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Potential Vetoes

On June 23, Governor Lingle submitted to the State Legislature a list of 52 bills that she is considering for potential vetoes.

Read the complete list and a letter from the Governor to the Legislature.

The Governor is required by statute to give the Legislature 10 days notice of any bill she is considering vetoing, prior to the deadline when she must take final action on the bills passed in the 2008 legislative session.  This year the deadline to veto bills is July 8.  Any bill on the potential veto list can still be signed by the Governor or allowed to become law without her signature.  Placing the bills on the potential veto list allows the Governor additional time to deliberate, and provides additional opportunities for the public to voice their support or concern relating to the bills.

“The Legislature and many individuals in the community worked hard to pass these measures; however, it is my responsibility as Governor to ensure that the bills are legal, constitutional, fiscally sound, and in the best long-term interest of the public,” said Governor Lingle.

The bills are being considered for potential veto due to various factors including significant negative impacts on the public, budgetary implications, legal or constitutional concerns, potential unintended consequences, micromanagement of department operations and usurping the executive branch’s authority. 

Governor Lingle pointed out that a number of bills on the list contain good programs; however, due to the State’s fiscal outlook and the fiscal impacts the programs would have on the State’s budget, she does not believe it would be prudent to implement them at this time. The Governor expressed optimism that the measures could be revisited when the state’s fiscal picture improves.

Over the next 10 days, the Lingle-Aiona Administration will continue to carefully review the bills.  As she has done in prior years, the Governor has been seeking comments on bills passed this session from the public, including individuals, businesses, industry and professional associations, nonprofit groups, and community organizations statewide. In addition, the Administration sought input from legislators, the counties, law enforcement agencies, state boards and commissions and also held or facilitated public meetings on the neighbor islands. 

“The input we have received throughout our review process has been instrumental in providing my Administration with different perspectives on the potential positive impacts or negative consequences of the bills and their potential implications should they become law,” said Governor Lingle.  “I appreciate the thoughtful comments and expert views members of the public and various organizations have contributed to this review process and I continue to welcome the public’s input.”

This year the Legislature passed 294 bills.  As of June 23, the Governor has signed or allowed to become law without her signature 200 bills.  Twelve bills were vetoed while the Legislature was still in session.  For a complete list of bills that have become law this legislative session or to read the Governor’s statements of objections on bills already vetoed, visit the Governor’s Web site at:

Public comments on the 52 bills being considered for vetoes on July 8 may be sent to the Governor’s office as follows:

Email: or

Fax:        (808) 586-0006

Phone:     (808) 586-0221

Mail:        Office of the Governor
              Hawai‘i State Capitol, Executive Chambers
              Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813



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