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Today's Highlights November 08, 2008 RSS syndication

X-ray of a Mummy's Skull
X-ray of a Mummy's Skull
Spotlight: Ever wonder where x-rays got their mysterious name? When Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen first wrote about them, he called them "a new kind of ray" and designated them as "x" to indicate the unknown. He resisted efforts to name them after himself (they are, however, known as roentgen rays in many languages) but was rewarded in 1901 with the Nobel Prize in Physics, the first one ever awarded. The rays are similar to visible light but with a much shorter wavelength. A huge and immediate boon to medicine, they also caused burns and cancer until it was realized that protective measures were needed. Roentgen first came across x-rays in his laboratory on this date in 1895.

Quote: "When I told my doctor I couldn't afford an operation, he offered to touch up my x-rays."Henny Youngman

See previous spotlights: meteorite, Meet the Press, Monopoly

Questions of the DayWikiAnswersRSS syndication

What do infrared light and visible light and X-rays have in common?

Infrared (IR) light, visible light and X-rays are all electromagnetic radiation, and the only difference is in the frequency (or wavelength) of the energy. They are listed here in the question in order of lower to higher frequency, and that means longer to shorter wavelength.


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How will the death of Barack Obama's grandmother affect the election?

How does the respiratory system of a giraffe work?

How have the Beduins adapted to living in their environment?

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Today in HistoryFacebook Application RSS syndication

The Louvre
The Louvre
  • Louvre: the former royal French palace opened as a museum; it is now the most-visited art museum in the world (1793)
  • Days of Our Lives: long-running soap opera premiered on TV (1965)
  • Three Gorges Dam: the Yangtze, China's largest river, was diverted in a massive ongoing construction project (1997)

Today's BirthdaysFacebook Application RSS syndication

Bonnie Raitt
Bonnie Raitt

Word of the DayFacebook Application RSS syndication

A Kitten
A Kitten

A brood or litter, especially of kittens.
  Houghton Mifflin Company)
People love to congregate in packs, or tribes, or political parties, or whatever you want to call them. Animals do the same, of course — but they have much more interesting names for their groups. This week we'll look at some of them.
Previous words: drift, sloth, skulk
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Meaning: Slaughterhouse.
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