You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR LINGLE LEADS DELEGATION TO INDONESIA, JAPAN


Governor Lingle's official trip to Indonesia and Japan concluded Friday, June 22, but the results of her outreach will continue to positively shape Hawai`i for generations to come.  During a highly productive 12 days in Jakarta, Tokyo and Okinawa, the Governor strengthened Hawai`i's Asia-Pacific relations, established a unique and special  State Partnership Program with Indonesia (the world's third largest democracy) and promoted economic investment with Hawai`i's science and technology sectors.  These accomplishments will rapidly accelerate the transformation of Hawai`i's economy to one based on innovation and tremendously increase Hawai`i's global connections and competitiveness.

"These efforts support our Administration's new vision for Hawai`i to reduce our over-reliance on land development and tourism, and move toward an innovation economy necessary for success in the 21st century," Governor Lingle said.  "Strengthening Hawai`i's links in the Asia-Pacific region and increasing the ability of our residents and businesses to successfully compete in the global marketplace was my focus.  The world economy, particularly in our region, is shifting to science and technology - that is where the quality the jobs are.  I encouraged American and foreign companies in Indonesia and Japan to invest in Hawai`i's growing science and tech sector."

  • Read more about partnerships resulting from the Governor's trip to Indonesia and Japan.  
  • View an album of photos from this trip.

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