You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 ATTORNEY GENERAL HONORED WITH ELWOOD J. MCGUIRE AWARD


November 1 - As Attorney General Mark Bennett was honored with the Elwood J. McGuire Award at the 23rd annual Law Enforcement / Security Appreciation Luncheon, Governor Lingle praised his work.

"Because of his leadership, Hawai`i is a safer place for residents," said Governor Lingle.

The Elwood J. McGuire Award recognizes an individual's outstanding service, support, assistance or activity that has benefited the fields of law enforcement, private security or criminal justice.

The Governor also highlighted the importance of partnerships as she recognized the contributions of Hawai`i's law enforcement community and private security industry.

"No one entity can fight crime alone," said Governor Lingle.  "It takes partnerships and cooperation to rely on strengths of partners while developing innovative ideas." 
This is an area where the Attorney General has had tremendous influence.

"The Attorney General has created partnerships that involve cooperation with all levels of government and private agencies," Governor Lingle said.

  • Watch the Governor's remarks and the presentation of the Elwood J. McGuire Award to Attorney General Mark Bennett here. 



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