The Fire Modeling Insitute is:

Our mission is to connect fire managers, technical experts, and scientists with the best fire analysis technology and with the most current information from the scientific literature available to respond to their fire-related resource management needs. We provide a variety of services to clients including project design, data analysis, literature review and synthesis, software training, spatial analysis, workshops, and technical advising.

Contact us at: The Fire Modeling Institute
5775 W US Highway 10
Missoula, MT 59808
Phone: (406) 829-6894; Fax: (406) 329-4877

The Fire Modeling Institute is a five-year project funded by the US Forest Service in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Research Station.

What's new at FMI?

"Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Fire and Non-native Invasive Plants" now available at publication office

Information team finishes literature reviews and updated citations on over 200 species

at FMI

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Maintained by L. Kurth and P.Sikkink
Fire Modeling Institute
Last modified: Oct. 15, 2008

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