You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR DEDICATES NEW CANCER CENTER


November 7 - Governor Lingle participated in the opening of the new Queen's Cancer Center at Queen's Medical Center. 

The new center offers a comprehensive approach to cancer care, providing a "whole patient" perspective with a full range of services, including alternative and integrated medicine, nutritional and genetic counseling and support groups, all under one roof.

"This is not just a step forward in the treatment of cancer.  This is a leap forward for patients and their families," said Governor Lingle, referring to the tremendous personal impact the center will have on Hawai`i residents.

"In times of sickness, I don't think there is anything more important than having your family and close friends with you," the Governor added.

The center will also provide patient navigators, who will assist in the coordination of cancer care.  Navigators help patients navigate the system, assisting them with making physician appointments, finding information, chemotherapy, imaging services, inpatient-to-outpatient transitions, nutritional needs and other related services



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