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Electronic Information Retrieval Services     Top
  • Vendors 

  • Links to FEDLINK Services Directory entries for electronic information retrieval vendors

  • Electronic Information Retrieval Services 

  • Online databases, CD-ROMs, electronic serials, gateways, and full text document delivery services

Library Support Services   Top
Publications Acquisitions Services   Top
  • Vendors 

  • Links to FEDLINK Services Directory entries for publications acquisitions vendors

  • Books Services 

  • Book jobbers and publishers who handle firm orders, approval plans, and leasing plans for general and technical materials in a variety of physical formats

  • Document Delivery Services 

  • Vendors who provide hardcopy or electronic delivery of the full text of articles, reports, dissertations, public documents and other published and unpublished materials

  • Microform Acquisitions Services 

  • Suppliers of microfiche and microfilm publications

  • Serials Subscription Services 

  • Agents who place new and renewal subscription orders for magazines, journals, newspapers, and other serial publications

FEDLINK Services Directory   Top
Descriptions of the commercial information services available to FEDLINK member agencies, with links to vendor Web sites (where available).
Using FEDLINK Procurement Vehicles   Top
Procurement Opportunities for Vendors Top

  • Federal Business Opportunities
  • Upcoming FEDLINK RFPs
  • Archive of FEDLINK RFPs 
    • RFP S-LC01038 -- Information Retrieval Services
    • RFP LC02-015 -Books and Library Publications Acquisition Services 2002
      (Available only in Word Document Format)
    • RFP LC00-026 - Books and Library Publications Acquisition 2001
    • RFP LC99-017 - Electronic Information Retrieval Services
    • RFP LC99-015 - Serials Subscription Services
    • RFP 99-1 - Open Season for Electronic Information Retrieval Services
    • RFP 98-2 - Electronic Information Retrieval Services
    • RFP 98-1 - Electronic Information Retrieval Services

Services for Vendors   Top

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