National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 1047] Editorial Board for Health Literacy

Barbara Garner b.garner4 at
Fri Jan 4 12:21:48 EST 2008

Dear Focus on Basics readers,

I am recruiting for editorial board members once again. The topic of issue 9B is health literacy, with a focus on partnerships between literacy and health providers. For the board I hope to recruit three people from the health side of the equation and three from the literacy side.

If you are an avid reader of "Focus on Basics", have experience doing literacy and health in partnership with a health (or literacy) provider, and are interested in participating as a board member, read on...

The work: From about the end of February through May, you will receive manuscripts, read them critically, and participate in conference calls to discuss them. The conference calls tend to last 1 to 2 hours and are during the work day, often but not exclusively on Fridays. The reading adds up to the equivalent of reading one issue of Focus on Basics three times.

The reward: a small (emphasis on small) stipend. Participants find the work stimulating --- some akin it to a type of professional development --- and enjoy talking with colleagues from across the country.

Please contact me off list, via email at b.garner4 at, if you are interested. Thanks!

Barb Garner
Editor, "Focus on Basics"
A World Education Publication

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