You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR SUPPORTS MOLOKA`I'S AKA`ULA SCHOOL


November 17 - Governor Lingle attended Moloka`i Calls, a fund-raising event to support Aka`ula School on Moloka`i.

The Governor praised the private, independent school's mission to create a community of critical thinkers who are able to investigate and take informed actions on social, cultural, and environmental issues.

"In today's global society, we need to know more than we used to," Governor Lingle said.  "Aka`ula School teaches critical thinking skills that will help students find information, analyze and understand it."

The school was co-founded by teachers Vicki Newberry and Dara Lukonen, and teaches students in grades five to eight. Seventy-two percent of the students are Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian, and 17 percent are special needs students




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