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Public Health
Seattle & King County
401 5th Ave., Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104

Phone: 206-296-4600
TTY Relay: 711

Toll-free: 800-325-6165

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Public Records Requests

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Resources for local government agencies

Download the Pandemic Influenza Emergency Response Manual written by the King County Human Resources Division.

Continuity of government issues that should be addressed by local agencies


Identify critical functions and processes:

  • Life / health / safety
  • Essential to accomplishing the mission of the agency
  • Perform Business Impact Analysis
  • Critical “Daily” functions that need to be provided EVEN during an event although at a reduced level
  • Identify Standard Operating Procedures of critical functions/processes and clearly document so resources pulled from non-essential functions can perform in an emergency and/or “surge”
2. Identify positions needed to carry out critical functions:
  • Identify and assign key team leads and alternates
  • Identify and assign team members by location
  • Document processes & task checklists
3. Identify staff that can be cross trained to backfill critical functions.

4. Identify critical functions that can be performed via telecommuting and/or manual processes if IT systems are overloaded or if re-assigned staff is not familiar with applications:
  • Data entry
  • Patient Referrals & appointments
  • Records management
5. Identify functions that can be suspended while staff is reassigned to more critical roles.

6. Identify the department’s technology needs related to large-scale telecommuting and conference calling:
  • Pre-establish conference bridge lines and status call schedules by division
  • Laptops
  • VPN Access
  • Information “SECURITY”
7. Review human resource policies to determine whether staff can be prevented from remaining at work if symptomatic for influenza.

8. Determine whether critical functions could be performed through flex shifting.
  • Establish shifts, longer hours of operations, alternate work days, etc.
9. Review human resource and labor policies regarding the implementation of flex schedules.

10. Promote public education campaigns with posters in all facilities and via staff newsletters, emails, etc.
  • Conduct staff “plan walkthroughs” to identify inconsistencies and/or areas of confusion.
11. Make alcohol hand gel and disinfectant wipes available and accessible to all staff.
  • Establish protocols to protect the health of staff
12. Participate in training that addresses communicating with staff during a crisis.
  • CRITICAL – Think of “Human Continuity” (Stress, etc.)
  • Plan internal communications and updates on a regular basis
13. Ensure alcohol hand gel, masks and educational materials are located at the public entrances to all county facilities.


Develop mechanisms to track department absenteeism daily and report the percentages to the Office of Emergency Management and Public Health – Seattle and King County.

Alternate format:
Resources for government agencies (PDF)