National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 1128] Keep link handy to find back issues

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Wed Feb 27 14:32:22 EST 2008

Donna brought up a good point that even articles that are several years old are often still relevant. Another reason to add the FOB/NCSALL link to your favorites or bookmark:

As Barb said, it's really easy to find your topic and an article that fits your interest!


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

>>> "Donna Chambers" <donnaedp at> 02/26/08 6:30 PM >>>

Let me just second what Janet has said here and add my own comments and
regrets on losing this incredible resource that has enriched my practice
for the past 11 years and in so doing enrighed the lives of many others by
what I learned and shared through these treasured pieces. I often find
myself googling a topic of interest to me in my work today only to come
across a Focus on Basics article published on the topic maybe six or seven
years ago or even longer. The article is just as relevant (maybe even more
so) than it was written. I am very sad that this fine work will now stop.
In my many years of Adult Education I have often been appalled at what gets
funded and what does not. I will miss the readings, the chats, the
enrichment. I would like to say to all involved in Focus on Basics over the
past 11 years, you have done your job well from the beginning to the end and
you have made me better for it. Thank you. . Donna Chambers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janet Isserlis" <Janet_Isserlis at>
To: "b.garner4 at, The Focus on Basics Discussion List"
<focusonbasics at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:21 PM
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 1125] Re: Two more issues

> huge thanks to you, Barb and to everyone who contributed to the journal

> over

> the years, participated in/moderated discussions and otherwise helped to

> move our learning forward.


> One could argue that decisions are made about funding and support for work

> in adult learning that could and should be (and often are) challenged. As

> this is not an advocacy list, I am merely sharing information and

> thoughts.


> Focus on Basics served as an excellent bridge for practitioners who had

> yet

> to come across more academic journals, for whom such journals may have

> provided not quite the needed information and for whom learning through

> practice and theory, and through reading clearly written and thoughtful

> pieces has been an ongoing source of professional development.


> thank you


> Janet Isserlis



>> From: Barbara Garner <b.garner4 at>

>> Reply-To: <b.garner4 at>, The Focus on Basics Discussion List

>> <focusonbasics at>

>> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:39:48 -0600 (CST)

>> To: <focusonbasics at>, Julie McKinney <julie_mcKinney at>

>> Subject: [FocusOnBasics 1120] Re: Two more issues


>> Although the FOB list is ending, two more issues of "Focus on Basics" are

>> in

>> the works. The first is on numeracy, and should be available in May.


>> The second is on literacy and health, and should be available in October.


>> We'll let you know about that issue via the other NIFL discussion lists

>> and

>> via the Adult Numeracy Network discussion list. We hope to hold

>> discussions

>> about particular articles on relevant discussion lists.


>> To subscribe to the Adult Numeracy Network list, go to

>> and follow directions for

>> subscribing.


>> To subscribe to other NIFL lists, go to

>> and follow

>> directions

>> for subscribing.


>> Barb Garner

>> Editor, "Focus on Basics"

>> A World Education Publication

>> =====================

>> From: Julie McKinney <julie_mcKinney at>

>> Date: 2008/02/26 Tue AM 10:50:59 CST

>> To: focusonbasics at

>> Subject: [FocusOnBasics 1119] Saying goodbye...


>> Hi Everyone,


>> As you know, it is the last week of the FOB list :(...


>> I would like to start our goodbye process by saying a huge thank you to

>> you

>> all. You have been a thoughtful, conscientious, intelligent, questioning

>> and

>> dedicated group. You have been generous with your time, your opinions,

>> and

>> your experience to help our community process new research, new ideas and

>> new

>> methods of teaching and reaching out to adult learners.


>> I also want to to thank Barb Garner, the editor of Focus on Basics for

>> its

>> entire 11 years. She has turned out over 30 issues, filled with useful,

>> timely

>> and practical articles that bring adult literacy and learning research

>> into

>> the practical arena. She has done a fantastic job, and I know that FOB

>> has

>> been appreciated and loved my many.


>> Barb is joining us this week to answer questions and remind us how to

>> access

>> past issues of FOB.


>> I invite you all to ask questions if you have them, and to share any

>> reflections you have of this list and how the discourse on it has

>> affected

>> you, your teaching and your programs over the years.


>> Fondly,

>> Julie


>> Julie McKinney

>> Discussion List Moderator

>> World Education/NCSALL

>> jmckinney at


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