You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR, CABINET FOCUS ON HOMELESS SOLUTIONS


February 8 - Governor Lingle hosted a Leeward Coast Economic Development community meeting in Wai`anae to discuss steps the State is taking to work with the community to build economic development opportunities and raise the standard of living for Leeward O‘ahu.  The Governor updated the community on the progress that has been made in developing transitional shelters and housing opportunities to address the homeless problem along the Leeward Coast.  The Governor also told residents that the Administration is also focusing on what is needed to address long-standing problems that are major contributing factors to the homeless crises, specifically the area’s disproportionately high poverty and unemployment rates, lack of workforce training, and minimal business diversification opportunities.  As part of this effort, the Administration will form a team of state agencies to address how best to integrate state programs, services and resources, and leverage them with the private and non-profit sectors to meet the needs of Leeward Coast residents in the areas of job training and placement, business development, childcare, housing, health and welfare services. 





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