You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR DEDICATES 25,856 ACRES OF NATIVE HAWAIIAN RAINFORESTS


August 27 - Governor Lingle participated in the dedication ceremony and celebration of Wao Kele O Puna, which encompasses 25,856 acres of native Hawaiian rainforests located near Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.

"This is the high point of public service, when you're able to be a part of a joint effort like this," the Governor said as she praised the collaborative efforts of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) and other Native Hawaiian and conservation organizations. 

"It's a good day. I'm glad it ended this way, and I hope this is the beginning of many, many days like this," said Pele Defense Fund President Palikapu Dedman.

In September 2005, the Governor and representatives from DLNR, OHA, Trust for Public Lands, Pele Defense Fund and other native Hawaiian and environmental conservation organizations announced a partnership to protect Wao Kele O Puna, culminating a 20-year effort to preserve the natural and cultural resources located on this important land.

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