Ashley National Forest - Geographic DataOutline border of the Forest with the Forest emblem in the middle.

The following Geographic datasets covering the Ashley National Forest are now available online. The Ashley National Forest uses ESRI's GIS software (ArcInfo, Arcview), and stores all corporate GIS data in ESRI's proprietary format (ArcInfo coverages or Arcview shapefiles). The datasets available online are stored as gzip compressed Arc Export files to conserve space and facilitate download. To use them, you must uncompress them using gzip, winzip, or other compression software that recognizes these file types, then import them into ArcInfo coverages. In addition to their commercial software, ESRI offers free software for importing and viewing coverages and shape files. You can download the software from their web site --

Unless otherwise noted, all datasets are single, forestwide coverages. This data represents the best data currently available at the forest. It is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Forest Service does not guarantee the accuracy or currency of any of this data. As the forest's database is updated or requests for data change, this list will be updated. You can download the dataset directly from a hyperlink in the metadata report.

If you have any questions about this data, need additional data not offered here, or have problems downloading it, contact Mark Duffy, Ashley NF GIS Coordinator (, phone - 435-781-5126).

Utah Statewide Watershed data - USGS is leading the effort to delineate hydrologic units in Utah based on new interagency standards. All watershed delineations (to 6th level) are complete for sub-basins covering the Ashley National Forest. This data can be downloaded from USGS's web site:

For datasets that are derived from USFS Cartographic Feature Files (they include cff code attributes), the cff attribute table that includes descriptions of the cff codes can be downloaded and joined to the dataset attribute tables. This table is stored in DBASE format.