Ticket Information
All concerts are free, but require tickets available from Ticketmaster.There is a small service charge associated with each ticket order (see below) and a limit of 2 tickets per person.
visit the "Full Season at a Glance" page
for the ticket availability dates for all concerts.
Patrons who are unable to obtain tickets are encouraged to try for stand-by tickets at the door on the day of the concert starting at 6:30pm (for 8:00pm). Due to the Library's security procedures, we strongly urge patrons to arrive thirty minutes before the start of each event.
Ticketmaster contact information:
- By phone -- (703) 573-7328, (202) 397-7328, (410) 547-7328 (Balt.)
- On the Web -- www.ticketmaster.com
- Outlets -- for a list of outlets, please call TicketMaster at (202) 432-SEAT or visit TicketMaster's Washington D.C. page
Service charges:
- $2.75 per ticket (via the Web, Outlet, or Telephone)
- $2.00 handling fee (Telephone and Web only) Per Order
- $3.50 charge to print Web tickets at home (no charge for Will Call or Mail delivery)
The Ticketmaster ticketing system is designed to sell tickets on the "best available seat" basis. Therefore, the sooner patrons order tickets, the better the seat and the wider the selection. In past seasons, many patrons waiting in line for tickets were turned away for popular concerts. Under the new system, when a concert becomes "Sold Out," that information will be immediately available when patrons call Ticketmaster. Patrons will also be able to choose specific seat locations for events in the Coolidge Auditorium.
Request ASL and ADL accommodations five days in advance at 202-707-6362 or ADA@loc.gov