[NIFL-FOBASICS:257] another angle

From: ralph silva (silva_ralph@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 22:38:26 EDT

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OK, how about increasing learner persistence by making your
offerings more interesting? Doesn't learning happen
accidently while we're doing something fun?
I ask all my GED students why they dropped out of high school.
They rarely report academic problems as the main cause. Most
students talk about how boring school had become. I frequently
get some version of "I just couldn't sit there any longer" or
"The classes were meaningless". I decided early on that I had to
engage learners in interesting activities, and that academic
progress would occur incidently.
Since our center has a room full of computers hooked up to the
Internet, it has been easy to use the technology to engage learners.
I get them into intelligent web searches, e-mail discussion groups,
and online content sites. I find that the draw of using computers
helps learners persist in their plan.
My training is in History, so I favor
those kinds of sites for information and interactive quizzes.
Here are a few I have found. There are many more on the net,
increasing in numbers all the time. Does anyone out there
have cool educational sites to share? RS

American History quizzes and trivia;

African American History;

Native American History;

All kinds of quizzes, concentration games, flash cards.
You can create and submit quizzes to the site;

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