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Understanding Cancer Series: Cancer Genomics
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    Posted: 01/28/2005    Reviewed: 09/01/2006
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Cancer Genomics

      Slide Number and Title
  1. What Is the Human Genome?
  2. Cancer Genomics
  3. A Sample Human Genome
  4. Genes: Keepers of the Code
  5. Noncoding Regions
  6. Genes to mRNA to Proteins
  7. RNA Processing Before Translation
  8. Triplet Code
  9. Mutations
  10. Mutations: Somatic and Germline
  11. Tumors Are Clonal
  12. Somatic Mutations
  13. Mitosis and Somatic Mutations
  14. Meiosis and Germline Mutations
  15. Recombination: Crossing Over
  16. De Novo Mutations
  17. Point Mutations
  18. Frameshift Mutations
  19. Splice-Site Mutations
  20. Regulatory Mutations
  21. SNPs: Frequently Occurring Genetic Variants
  22. Large Deletions or Insertions
  23. Example: Translocation of Bcr-Abl Genes
  24. Cancer-Associated Mutations
  25. Genotypes and Phenotypes
  26. Alleles
  27. Same Allele, Different Locus, Different Phenotype
  28. Different Locus, Different Allele, Same Phenotype
  29. Penetrance
  30. Factors Influencing Penetrance
  31. Age-Related Penetrance
  1. Epigenetic Factors and Penetrance
  2. Epigenetic Example: Methylation Alters Gene Expression
  3. Imprinting Alters Gene Expression
  4. Carrier Frequency
  5. Prevalence and Founder Effect
  6. Example: Founder Effect in Ashkenazi Jewish Population
  7. Mutations in Cancer Susceptibility Genes: BRCA1
  8. Mutations in Cancer Susceptibility Genes: BRCA2
  9. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
  10. Examples of Dominantly Inherited Cancer Syndromes
  11. Cancer Susceptibility: Incomplete Penetrance and Phenocopies
  12. Example: BRCA1-Linked Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
  13. Example: BRCA2-Linked Hereditary Breast Cancer
  14. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
  15. Some Recessively Inherited Cancer Syndromes
  16. X-Linked Inheritance
  17. Other Genetic Conditions Linked to Increased Cancer Risk
  18. Normal Cell Growth: The Cell Cycle
  19. Abnormal Cell Growth: Oncogenes
  20. Tumor Suppressor Genes
  21. Mutations in Tumor Suppressor Genes
  22. Two-Hit Hypothesis
  23. Loss of Heterozygosity
  24. Heterozygous Condition
  25. Repair Failure
  26. Cancer Susceptibility: Much Still Unknown
  27. Epigenetic Changes: Much Still Unknown
  28. Other Cancer-Associated Mutations: Much Still Unknown
  29. Other Cancer-Associated Mutations: Much Still Unknown (cont.)
  30. A Daunting Challenge

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health