail, and a human cargo of 3,000 colonists is trapped in space. 1966. The Jesus Incident RC 14676 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes The voidship _Earthling_, carrying a crew of clones, is transformed into a god-like artificial intelligence called Ship, which demands worship from the cloned generation of men, who do not know worship. After eons of experimenting with a new order of humanity, Ship gives men one last chance at redemption on the poisonous planet Pandora, where the riddle of worship is solved by a Jesus-like savior. Written with Bill Ransom. 1979. The Lazarus Effect RC 21135 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes On the all-water planet Pandora, evil merman GeLaar Gallow plans to wipe out the mutant Islanders by sinking their floating islands. Plans are also afoot to revive the sentient kelp species, which can offer immortality by absorbing the personalities of the dead. Written with Bill Ransom. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1983. The Ascension Factor RC 27421 read by Gary Tipton 3 cassettes The residents of the watery planet Pandora are suffering under the evil rule of the "Dictator." Fugitive newsman Ben Ozette and other freedom fighters pin their hopes for the future on Crista Galli, an almost-human woman raised in a kelp bed who is, perhaps, deadly to touch. Some violence. Written with Bill Ransom. 1988. L. Ron Hubbard Cassettes Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 RC 19791 read by John Stratton 7 cassettes in two containers Jonnie Goodboy Tyler ventures forth from the dwindling community of human survivors in the Rocky Mountains and ends up challenging the powerful alien race that has dominated and exploited all known galaxies for centuries. 1982. Final Blackout RC 30815 read by Fred Major 1 cassette Thirty years of warfare, atomic and biological as well as conventional, have devastated Europe. The Lieutenant takes command of the Fourth Brigade, invades Great Britain, and restores order. The Americans come, ostensibly on a mission of mercy, but the Lieutenant mistrusts their offers of help and defeats their attempt to colonize England. 1940. _Mission Earth series_ The Invaders Plan RC 24257 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes The interstellar Voltar Confederacy targets Earth for eventual, routine takeover, but the timetable is upset, first by the threat of Earth's soon becoming overpolluted and unusable, and second by ruthless Voltar spy chief Lombar Hisst. Lombar sees the planet as a key to his plan to make himself emperor. Some strong language. Bestseller 1985. Black Genesis: Fortress of Evil RC 24964 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes In this satire, agent Soltan Gris is ordered by the evil Lombar Hisst to sabotage the Voltarian mission to Earth aimed at stopping pollution. Gris lays his plans carefully but fails to take into account the resourcefulness of the mission leader or the totally irrational nature of Earthmen. Bestseller 1986. The Enemy Within RC 25210 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Voltarian super-agent Jettero Heller continues his covert mission to save Earth from choking on its own pollution, as his handler, Soltan Gris, proceeds with his plan to enrich himself and restrain Heller. Gris is also enthralled by the charms of Utanc, a lovely Turkish belly-dancer. Some descriptions of sex. 1986. An Alien Affair RC 25211 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Jettero Heller has arranged a demonstration of his new nonpolluting fuel in the form of a grand Indy-500-style race to be held during a blizzard. Soltan Gris, desperate to stop Heller, is waylaid repeatedly by two angry lesbians, while his concubine Utanc runs up tremendous credit card bills. Descriptions of sex and some violence. 1986. Fortune of Fear RC 25212 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Jettero Heller's lover, the Countess Krak, has arrived on planet Earth determined to aid Heller and to cause problems for his mortal enemy, Soltan Gris. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1986. Death Quest RC 25527 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Continues the saga of the struggle between Jettero Heller (aided by his fianc‚e, Countess Krak) and ineffectual alien agent Soltan Gris. In this installment, Gris hires a hit man and Krak is his target. Descriptions of sex. 1986. Voyage of Vengeance RC 27337 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Satirical science fiction novel features a cast of strange aliens and stranger Earthmen. Includes beleaguered Apparatus assassin Soltan Gris, who continues his efforts to sabotage the mission aimed at saving Earth from drowning in its own pollution. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1985. Disaster RC 29155 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Things look bleak as villain Soltan Gris continues to sabotage the Voltarian mission to save Earth. The U.S. is about to declare war, the world's oil supply is radioactive, a black hole is in orbit, and even the New York mafia are under aerial assault. Some strong language. 1987. Villainy Victorious RC 29156 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes The insane Lombar Hisst has taken con-trol of the Voltarian Confederacy and sent a death battalion to take over Earth. Voltarian fleet officer Jettero Heller and the beautiful Countess Krak find themselves cast in the role of fugitives as it now appears that villainy has won the day. Some strong language. 1987. The Doomed Planet RC 29157 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Voltarian fleet officer Jettero Heller rallies with the rebel forces of Prince Mortiiy attempting to defeat the villainous Lombar Hisst. But can they breach the defenses of the seemingly impregnable Palace City where Hisst has taken refuge? And can they still save Earth from its scheduled invasion? Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1987. Stephen King Cassettes The Eyes of the Dragon RC 25951 read by David Palmer 2 cassettes Fantastic tale of sorcery, poison brews, and adventure set in a mythical kingdom threatened by chaos at the hands of an evil magician. Noble and heroic, Prince Peter is the elder son of King Roland the Good, and heir to the throne. But the demonic wizard Flagg has other ideas. Some violence. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 25951. Bestseller 1987. _The Dark Tower series_ The Gunslinger RC 29232 read by David Palmer 2 cassettes The author begins his epic story the Dark Tower by introducing the reader to the gunslinger and his evil nemesis, "the man in black." The enemy is actually a sorcerer who creates many problems for the gunslinger as the gunslinger travels through time seeking vengeance for the death of his father and the dishonoring of his mother. 1982. The Drawing of the Three RC 31000 read by David Palmer 3 cassettes Roland the gunslinger continues his search for the Dark Tower in a tale of horror, during which he cohabits three lives in New York City: a heroin addict, The Prisoner; a schizophrenic woman, The Lady of Shadows; and a murderer, Death. Strong language and violence. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 31000. 1989. The Waste Lands RC 33943 read by David Palmer 4 cassettes Roland continues his quest for the Dark Tower, joined by Eddie Dean and his lover Susannah who have traveled across time from their New York world. Roland begins losing his mind thanks to Jake Chambers who died earlier but reappears here and the group faces many new evils. Violence and some strong language. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 33943. Bestseller 1991. Braille The Eyes of the Dragon BR 6876 3 volumes Fantastic tale of sorcery, poison brews, and adventure set in a mythical kingdom threatened by chaos at the hands of an evil magician. Noble and heroic, Prince Peter is the elder son of King Roland the Good, and heir to the throne. But the demonic wizard Flagg has other ideas. Some violence. Bestseller 1987. Ursula K. Le Guin Cassettes Always Coming Home RC 23753 read by Suzanne Toren 4 cassettes A rich and diffuse portrait of the ethnology and the sexual roles and relationships in a future, vaguely Amerindian society in northern California. Based on human values, the group shuns the use of most high technology. The novel chronicles the life of a woman, Stone Telling, and includes folk tales, poems, descriptions of rituals and beliefs, and plays. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1985. The Lathe of Heaven RC 13601 read by Jack Hrkach 2 cassettes George Orr has many dreams and awakens to find them coming true. The psychiatrist to whom he turns for help recognizes that George has unusual powers and employs his dreams to solve problems of environment, population, and politics. 1971. Malafrena RC 16781 read by John MacDonald 3 cassettes In the early nineteenth century in the imaginary land of Orsinia, Itale Sorde leaves his beloved ancestral home at Malafrena for the excitement of Krasnoy, a big city. There, as an impoverished radical journalist, he has an affair with a beautiful baroness and learns about life and love. 1979. Planet of Exile RC 12908 read by Patricia Leclercq 1 cassette The natives of a distant planet live in dis-trust of a small colony of humans stranded there for six centuries. A threatened invasion by marauding nomads from the north brings the two societies into shaky alliance, but an alliance of another sort altogether determines the future of the planet. 1966. Braille The Lathe of Heaven BR 1816 2 volumes George Orr has many dreams and awakens to find them coming true. The psychiatrist to whom he turns for help recognizes that George has unusual powers and employs his dreams to solve problems of environment, population, and politics. 1971. The Word for World Is Forest BR 3464 1 volume Describes the revolt of a tranquil race of Athsheans who live in a forest world on a distant planet and are threatened by the arrival of Earthmen. Strong language. Hugo Award. 1973. Doris Lessing Cassettes _Canopus in Argos series_ Shikasta: Re, Colonised Planet 5; Personal, Psychological, Historical Documents Relating to Visit by Johor (George Sherban) Emissary (Grade 9) 87th of the Period of the Last Days RC 15042 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 3 cassettes The galactic administrator, Johor, traces the sad, million-year evolution of Earth as two galactic empires, one good and one evil, work their influences upon man. 1979. The Marriages between Zones Three, Four, and Five (as Narrated by the Chroniclers of Zone Three) RC 17374 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 2 cassettes A mythic treatment of the ancient war between men and women. The amiable queen of egalitarian Zone Three is ordered by the Providers to marry and civilize the arrogant soldier-king of patriarchical Zone Four. He is later ordered to marry the Amazon queen of barbaric Zone Five. 1980. The Sirian Experiments: The Report by Ambien II, of the Five RC 17885 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 2 cassettes Over eons of time, the Sirian and Canopean empires vie for control of the planet Earth. The Sirian colonial administrator describes the evolutionary experiments conducted on Earth and recognizes the superiority of Canopean wisdom and culture. 1981. The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 RC 18014 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 1 cassette Planet 8 of the Canopean empire is prosperous and peaceful until a shift in its axis brings on a planet-wide ice age that spells doom for its inhabitants. 1982. Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire RC 19592 read by George Guidall-Shapiro 2 cassettes Satire on human politics. Agent Klorathy of the benevolent Canopean Empire is sent to observe and, if possible, cushion the collapse of the Volyen Empire, where opposing factions vie for control of the masses through manipulation of emotions and use of political rhetoric. 1983. Jacqueline Lichtenberg Cassettes _Luren series_ Those of My Blood RC 30399 read by David Palmer 3 cassettes There are two groups of luren, a race of extraterrestrial vampires. One, the Residents, consider Earth their home and humans as friends and equals; the other group, the Tourists, are only interested in humans as a source of food. When an alien spacecraft crashes on the moon, the sole survivor is a luren, but neither Resident nor Tourist. Who is this stranger? 1988. Dreamspy RC 30944 read by David Palmer 3 cassettes The governments of the Teleod and the Metaji are waging a war that threatens to damage the delicate balance of space-time and make interstellar travel impossible. The only hope for peace lies with an Earthman, a Dreamspy, and his bonding with an alien female telepath and a starfaring vampire. Some descriptions of sex. 1989. Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg Cassettes _Sime/Gen series_ House of Zeor RC 15315 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Patricia Leclercq 2 cassettes In a distant future the human race has evolved into two different races Sime and Gen. Simes can sustain their lives only by absorbing energy fields produced by Gens, a process that is fatal to the Gens and spells the doom of both Sime and Gen unless a safe Gen-Sime energy transfer can be found. 1974. Unto Zeor, Forever RC 16268 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Jack Hrkach 3 cassettes An idealistic Sime physician and a Gen medical colleague battle to alleviate the fears and prejudices between Simes and Gens and to regulate Sime-Gen dealings through an organization called the Tecton. 1978. First Channel RC 16843 by Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Jack Hrkach 3 cassettes Tells of the period in Zeor's history when Sime Rimon Farris discovered that he was able to channel the selyn flow so that the effects would be harmless to Gens and had to overcome traditional beliefs to make this process acceptable to both Simes and Gens. 1980. Mahogany Trinrose RC 18455 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Although Channels now permit the lifegiving selyn transfer to take place without death resulting for the Gens, Simes continue to prey on Gens. Ercy Farris, heiress of the House of Zeor and an immature Channel, dedicates her life to cultivating a flower that legend says produces a drug that can make direct Gen-Sime selyn transfer safe. 1981. Channel's Destiny RC 20177 by Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Jack Hrkach 2 cassettes Zeth Farris is determined to become a channel like his father Rimon and change the predatory nature of the Sime-Gen struggle into a harmless symbiotic relationship. 1982. RenSime RC 22699 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes After involuntarily killing a Gen during the selyn transfer of life-giving energy, Sime scientist Laneff Farris labors for Sime/Gen cooperation and trust and undertakes an experiment to make the transfer safe. However, her efforts are hampered by radical terrorist violence and the fact that her unborn child could be killed by her experiment. 1984. Braille House of Zeor BR 2733 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg 3 volumes In a distant future the human race has evolved into two different races Sime and Gen. Simes can sustain their lives only by absorbing energy fields produced by Gens, a process that is fatal to the Gens and spells the doom of both Sime and Gen unless a safe Gen-Sime energy transfer can be found. 1974. Jean Lorrah Cassettes _Savage Empire series_ Savage Empire RC 17691 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes The Aventine Empire, a society of telepaths, is crumbling under the attacks of barbarians who are aided by a renegade telepath. Master telepath Leonardo learns that the renegade is one of his former pupils, and he ventures out into the strange lands in an attempt to track down and stop his student from siding with the savages. 1981. Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire RC 22854 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Leonardo, former teacher and master tele-path, is trying to arrange peace between the savages (among whom he is a warlord) and his fellow telepaths of the Aventine Empire. But he has sworn fealty to the beautiful witch-queen Aradia who has some special plans for him. 1982. Anne McCaffrey Cassettes Restoree RC 29708 read by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Sara is kidnapped from Earth by a nameless force, and awakens in another and more beautiful body on an alien planet. Enslaved and forced to serve as an attendant in a hospital, she learns the man she is caring for is the regent of the planet. When she realizes he is being held hostage, she plots their escape. 1967. _Dragonriders of Pern series_ Dragonsdawn RC 28037 read by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes More than 6,000 colonists have landed on the uninhabited planet Pern, where they hope to establish a peaceful society. Everything goes well until they experience the first Threadfall deadly spores that fall from the sky in silver threads and devour everything in their path. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 28037. Bestseller. 1988. Renegades of Pern RC 31007 read by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes A new Threadfall is threatening the planet Pern, and Lessa and Flar go in search of the Weyrs for help. Meanwhile, Lady Thella has decided to capture and destroy Aramina, a young girl who talks with dragons. But Thella has aroused the wrath of Jayge, who has vowed revenge for her attack on his family and who will never let harm come to the girl who hears dragons. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 31007. Bestseller 1989. All the Weyrs of Pern RC 34008 read by Yvonne Fair Tessler 4 cassettes For more than 2,500 years, the people of Pern have taken to the sky on their faithful dragons to attack the terrible spores known as Thread, and they have searched for a way to destroy Thread forever. Now with the discovery of their original landing site and the exposing of Aivas, the Artificial Intelligence Voice-Address System, they have the vital information. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 34008. Bestseller 1991. Dragonflight RC 12522 read by Buckley Kozlow 2 cassettes The mighty telepathic dragons that have defended the planet Pern for centuries are so decimated that they cannot protect Pern in its darkest hour. In desperation, a strong-minded young woman hatches a daring and dangerous scheme to rally support from people who long ago ceased to exist. For high school and adult readers. 1968. Dragonquest RC 12520 read by Buckley Kozlow 3 cassettes The Oldtimers, who agreed to move forward in time to save the planet Pern from destruction, dislike the age in which they now live. While they breed anger and dissent, a bold dragonrider seeks a way to protect his beloved planet from outside danger and destruction from within. For high school and adult readers. 1971. The White Dragon RC 12521 read by Buckley Kozlow 4 cassettes Continues the adventures of Jaxom, a young lord, and his extraordinary white dragon, Ruth. As Jaxom trains secretly to prove his manhood, he and Ruth teach themselves to go back in time until they discover Pern's original settlement and find themselves in great danger. For high school and adult readers. 1978. Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern RC 20212 read by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes In the early centuries of the Dragonworld of Pern, a lethal plague threatens to devour all organic life. The survival of the planet rests in the hands of Moreta and the other selfless Pernese leaders, whose greatest foe is time. For high school and adult readers. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 20212. Bestseller 1983. Nerilka's Story RC 26309 read by Janis Gray 1 cassette When a terrible plague descends upon the planet Pern, everyone pitches in to help, except Nerilka's father. Ashamed of him and determined to help, Nerilka packs up medicines and supplies and sneaks off to aid her people. While on her quest she meets Lord Alessan who is frantically preparing a serum for mass inoculations and finds true love and happiness. Bestseller 1986. _Ireta series_ Dinosaur Planet RC 29689 read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes The Federated Sentient Planets launch a mission to Ireta to locate new energy sources and study the life forms. As Kai and Varian, the expedition leaders, compile the data, they discover that the strange animal life originated on prehistoric Earth. When their spaceship disappears, they fear they have been abandoned on Ireta as part of an experiment. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1978. Dinosaur Planet Survivors RC 29690 read by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Forty years after Kai and Varian go into coldsleep to avoid capture by the mutineers who have taken over the planet Ireta, they awake to find things are even worse. Not only are the mutineers still around, but so are their descendants, while space pirates and the alien Theks are headed toward the planet. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1984. _Killashandra series_ Crystal Singer RC 20768 read by Michael McCullough 2 cassettes Killashandra Ree applies for membership among the crystal miners of the planet Ballybran. The mining of the fabled black crystal requires musical talent and is the means to unlimited wealth, but it also causes irreversible physiological changes in the miners. 1982. Killashandra RC 24201 read by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Killashandra Ree accepts a mission to the planet Optheria to install a replacement crystal in a sensory organ and also to investigate the Optherian government's prohibition on interstellar travel. Kidnapped and then stranded on a remote island, she escapes by swimming and makes her way to a rebel stronghold and to a strong love relationship. Some descriptions of sex. 1985. _Pegasus series_ To Ride Pegasus RC 34795 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Henry Darrow awakes from surgery knowing he is destined to marry nurse Molly Mahony; each has paranormal abilities. Together they establish the Parapsychic Center to protect and nurture people with special powers. Included are Molly, who heals with her hands; Barbara, who locates missing items; and Dorotea, a baby who intuits the presence of Talents. Some strong language. 1973. Pegasus in Flight RC 34796 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Rhyssa Owen is now the director of the Center for Parapsychic Talents founded by Henry Darrow, and it is her responsibility to assign the Talents to areas where they will be most valuable. But it is also her responsibility to see that the Talents are not exploited. She is especially concerned about two young people, Tirla and Peter, who seem to have some unusual abilities. Some strong language. 1990. _Rowan trilogy_ The Rowan RC 36321 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes When mudslides destroyed the mining plant on Altair 4, only one person survived: the Rowan, a child Talent whose powers were so strong her cries were heard across the world. Because of her extraordinary abilities, she is raised to take charge of the telepath and teleport tower on Callisto. But with no family, she lives in a loneliness that even her gifts cannot alleviate until she makes contact with another Talent. 1990. Damia RC 36330 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Damia, daughter of the Rowan and Jeff, has inherited their powers and will become a Prime the most powerful of the Talents. As a child she is cared for by Afra, a valued family friend. Because of her gifts, Damia is sent to manage the Tower on the new colony of Iota Aurigae. There she will face a threat more powerful than any her parents met. But Afra will be there to help. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Damia's Children RC 36334 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Damia, with the help of Afra, was able to hold off, but not destroy, the alien attack that threatened her planet. Now married, she and Afra have eight children whose combined powers exceed those of their parents. Thus it will be up to the children to provide protection for the planet. The aliens are gathering forces again, and this time they will try to compensate for the strength of the children. 1993. Braille _Dragonriders of Pern series_ Dragonsdawn BR 7601 4 volumes More than 6,000 colonists have landed on the uninhabited planet Pern, where they hope to establish a peaceful society. Everything goes well until they experience the first Threadfall deadly spores that fall from the sky in silver threads and devour everything in their path. Bestseller 1988. The Renegades of Pern BR 8114 3 volumes A new Threadfall is threatening the planet Pern, and Lessa and Flar go in search of the Weyrs for help. Meanwhile, Lady Thella has decided to capture and destroy Aramina, a young girl who talks with dragons. But Thella has aroused the wrath of Jayge, who has vowed revenge for her attack on his family, and who will never let harm come to the girl who hears dragons. Bestseller 1989. All the Weyrs of Pern BR 8699 4 volumes For more than 2,500 years, the people of Pern have taken to the sky on their faithful dragons to attack the terrible spores known as Thread, and they have searched for a way to destroy Thread forever. Now with the discovery of their original landing site and the exposing of AIVAS, the Artificial Intelligence Voice-Address System, they have the vital information. Bestseller 1991. Dragonflight BR 5797 3 volumes The mighty telepathic dragons that have defended the planet Pern for centuries are so decimated that they cannot protect Pern in its darkest hour. In desperation, a strong-minded young woman hatches a daring and dangerous scheme to rally support from people who long ago ceased to exist. For high school and adult readers. 1968. Dragonquest BR 5798 4 volumes The Oldtimers, who agreed to move forward in time to save the planet Pern from destruction, dislike the age in which they now live. While they breed anger and dissent, a bold dragonrider seeks a way to protect his beloved planet from outside danger and destruction from within. For high school and adult readers. 1971. The White Dragon BR 5881 4 volumes Continues the adventures of Jaxom, a young lord, and his extraordinary white dragon, Ruth. As Jaxom trains secretly to prove his manhood, he and Ruth teach themselves to go back in time until they discover Pern's original settlement and find themselves in great danger. For high school and adult readers. 1978. Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern BR 5706 4 volumes In the early centuries of the Dragonworld of Pern, a lethal plague threatens to devour all organic life. The survival of the planet rests in the hands of Moreta and the other selfless Pernese leaders, whose greatest foe is time. For high school and adult readers. Bestseller 1983. Nerilka's Story BR 8867 1 volume When a terrible plague descends upon the planet Pern, everyone pitches in to help, except Nerilka's father. Ashamed and determined to help, Nerilka packs up medicines and supplies and sneaks off to aid her people. While on her quest, she meets Lord Alessan who is frantically preparing a serum for mass inoculations and finds true love and happiness. Bestseller 1986. Larry Niven Cassettes Footfall RC 21541 read by Julian Gamble 4 cassettes In the near future, an uncommunicative alien spaceship approaches Earth and, without warning, launches a devastating attack. Soon an alien army occupies Kansas, plundering and taking captives. Thus begins a war of immense destruction. Written with J.E. Pournelle. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 21541. Bestseller 1985. A Gift from Earth RC 17163 read by Richard Braun 2 cassettes A dictatorship controls the colony planet Mount Lookitthat, where condemned criminals and revolutionaries are used to supply replacement organs for the long-lived ruling class. However, the revolutionaries receive unexpected aid from a psychic young colonist and from an unmanned space pod that arrives from Earth. 1968. Lucifer's Hammer RC 15396 read by Richard Braun 4 cassettes Astronauts watch with horror from above as Earth collides with a comet and chaos reigns among the nations and the survivors. A feisty U.S. senator's ranch becomes a stronghold against roving armies of cannibals and religious fanatics as he undertakes to build a new civilization. Written with J.E. Pournelle. Some strong language. 1977. Oath of Fealty RC 17894 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes In a near-future Los Angeles, a self-contained city in one gigantic building rises out of a burnt-out slum. Inside, the inhabitants have agreed to surrender some of their independence for almost total security and prosperity. But this technical utopia must prepare to defend itself from those on the outside who wish to destroy it. Written with J.E. Pournelle. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1981. _Known Space series_ Trees sequence The Integral Trees RC 21073 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes An immense gas cloud encircling a decaying neutron star has become the exotic home of Earthmen whose ancestors fled totalitarian Earth control five hundred years before. Men live on gigantic tree-like plants floating in the cloud. For the semibarbarous Quinn tribe, continued survival depends on a dangerous migration along the one-hundred-kilometer length of their dying tree. 1984. The Smoke Ring RC 27087 read by Randy Wieck 2 cassettes Follows the adventures of the descendants of space mutineers who have created a complex civilization within the ring of breathable atmosphere around a neutron star. New complications include the discovery of the Admiralty, a large society living in "free fall." Some descriptions of sex. 1987. Ringworld sequence Ringworld RC 17418 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes A motley band of humans and aliens is sent from known space to unlock the mysteries of a vast, ring-shaped world built around a distant sun by a defunct civilization. Hugo and Nebula Awards. 1970. The Ringworld Engineers RC 17471 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Twenty years after his first visit to Ringworld, two-hundred-year-old Louis Wu and his alien companions return to that artificial world only to find it will shortly be destroyed when it grazes its off-center sun. In order to restabilize the wheel-shaped world, they must locate the control center of the legendary engineers who built the planet. Some descriptions of sex. 1980. Andre Norton Cassettes The Beast Master RC 17814 read by Joe Brown 2 cassettes Hosteen Strom, homeless exile of the holocaust that reduced planet Terra to a radioactive cinder, relocates on the dangerous frontier world of Arzor to carry out a very personal vendetta. For junior and senior high and adult readers. 1959. Forerunner RC 27395 read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Simsa hopes to fetch a small profit by selling some odd bits of jewelry to the starmen who visit Kuxortal. However, she gets much more than she bargained for when a mysterious off-worlder takes an exceptional interest in her and her artifacts. 1981. The Gate of the Cat RC 32262 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes As Kelsie McBlair walks over her land in the Scottish highlands, she stumbles and falls at the place of the standing stones all but three of which have been toppled. When she awakens she is still surrounded by the stones, only all of them are now standing, and the land is covered with wildflowers instead of being barren. Kelsie soon becomes involved in a power struggle between Light and Dark for control of the Green Valley. 1987. Iron Cage RC 8826 read by Buckley Kozlow 3 cassettes A gentle tribe of intelligent animals wanders the Earth with a young boy who possesses mind-controlling powers, until a spaceship of visitors shatters their peaceful existence. For junior and senior high science fiction fans. 1974. Knave of Dreams RC 9783 read by Lester Rawlins 2 cassettes After a terrible car wreck, Ramsay Kimball finds himself alive in a prince's body in an alien world. He becomes the target of a dangerous political struggle in which his only weapon is his unique ability to dream. For junior and senior high readers. 1975. Star Rangers RC 27192 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Set in the eighty-first century, this science fiction adventure concerns the crew of a space patrol ship that crashes on an unknown planet. For high school and adult readers. 1953. The X-Factor RC 9598 read by Robert Watson 1 cassette When misfit Diskan Fentress steals a spaceship complete with travel tape for the unexplored planet of Mimir, he finally feels that he is using his latent powers for a worthwhile purpose. 1965. _Witchworld series_ Songsmith RC 36060 read by Mary Kane 2 cassettes Songsmith Eydryth journeys alone within the Witch World seeking a cure for her father, Jervon, whose mind was damaged in his search for his lost wife. As Eydryth travels through Estcarp, she is snubbed by the witches for seeking help for a man. But Alon, a young horseman, comes to her aid and accompanies her as they are pursued by persons who don't want Alon to use his magical powers. Some violence. 1992. Witch World RC 11826 read by Mark Heckler 2 cassettes A secret agent with a price on his head is transported to Witch World a peculiar medieval land of magic, adventure, and conflict where survival demands all of his knowledge and cunning. For high school and adult readers. 1963. Web of the Witch World RC 13315 read by Patrick Van Horn 2 cassettes Simon Tregarth, an alien, marries Jaelithe, a young sorceress of Witch World. Though Jaelithe fears she will lose her power by marrying, she discovers that she now shares it with Simon. For high school and adult readers. 1964. Three against the Witch World RC 13268 read by Mark Heckler 2 cassettes Foster parents rear the triplets of an alien male and a sorceress of Witch World after their natural parents disappear. The foster parents force the daughter into witch training, but her brothers rescue her by psychic power and the three flee the vengeance of the witches. For high school and adult readers. 1965. Warlock of the Witch World RC 13461 read by Jim Shelby 2 cassettes Kaththea, daughter of an alien male and a sorceress of Witch World, becomes overconfident and falls prey to an evil magician. Her brother, a seer, relates how he engages in mortal combat to save her. 1967. Sorceress of the Witch World RC 11913 read by Amanda Hale-Royce 2 cassettes Kaththea, daughter of an alien male and a sorceress of Witch World, is captured by a savage people who force her to become their tribal seeress. After failing to foresee an enemy attack, Kaththea attempts to escape her captors. For high school and adult readers. 1968. Year of the Unicorn RC 12725 read by Amanda Hale-Royce 2 cassettes A love story of Witch World. An orphaned Estcarp girl resists pressure to become a nun and marries a half-blooded Were Rider scorned by his people. The couple seek their own life while enduring terrible physical and psychic ordeals at the hands of his kinfolk. For high school and adult readers. 1965. Braille Operation Time Search BR 1145 3 volumes A time machine projects a young photographer into the Age of Atlantis, where he becomes involved in a war between the Atlanteans and the Murians. As a spy for the Murians, he discovers the enemy's most potent weapon, "The Loving One." For high school and adult readers. 1967. Frederik Pohl Cassettes Black Star Rising RC 23663 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes A satire on war and patriotism in the twenty-first century. Russia and the United States have destroyed each other in a nu-clear war, and India and China divide up the world between them. Aspiring scholar Castor Pettyman, a rice farmer from the Chinese-ruled American South, becomes a key figure when aliens enter the Solar System making fearful demands. Some descriptions of sex. 1985. The Cool War RC 17650 read by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes In the energy-poor twenty-first century, Reverend Hornswell Hake is drafted to serve as a professional saboteur in a world where open war is too dangerous and cold war too uneconomical. Instead, nations of the world try to gain the upper hand by sabotaging the enemy's productivity and quality of life. 1980. Homegoing RC 30396 read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Sandy Washington was rescued from Earth during a major global war and has been raised by the Hakh'hli, who have done everything they can to make his life in their alien land seem somewhat normal. Now the Hakh'hli are headed to Earth with the idea of taking Sandy home and sharing some extraordinary gifts with Earth in order to help improve life there. But is Earth ready for them? Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. Jem RC 13732 read by Burt Blackwell 3 cassettes The three political power blocs of Earth rush to colonize and exploit the newly discovered planet, Jem. Rivalry over the new planet heightens political tensions, leading to war on Earth and the corruption of the intelligent life forms of Jem. Some of the colonists on Jem recognize the new planet as humanity's last chance. With this story, the author indicts stupidity, aggression, and irresponsibility that arise from conflicts between differing value systems. 1979. Man Plus RC 10884 read by Don Hastings 2 cassettes In a future plagued with near certainty of thermonuclear war, the U.S. races to turn astronaut Roger Torraway into a cyborg able to survive on Mars. Some strong language. For high school and adult readers. 1976. Narabedla Ltd RC 28276 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Nolly Stennis, former operatic baritone, currently an accountant, finds himself involved with Narabedla Ltd., a firm that has extraterrestrial backing and is involved in interstellar intrigue. Narabedla is willing to make Nolly a superstar in order to protect its mysterious organization, and Nolly embarks on a journey beyond his wildest dreams. 1988. The Singers of Time RC 34659 read by James DeLotel 2 cassettes A few centuries into the future, Earth is under the command of an advanced race known as Turtles. Because the planet has prospered under the Turtles, humans have no problem with being treated as inferior. But when the Turtles' home planet and their Mother Turtle (their single fertile female) disappear into a wormhole, these lowly humans become the Turtles' only hope for survival. Written with Jack Williamson. For high school and older readers. 1991. Starburst RC 33714 read by John Polk 2 cassettes A crew of scientific astronauts aboard the starship _Constitution_ will be the first to explore the planet Alpha-Aleph. There is just one problem: Dr. Dieter von Knefhausen has sent them to a planet that doesn't exist. It is his hope that in their search for a place to go and a place from which to return, they will come up with some solutions that Earth's deteriorating society desperately needs. 1982. _Heechee series_ Gateway RC 12683 read by Jim Jensen 2 cassettes Earthman Robinette Broadhead wins a one-way lottery ticket to Gateway, an abandoned interstellar depot of the vanished Heechee aliens. He knows that although some who make this journey acquire new Heechee artifacts and become rich, others vanish without a trace. Strong language. 1977. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon RC 18539 read by Marc Overton 2 cassettes Robinette Broadhead has become incredibly rich as a result of unraveling secrets left behind by the long-vanished, interstellar race called the Heechee. He finances a risky expedition to locate a Heechee factory that can produce for Earth's starving billions, and in doing so learns what happened to the Heechee race. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1980. Heechee Rendezvous RC 21490 read by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes Tycoon Robinette Broadhead once again undertakes a dangerous venture into space to search out the mysterious, highly advanced race of aliens who disappeared eons ago into a black hole. He finally learns why these all-powerful aliens are compelled to stay hidden. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1984. The Annals of the Heechee RC 26620 read by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Robinette, alive after death as a machine-stored personality, thanks to Heechee technology, must meet the Foe, deadly aliens determined to master the universe. 1987. _Space Merchant series_ The Space Merchants RC 12399 read by Mark Watkins 1 cassette In a future world where Congress is made up of senators from large corporations and armed warfare occurs between advertising agencies, Mitch Courtney is assigned by his advertising company to sell people the idea of emigrating to Venus. He is opposed by a rival agency, an underground organization, and his wife. Written with Cyril Kornbluth. Some strong language. 1953. The Merchants' War RC 22437 read by Hal Tenny 2 cassettes Science fiction satire on advertising and consumerism. Temporarily assigned to Venus from Earth, adman Tennison Tarb gets caught in the struggle by each planet's government to subvert the beliefs and practices of the other's inhabitants. Tarb becomes a victim of his own profession when he succumbs to a narcotic drink. Some strong language. 1984. Braille Gateway BR 3582 2 volumes Gateway BR 3869 3 volumes Earthman Robinette Broadhead wins a one-way lottery ticket to Gateway, an abandoned interstellar depot of the vanished Heechee aliens. He knows that although some who make this journey acquire new Heechee artifacts and become rich, others vanish without a trace. Strong language. 1977. Midas World BR 7071 2 volumes The discovery of fusion power creates a society of incredible abundance in which overconsumption is compulsory. But it depletes Earth's resources and biosphere. 1983. Robert Silverberg Cassettes The Face of the Waters RC 35311 read by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Earth no longer exists, so a small group of humans now lives on an island on the planet Hydros, where they are barely tol-erated by the amphibious natives. When one human commits a crime, all of them are set adrift on the waters to find a new home. But they cannot leave the planet, and they are turned away from other islands. Their only hope is the mysterious land, Face of the Waters. Some violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Hawksbill Station RC 15253 read by Richard Hauenstein 1 cassette A mysterious stranger brings hope to the crushed inmates of a political prison camp located two billion years in the past. A powerful tale that straddles the Cambrian period and the twenty-first century. Some strong language. For high school and adult readers. 1968. Letters from Atlantis RC 34431 read by Jack Fox 1 cassette This blend of legend and science fiction takes the form of letters from Roy, a time traveler from the twenty-first century. His body lies comatose in the Home Era, but his essence has invaded the mind of Ram, the crown prince of Atlantis. Roy and his girlfriend, Lora to whom the letters are written are commissioned to learn the secrets of the fabled continent. And what secrets they are! For junior and senior high and older readers. 1990. The Secret Sharer RC 28346 read by Harold Parker 1 cassette The male captain of a starship is possessed by the spirit of a disembodied female passenger and begins a dangerous journey of self-discovery. 1988. Thorns RC 7935 read by Marie Pearsall 3 cassettes Seventeen-year-old Lona Kelvin, mother of one hundred children; Minner Burris, a starman whose butchered body was put together by aliens; and Duncan Chalk, a carrion eater of other people's emotions, form one of the world's strangest triangles. 1967. A Time of Changes RC 19415 read by Todd Curless 2 cassettes In the world of Borthan, men have found peace by denying all concept of self and love. Even mention of the word "I" was taboo. Then Prince Kinnal Darival discovers a doorway into the Self by taking the selfbaring drug, and henceforth his people regard him as a traitor. Nebula Award. 1971. _Majipoor series_ Lord Valentine's Castle RC 19157 read by Noah Siegel 4 cassettes On the immense planet Majipoor, young Valentine undertakes an epic journey through strange and wonderful places to reclaim his throne as the rightful ruler of the planet. 1980. Majipoor Chronicles RC 20531 read by Maurice Shroder 2 cassettes Hissune, a restless teenage apprentice in the House of Records, enters the off-limits Registry of Souls where he replays the enthralling lives of men and women who have lived at different times during the long history of the sprawling world of Majipoor. 1982. Valentine Pontifex RC 20572 read by Maurice Shroder 3 cassettes Before retiring into the Labyrinth as Pontifex, the maturing, pacifist Lord Valentine faces a serious conflict with his designated successor, Hissune, on how the complex world of Majipoor is to be ruled. A planetary crisis confronts both men as the original inhuman inhabitants of the planet begin to destroy the world's food supply. 1983. Braille At Winter's End BR 7499 4 volumes It has been 700,000 years since the Earth was first locked in ice. One group of people survived in an underground cocoon where they were sustained by powerful myths. Now, after 47,000 generations, they emerge and are determined to find the fabled city of Vengiboneeza, where it is said they will discover the means to rebuild civilization. Some descriptions of sex. 1988. Born with the Dead BR 2621 2 volumes Three tales from the beyond. One tells of a process by which the dead are rekindled into mysterious zombies who no longer relate to living people; in another, a modern Joshua brings civilization down into ruins; and the third forecasts a future where medical advances make death a matter of choice. 1974. Gilgamesh the King BR 6530 3 volumes Fantasy, myth, and ancient history are interwoven as Gilgamesh, the god-king of Sumeria, narrates the epic feats and spiritual awakenings of his life. Ultimately, he becomes obsessed with his human mortality, and only after a futile quest for eternal life does he gain the wisdom to become the great ruler of ancient legend. Descriptions of sex. 1984. The New Springtime BR 8702 4 volumes After the Coming Forth, the People have spread across the continent. The People are threatened by the insectoid hjjk ruled by the telepathic, immortal queen, a survivor of the Great World's godlike races. The queen offers peace as an alternative to annihilation, but at a price tribal limits and acceptance of hjjk philosophy, which is beautiful but inhuman. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. Shadrach in the Furnace BR 3547 3 volumes The battered world of the twenty-first century is ruled by a ninety-three-year-old tyrant who strives for immortality. His brilliant young surgeon, Mordecai Shadrach, has telemetric sensors im-planted in his own body so he can monitor the tyrant's life systems. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1976. J.R.R. Tolkien Cassettes The Hobbit RC 11497 read by Bob Askey 2 cassettes A fantasy concerning a mythical kingdom and its inhabitants. A hobbit, a magician, and some dwarfs search for hidden treasure and become involved in numerous adventures. For junior and senior high and older readers. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 11497. 1938. _The Lord of the Ring series_ The Fellowship of the Ring RC 10975 read by Norman Barrs 4 cassettes Frodo, a home-loving hobbit, inherits the magic Ring which his Uncle Bilbo brought back from his adventures in _The Hobbit (RC 11497)._ To protect the Ring from the powers of darkness, Frodo must make a long, dangerous journey. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 10975. 1965. The Two Towers RC 10976 read by Norman Barrs 3 cassettes The now-separated companions of the Ring meet Saruman the wizard, cross the Dead Marshes, and prepare for the Great War in which the power of the Ring will be undone. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 10976. 1965. The Return of the King RC 10977 read by Norman Barrs 4 cassettes Frodo and Sam bear the Ring to Mount Doom. The War of the Rings, fought between the forces for good and the Dark Lord of evil, is ended. Also issued on flexible disc as FD 10977. 1965. Braille The Hobbit BR 7827 2 volumes A fantasy concerning a mythical kingdom and its inhabitants. A hobbit, a magician, and some dwarfs search for hidden treasure and become involved in numerous adventures. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1938. A.E. Van Vogt Cassettes The Mind Cage RC 19177 read by Brian Jackson 2 cassettes Marin wakes up in the year 2140 to find that his brain has been transplanted into the body of a scientist condemned to death. The only way to save himself is to locate the missing scientist and his own missing body. 1957. Mission to the Stars RC 21054 read by Ray Foushee 1 cassette Lady Laurr, Grand Commander of the Imperial Earth ship _Star Cluster_, is determined to find the lost colony of humans among the millions of stars of the Magellanic Cloud. The task is like looking for a needle in a haystack, especially since the colonists are determined to remain hidden. 1952. Slan RC 18952 read by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes A race of mind-reading humans called slans have been all but exterminated by the rest of humankind in the fierce Slan Wars, and the Earth is now a worldwide police state. A few slans manage to survive by avoiding detection, including Jommy Cross, who lives alone and in constant fear but is determined to track down and untie the other surviving slans. 1968. The Voyage of the _Space Beagle_ RC 18636 read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Scientists on a voyage of exploration aboard the _Space Beagle_ encounter several exotic but deadly alien life forms on desolate planets and in space. One of the scientists, Elliott Grosvenor, knows how to handle the dangers but can't get the other scientists and crew members to listen to his ideas. 1977. The Weapon Shops of Isher RC 19189 read by Bruce Huntey 1 cassette In the year 4785, the tyrant Empress Innelda of Isher is determined to destroy the weapon shops to gain total control of the universe. Her scientists mount a formidable attack on the shops, and only the accidental arrival of a man from the twentieth century keeps the weapon shops from crumbling. 1951. The World of Null-A RC 19765 read by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes While applying for participation in the games of 2560 A.D., Gilbert Gosseyn becomes aware that he is not who he thinks he is and that his memories do not match his surroundings. He begins an involved search to find out who has tampered with his mind. 1970. Braille Rogue Ship BR 6552 2 volumes In search of a new home among the stars, Earthmen aboard the spaceship, _Hope of Man_, encounter exotic alien civilizations and experience the dangers of interstellar flight. However, the greatest peril of their generations-long voyage is the human conflicts that arise among the passengers. 1965. The Voyage of the _Space Beagle_ BR 5024 3 volumes Scientists on a voyage of exploration aboard the _Space Beagle_ encounter sev-eral exotic but deadly alien life forms on desolate planets and in space. One of the scientists, Elliott Grosvenor, knows how to handle the dangers but can't get the other scientists and crew members to listen to his ideas. 1977. Kate Wilhelm Cassettes Crazy Time RC 27994 read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes A blend of science fiction, romance, and sheer zaniness. An errant laser beam zaps an aspiring cartoonist, dispersing his molecules throughout the universe, but does not kill him. The sole witness to the incident psychologist Lauren Steele becomes the target of a mad military officer's paranoid fantasies. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1988. The Dark Door RC 29302 read by Mary Woods 2 cassettes When Carson Danvers goes to inspect an empty hotel, along with his wife, his son, and an insurance adjustor, strange things begin to happen. Carson is struck with a blinding headache, his son kills Carson's wife, and the insurance adjustor vanishes. Can Carson destroy what he believes is a damaged alien probe? Some strong language. 1988. Welcome, Chaos RC 20066 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes Scientists who discover a serum for immortality and immunity from radiation struggle to keep control of the secret from military and commercial interests. 1983. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang RC 35968 read by Randy Means 2 cassettes A science fiction novel about the venerable Sumner family of the Shenandoah Valley, who manage to withstand the war and pestilence that destroy the rest of the Earth. Doomed by sterility, they turn to cloning to preserve their species. Hugo Award. 1976. Braille Juniper Time BR 4693 3 volumes The world of the near future is on the brink of war, and a message that may have been sent by aliens offers the only ray of hope. The alien scroll reunites two childhood friends, one of whom attempts to decipher the document and subsequently shapes history with her conclusion. 1979. Gene Wolfe Cassettes _The Book of the New Sun series_ The Shadow of the Torturer RC 17422 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Severian, a young journeyman of the torturers' guild violates his oath of duty by allowing one of his victims to commit suicide. He is expelled from the guild and begins a long quest across a decadent, far-future Earth. 1980. The Claw of the Conciliator RC 18149 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Continues the odyssey of Severian, the banished torturer, in the barbaric world a million years in the future. While traveling to his city of exile, he confronts unknown dangers and manages to survive because he carries a magical jewel called the Claw of the Conciliator. 1981. The Sword of the Lictor RC 18164 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Serving as Lictor in the city of Thrax, Severian the Torturer allows a prisoner to escape, and he himself becomes a hunted man. He flees to the mountains where he runs afoul of deadly men and beasts, but each encounter leads him closer to unraveling the mysteries of the exotic world that is Earth a million years in the future. 1981. The Citadel of the Autarch RC 20057 read by Roy Avers 2 cassettes The climactic volume of an underground science fiction classic. Severian the Torturer continues his epic journey across the lands of Urth. His travels through a decadent world a million years in the future move him toward a destiny that he dare not refuse. 1983. The Urth of the New Sun RC 27591 read by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Severian, formerly of the Torturer's Guild and now Autarch of Urth, travels through time and space in his quest to become the New Sun and save his dying planet. 1987. Braille This two-book sequence should be read in the following order: Soldier of the Mist BR 8231 3 volumes A mercenary soldier in the Greece of 479 B.C. loses his memory from a head injury. Latro is forced to keep a journal of daily events as he goes about the process of rediscovering his identity. As compensation for his misfortune, he is given the ability to converse with the pantheon of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings he encounters as he wanders through the land. 1986. Soldier of Arete BR 8672 3 volumes Latro is a mercenary soldier in ancient Greece whose memory of the past is destroyed by a head wound. But he gains the power to see and communicate with supernatural beings. Latro flees to Delphi where he becomes the tool of the gods and engages in high-level intrigue. 1989. Roger Zelazny Cassettes Bridge of Ashes RC 18408 read by John Stratton 1 cassette For eons an alien race directs human evolution with the ultimate aim of producing a worldwide ecological disaster that would make the Earth unlivable for humans but suitable for the aliens. One man, aware of the alien presence, attempts to thwart the plot against humanity. 1976. Damnation Alley RC 14461 read by Jim Jensen 1 cassette A handful of survivors attempt to pilot their awesome fire-breathing machine across a hellish nuclear wasteland where huge bats attack at will and manmen crucify scientists along the deserted highways. Some strong language. For high school and adult readers. 1969. Doorways in the Sand RC 11305 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes A perpetual college student becomes the target of the search for a missing alien artifact. A science fiction adventure combining humor with plenty of action. For high school and adult readers. 1976. Isle of the Dead RC 12396 read by Steve Grad 1 cassette Centuries in the future there survives only one man from the twentieth century. Though he has become a god in the pantheon of the alien Peians, he does not know his own power until he must use it against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe. For high school and adult readers. 1969. Jack of Shadows RC 9181 read by Karl Johnson 2 cassettes In a time when Earth no longer rotates, the sciences rule the dayside of the globe, and magic rules the World of Night, and Shadowjack the Thief seeks vegeance on his enemies. 1971. Lord of Light RC 7827 read by Patricia Leclercq 4 cassettes Long after the death of the Earth, a band of men on a colony-planet gain technological control and grant themselves immortality and god-like powers. 1971. My Name Is Legion RC 18392 read by John MacDonald 2 cassettes A versatile secret agent takes on three deadly assignments: halting the sabotage of a controversial nuclear project; clearing a gang of dolphins of a murder charge; and arranging for the destruction of a quasi-human telefactor who returns to Earth to destroy its programmers. 1976. This Immortal RC 13775 read by Donald Hotaling 1 cassette The future of Earth is at stake. The enigmatic Conrad Nimikos stands between the invading Vegan empire and the destruction of Earth. His actions will decide the place of Earth among the stars. Hugo Award. 1966. To Die in Italbar RC 12243 read by John Stratton 2 cassettes The galaxy is plagued with epidemics that spark a feverish search for a shadowy man apparently capable of both the savior's healing touch and the leper's clasp of death. Some strong language. 1973. _Amber series_ Nine Princes in Amber RC 14713 read by Michael Moodie 1 cassette Eric is about to crown himself king, but his brother Corwin, long exiled to the Shadow Earth, returns to Amber to rightfully claim the throne. 1970. The Guns of Avalon RC 14712 read by Michael Moodie 2 cassettes Corwin, Prince of the perfect kingdom Amber, is determined to regain his throne, which was lost to his brother Eric. Corwin's campaign takes him through the dreaded forces of the Circle of Evil. 1972. Sign of the Unicorn RC 14714 read by Michael Moodie 1 cassette A science fiction fantasy set in the bizarre state of Amber where members of the royal family continue their plots and counterplots regarding the succession to the throne. 1975. Hand of Oberon RC 13238 read by Michael Moodie 1 cassette When King Oberon of the perfect realm of Amber vanishes, the remaining princes must find the murderous traitor in their midst and discover the source of the black road that unites the one true world of Amber with the multidimensional realm of Shadow. For high school and adult readers. Some strong language. 1976. The Courts of Chaos RC 15329 read by Michael Moodie 1 cassette The last in a five-volume series about the magical world, Amber, and the saga of Prince Corwin, who fights the inevitable final battle against the evil Dark Lands. 1978. Trumps of Doom RC 23776 read by John Polk 1 cassette Corwin's son Merlin, a sorcerer, has followed the father he barely knew from their powerful realm of Amber to an Earth that is one of Amber's many shadowy alternate worlds. Attempts on Merlin's life force him to return to Amber, where he becomes embroiled once again in family quarrels and finally confronts the man who has been stalking him. Some strong language. 1985. Blood of Amber RC 25583 read by John Polk 2 cassettes Wizard Merlin Corey escapes prison, but only to return to Amber, a world of wonders and confusions. Is his old friend Luke trying to kill him? A magical female seems to be acting as Merlin's guardian angel but she can inhabit the body of any woman at any time, so Merlin can neither tell who she is nor trust her. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1986. Sign of Chaos RC 27177 read by John Polk 2 cassettes Merlin Corey follows a confused trail to the Keep of Four Worlds, where he learns the secret of the involvement of the Courts of Chaos in all the intrigues and wars to which he is heir. Some strong language. 1987. Knight of Shadows RC 32294 read by John Polk 2 cassettes Merlin searches for the two people he cares for most, but who have mysteriously disappeared. His father, the first Corwin of Amber, is never visible but makes his presence felt. The other is Julia, once his lover but now his enemy after being murdered and reincarnated. Merlin must also choose whether he will serve Chaos or Amber. Some strong language. 1989. Braille Creatures of Light and Darkness BR 2329 2 volumes From the House of Life, Osiris sends forth his son Horus as first emissary to the Middle Worlds, and from The House of the Dead, Anub restores life to his servant Wakim, grants him insuperable powers, and sends him on a mission of vengeance. Ultimately the two meet in conflict. 1973. The Guns of Avalon BR 2439 2 volumes Corwin, Prince of the perfect kingdom Amber, is determined to regain his throne, which was lost to his brother Eric. Corwin's campaign takes him through the dreaded forces of the Circle of Evil. 1972. *** 5/18/95 (gft) ***