You are here: Home News Room In the Community 2007 GOVERNOR LINGLE UNVEILS FY09 BUDGET PLAN


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December 17 - Governor Lingle submitted to the State Legislature a Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) Supplemental Budget and Financial Plan that focuses on meeting the most critical needs facing Hawai‘i, including modernizing public infrastructure on all islands, within the constraints of moderated economic growth.

The supplemental budget proposes an adjusted operating budget of $10.8 billion. This represents a 2.9 percent increase ($306.7 million) over the current biennium budget. The general fund will grow by only 1.9 percent ($100.2 million). Two-thirds of this increase is for fringe benefits increases for government employees.

In addition, the Administration proposes a $1.1 billion increase in capital improvement (CIP) funds, bringing the total CIP budget to $1.6 billion. Close to half of the CIP increase is from revenue bonds, primarily to finance accelerated efforts to upgrade and modernize state harbors and airports.

“I believe we have succeeded in presenting a prudent budget with a clear focus on meeting Hawai‘i’s critical needs, while working within new financial and economic constraints,” said Governor Lingle.

“This supplemental budget reflects the fiscal responsibility and prudent budget management that our Administration has adhered to since taking office,” she added.



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