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Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

Assistant Secretary McMurray [State Dept. Photo]

Welcome to the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science (OES) website.

In OES, we work on a broad and challenging range of international environmental issues-everything from combating climate change, air and water pollution, and infectious diseases, to the conservation of forests, oceans and marine life, to space exploration.

On any given day, members of the Bureau may be responding to the threats of pandemic disease and bioterrorism; fighting illegal trade in endangered species, timber and ozone-depleting chemicals; reinforcing strategic alliances though scientific cooperation; establishing partnerships to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy efficiency; helping countries gain access to clean drinking water; and protecting oceans and the creatures who live in them.

We seek to protect wildlife and its diversity on land and in the oceans. We encourage the spread of new technologies that promise to benefit the environment and promote economic growth at home and abroad. Our goal is to use America's diplomatic power to help foreign citizens improve their lives and transform their futures - to protect the Earth's natural resources for everyone today so that generations to come will enjoy them tomorrow.

I hope that this web site is interesting and helpful to you in gaining a better understanding of the work OES is doing on behalf of every American citizen.

Claudia A. McMurray
Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

Date: 10/21/2008 Location: Washington, DC Description: President Bush speaking during the Summit on International Development. © White House Photo

White House Summit on International Development
October 21, 2008

President Bush: “The United States works with partner nations to deal with the lack of clean water. Last year we dedicated nearly a billion dollars to improve sanitation and water supplies in developing nations. We're also wise enough to enlist the private sector to help, as well." Full Text

A women selling farm produce. [AP Photo 2008]

Genetically Modified (GM) Crops and the Global Food Security Crisis, Jefferson Fellows Science Lecture Series
October 17, 2008

Science and Technology Adviser  Fedoroff (Oct. 17): "[W]ill GM crops reduce biodiversity? Human agriculture itself is, other than building roads and cities, the most destructive thing we do to biodiversity, stripping the land and planting one crop. As the food needs of the human population continue to grow, the very most important thing that we can do is to increase our agricultural productivity on the land we already farm in order to preserve what wildlands we have left, particularly tropical forests which are extraordinarily rich in biodiversiversity.  So the answer is NO and in fact, GM crops can help us preserve biodiversity by reducing our use of toxic chemicals in agriculture and perhaps in time, increase the efficiency with which plants use nitrogen fertilizers and solar energy."  Full Text | Jefferson Fellows

Date: 10/14/2008 Location: Barcelona, Spain Description: Claudia A. McMurray, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science will lead the U.S. delegation at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress. © State Dept Photo

U.S. Delegation to IUCN World Conservation Congress
October 13, 2008

Claudia A. McMurray, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science led the U.S. delegation at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress, which convened in Barcelona October 5-13, 2008. Media Note

Ambassador Reno L. Harnish, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and William ,Dub, Taylor, Chairman of NASEOs Board of Directors sign a Memorandum of Understanding at the National Association of State Energy Officials for the purpose of collaborating in activities related to clean energy technology development. State Dept. photo

Memorandum of Understanding Between the APP and NASEO
September 9, 2008

Ambassador Reno L. Harnish, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and William (Dub) Taylor, Chairman of NASEO's Board of Directors sign a Memorandum of Understanding at the National Association of State Energy Officials for the purpose of collaborating in activities related to clean energy technology development. Full TextPhotos




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U.S. International Avian and Pandemic Influenza Assistance Approaches $950 Million
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt: With the announcement of a new pledge of $320 million for avian and pandemic influenza assistance, U.S. support to international organizations and to more than 90 countries now totals $949 million. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, Paula Dobriansky, announced the U.S. pledge today at the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (Oct. 25) Media Note | Remarks

Joint Statement by Representatives of the U.S., the European Community on GPS and Galileo Cooperation  (Oct. 24) Media Note

Department of State Hosts North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (Oct. 21)  Notice to the Press

The Governments of U.S.and Peru announced an agreement to reduce Peru’s debt payments in exchange for protecting the country’s tropical forests.  Under the agreement more than $25 million will be put towards conserving Peru’s rainforests. (Oct. 20) Media Note

Under Secretary Paula Dobriansky Announces U.S.-funded Cancer Research Program in Uruguay 
Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky presented to Uruguay’s Foreign Minister Gonzalo Fernandez a number of initiatives for expanded scientific cooperation with the Republic of Uruguay during consultations held in New York on September 22, 2008. Media Note | Statement of Mission for Science and Technology Cooperation

United States and Colombia Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Advance Cooperation on Renewable and Clean Energy
Secretary Rice and Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez signed a memorandum of understanding to
advance cooperation on renewable and clean energy. The agreement highlights the fundamental role energy plays in development, and notes the intention of both governments to promote exchanges, research and development, alternative development – including sustainable biofuels production – and stimulate private sector investment and business collaboration. (Sept. 18) Media Note 

Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Dobriansky today announced funding for eight newly selected projects as part of the United States Government’s support for the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate at the U.S.-China-Australia Dialogue on Energy Security and Climate Change in Washington, D.C. Worth more than $6.7 million, the projects will implement clean energy work in China under the goals of the initiative. (Sept. 18) Full Text

Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Dobriansky spoke at a Wildlife Conservation Society event on Western Lowland Gorillas (Sept. 17) Full Text

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