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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge



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Conserving the Nature of Maine's Coast
Strung along the Maine coast like a strand of pearls, the islands of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge protect precious habitat for nesting seabirds, wading birds, and bald eagles. The refuge's mainland units complement the offshore gems by supporting migratory songbirds, shorebirds, and waterfowl.
Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge Atlantic puffin on rock black guillemots on rocks

The Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge contains 49 offshore islands and three coastal parcels, totaling more than 8,100 acres. The complex spans more than 150 miles of Maine coastline and includes five national wildlife refuges — Petit Manan, Cross Island, Franklin Island, Seal Island, and Pond Island. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages the refuge complex as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

The Service's primary focus at Maine Coastal Islands Refuge is restoring and managing colonies of nesting seabirds. Refuge islands provide habitat for common, Arctic, and endangered roseate terns; Atlantic puffins; razorbills; black guillemots; Leach's storm-petrels; laughing gulls; and common eiders. Over the last 25 years, the Service has worked to reverse the decline in these birds' populations. As a result, many species have returned to islands where they nested historically.

In addition to seabirds, wading birds and bald eagles nest on refuge islands. The mainland divisions provide habitat for songbirds, shorebirds, and waterfowl, as well as opportunities for bird watching and hiking.

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Contact Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge at MaineCoastal@fws.gov or: P.O. Box 279
Milbridge, ME 04658