You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR MEETS WITH UNITED PUBLIC WORKERS


September 19 - Governor Lingle attended the second annual United Public Workers (UPW) Labor-Management Conference, where she thanked union members for their work on behalf of the people of Hawai`i.

The Governor promoted innovation in Hawai`i's workforce and encouraged members to expand their skills.  "Don't pass up any opportunity to upgrade what you know today," she said, adding that her administration will try to create as many opportunities as possible.

"Innovation is present in every industry, but at its foundation is an understanding and willingness to realize that we can't continue doing things they way they have always been done," Governor Lingle said. 

UPW State Director Dayton Nakanelua shared his support for the Governor’s initiative.  "We embrace innovation," he said as he outlined programs union has implemented to cross-train its members in various skills.

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