[NIFL-FOBASICS:216] Adult Numeracy Network conference -- April 2000 -- Chicago,IL

From: Esther D Leonelli (edl@world.std.com)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 14:08:09 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:216] Adult Numeracy Network conference -- April 2000 -- Chicago,IL
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Hi -- this is a notice about the Adult Numeracy Network annual conference
which is a good staff development opportunity for math teachers.
Please pass on. Thanks. Esther


		ANN Welcomes the 21st Century
	Sixth Annual Meeting of the Adult Numeracy Network

Who: 	The Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) is a non-profit 
	organization of educators interested in mathematical 
	literacy for adults. ANN membership includes teachers, 
	curriculum developers and researchers worldwide in:
		_ Adult Basic Skills Development
		_ GED Preparation
		_ English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
		_ Family Literacy
		_ Literacy Tutoring
		_ Workplace Education
		_ Developmental Mathematics

Members communicate through the newsletter, The Math Practitioner,
our homepage http://www.std.com/anpn/ and an electronic discussion
list: numeracy@world.std.com   (Register for the listserv at our
homepage.) ANN is an affiliate of the National Council of 
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

What: 	ANN Welcomes the 21st Century
	6th annual all-day meeting: network, share ideas, and 
	improve our practice!

When: 	Saturday, April 15, 2000
	8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Where:	Roosevelt University
	430 S. Michigan Avenue
	Chicago, Illinois
	(There is a parking garage within a block of the University
	building. We will begin our meeting in the Sullivan Room on
	the 2nd Floor.)

Lodging:  Visit the NCTM website for information:  www.nctm.org

Register: Send ANN meeting registration form and check for $50.00 by
	April 3,2000. Make the check payable to the Adult Numeracy
	Network and mail to:
		Nancy Markus
		2611 Ashton Road
		Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118

For more information, contact Nancy Markus at (216) 321-4831 or
by email at nmarkus@juno.com

[Cut here]
		ANN Welcomes the 21st Century
	Sixth Annual Meeting of the Adult Numeracy Network
			Registration Form

			Meeting Agenda
		   Saturday, April 15, 2000
		Roosevelt University, Chicago

8:00-9:00 a.m.	Registration, Networking, and Continental
9:00-9:30 a.m.	Greetings and General Session: Susan Cowles,
		ANN President
9:30-10:30 a.m.	Presentation: "GED 2002", Kenn Pendleton,
		GEDTS Math Specialist
10:45a.m.-Noon	Calculator Workshops

Noon -1:00 p.m.	Box Lunch and Networking

1:00-2:15 p.m.	ABE/GED Topics Roundtable Sessions
2:30-3:45 p.m.	ABE/GED Topics Roundtable Sessions
4:00-4:30 p.m.	Closing and Prizes

	ANN 6th Annual Meeting Registration Form
		(Deadline: April 3, 2000)


Institution: ________________________ Title: _________________

Work Address:_________________________________________________

Home Address: ________________________________________________
Preferred Mailing Address: Work ___ Home ___
New Member ___  Renewal ___

Work Phone: ____________________	FAX __________________

Home Phone: ___________________	Email: _______________________

Your role/interest in adult education: _______________________


To register:
Check the appropriate line below and mail this completed form
with a check payable to the  Adult Numeracy Network to:
Nancy Markus, 2611 Ashton Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118.

_____ 	Please register me for the ANN meeting on Saturday,
	April15, 2000 in Chicago, IL. Enclosed is a check for
	$50.00 for membership dues and meeting registration.

_____ 	I will be unable to attend the ANN annual meeting.
	Enclosed is $10.00 for annual membership, including a
	newsletter subscription.

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