You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR KICKS-OFF "BIG READ" IN HAWAI`I


September 24 - Governor Lingle, together with Lt. Governor and Mrs. Aiona and reading advocates kicked off "The Big Read" in Hawai`i.

"We had such a reverence for reading and learning in my house growing up that I want to share that with all children," the Governor said.  "Reading is a way to transport yourself to other places through words."

The Governor also shared the power of words and their effect on the world. "Reading makes life better," she said.  "It not just pleasurable and it is fun."

The "Big Read" is national initiative that is organized by the National Endowment for the Arts.  It includes innovative reading programs in cities and towns across the country and provides citizens with the opportunity to read and discuss a single book within their community.

  • Watch this news conference here.



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