Western North American
Defoliator Working Group

Next Meeting

December 9-10, 2008
(and possibly the 11th, too)

Bozeman, MT

Meeting Arrangements: The 2008 WNADWG will be held in Bozeman, MT on December 9-10th (and possibly on the morning of the 11th, too) at the C'Mon Inn. We have a block of 35 rooms reserved Dec 8-12th at the govt rate of $82 + tax. Please mention "WNADWG" when making reservations: 1-866-782-2717. For additional information about the local arrangements for this meeting, please contact Amy Gannon (agannon@mt.gov , 406-542-4283).

The purpose of the Western North American Defoliator Working Group (WNADWG) is to provide a means to address issues associated with western defoliator ecology and management. The WNADWG meets annually or more frequently as needed. The group is composed of professional forest pest management specialists, scientists, and resource management specialists representing federal, provincial, state and local governments, universities, and private interests.

Specificially, the WNADWG provides a forum to:

  Discuss current defoliatior conditions in Western North America
  Identify and discuss issues and concerns related to western defoliator ecology and management
  Address short- and long-term research, technology development and management needs for western forest defoliators
  Communicate issues, concerns, recommendations, priorities and needs to appropriate entities

For additional information, contact Darren Blackford (dblackford@fs.fed.us, 801-476-9732)

Meeting Reports

1998 (542 K)
1989 (515 K)
1990 (586 K)
1991 (1.4 MB)
1992 (1.8 MB)
1993 (10.1 MB)
1994 (5.2 MB)
1995 (428 K)
1998 (138 MB)
2000 (178 K)
2001 (381 K)
2002 (185 K)
2004 (319 K)
2005 (219K)
2006 (303K)

Additional Reports

2005 Raw material -- a 4.9 MB zip file containing 5 photos, 1 PowerPoint presentation, and 20 MSWord documents that were distilled into the final 2005 meeting report.

Strategic-Tactical Plan, 1994 (1.3 MB)

Western Hemlock Looper: a memo, adult counts, larval counts, and total data 1992-02, prepared by Imre Otvos, Pacific Forestry Center, Canadian Forestry Service.

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This webpage was last updated on September 5, 2008.

horizontal rule with trees

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