[NIFL-FOBASICS:278] New Issue Available

From: Barbara Garner (Barbara_Garner@jsi.com)
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 08:13:10 EDT

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The new issue of Focus on Basics, Volume 4, Issue B, is now available
on the NCSALL web site <http://gseweb.harvard.edu/~ncsall>.

The printed copies will be mailed this week.

The topic of the issue is mathematics instruction. 
Mary Jane Schmitt makes an eloquent argument in the cover article for
change in the nature of mathematics instruction.

To help math teachers develop a theoretical background for their
instructional choices, mathematics teacher and researcher Kathy
Safford provides an overview of current theories in math education,
and a few steps that teachers can follow to deepen their knowledge.

Learning disabilities specialist Rochelle Kenyon describes
dyscalculia, a learning disability specific to math, and provides
strategies for mathematics teachers to use when working with
learning-disabled math students, whether the disabilities be
dyscalculia or reading-related. In addition, she provides a list of
resources from which to learn more. 

Linda Huntington, who teaches learning-disabled math students, and
Catherine Cantrell, a technology specialist and staff developer, work
with learners who are at opposite ends of the educational spectrum.
Regardless of the differences in their students' abilities, the same
theme emerges in these teachers' accounts of their classrooms: Math
must be relevant. Lessons should be developed around math that springs
from the learners' lives. 

Adult basic education learners around the world want relevant math
content. Aydin Durgunoglu and Banu Oney did research on the impact
participation in a basic education program in Istanbul, Turkey, had on
learners. They found that learners had strong emotional reactions to
learning mathematics skills that helped them make sense of the world.

Those interested in improving their instruction -- but struggling
with how to do so --- will find ideas in the article by the
Mathematics Education Group (MEG) of New York City. MEG works from the
theory that adult basic education teachers --- most of whom, it is
safe to say, do not have advanced training in mathematics --- need
improved knowledge of math as well as a progressive instructional
approach. Their model for teacher education is one that should be
replicated in communities across the country.

We hope that this issue of Focus on Basics proves to be a useful
introductory resource for those committed to change in mathematics
instruction for learners at all levels of ability.


Barbara Garner                  phone (617) 482-9485
World Education                fax      (617) 482-0617
44 Farnsworth Street          e-mail bgarner@worlded.org
Boston, MA  02210-1211

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