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Seattle Partners for Healthy Communities - publications

Published articles

  1. Krieger J, Song L, Takaro T, Stout J. Asthma and the Home Environment of Low-Income, Urban Children: Preliminary findings from the Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project. Journal of Urban Health, January 2000.

  2. Krieger J, Castorina J, Walls M, Weaver M, Ciske S. Increasing Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunization Rates: A randomized controlled study of a senior center-based intervention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol 18, no. 2, February 2000.

  3. Kone A, Sullivan M, Senturia K, Chrisman N, Ciske S, and Krieger J. Improving Collaboration Between Researchers and Communities. Public Health Reports, Vol 115, Nos 2 &3, March/April & May/June, 2000.

  4. Solet D, Krieger J, Stout J. Lui,L. Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations in King County, 1987 – 1998. MMWR, 10/20/00 /49 (41); 929-933.

  5. Krieger, J, Ciske, S. The Community as a Full Partner in Public Health Initiatives. Washington Public Health Vol 17, Fall, 2000.

  6. Sullivan M, Kone A, Senturia K, Chrisman N, Ciske S, and Krieger J. Researcher and Researched-Community Perspectives: Toward Bridging the Gap. Health Education and Behavior, Vol 28:130-149, April 2001.

  7. Weaver M, Krieger J, Castorina J, Walls M, Ciske S. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Combined Campaign for Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines. Archives of Internal Medicine Vol. 161 no. 1: 111-120, January, 2001.

  8. Eisinger A, Senturia K. Doing community-driven research: a description of Seattle Partners for Healthy Communities. Journal of Urban Health Research Vol 78, No. 3, September 2001.

  9. Chrisman, N. Senturia, K. Tang, G. Gheisar, B. Qualitative Evaluation of Urban Community Work: A Preliminary View, Health Education and Behavior Vol 29, April, 2002.

  10. Krieger J, Takaro TK, Allen C, Song L, Weaver M, Chai S, Dickey P. The Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project: implementation of a comprehensive approach to improving environmental quality for low-income children with asthma. Accepted for the monograph Using Community-based Participatory Research to Advance Environmental Justice, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol 110, Suppl 2, April, 2002.

  11. Krieger J, Higgins D. Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action. American Journal of Public Health Vol 92: 758-768, May 2002.

  12. Schulz A, Krieger J, Galea S. Addressing social determinants of health: community-based participatory approaches to research and practice. Health Education and Behavior Vol 29: 287 – 296, June, 2002.

  13. Krieger JW, Allen C, Cheadle A, Ciske S, Schier J, Senturia K, Sullivan M. Using community-based participatory research to address social determinants of health: lessons learned from Seattle Partners for Healthy Communities. Health Education and Behavior Vol 29: 361 –382, June, 2002.

  14. Cheadle A, Sullivan M, Krieger J, Ciske S, Shaw M, Schier J, Eisinger A. Using a participatory approach to provide assistance to community-based organizations: The Seattle Partners Community Research Center. Health Education and Behavior Vol 29: 383 –394, June, 2002.

  15. Sullivan M, Chao S, Allen C, Kone A, Pierre-Louis M, Krieger J. Community/Researcher Partnerships - Perspectives from the Field in Minkler, M and Wallerstein, N. Community Based Participatory Research for Health. San Francisco, CA., December, 2002.

  16. Metzler M, Higgins D, Beeker C, Freudenberg N, Lantz P, Senturia K, Eisinger A, Viruell-Fuentes E, Gheisar B, Palermo A, Softley D. Addressing Urban Health in Detroit, New York, and Seattle Through Community-based Participatory Research Partnerships. American Journal of Public Health, May, 2003.

  17. Takaro T, Krieger JW, Song L, Beaudet N. Effect of environmental interventions to reduce exposure to asthma triggers in homes of low-income children in Seattle. Exp. Anal. Env. Epid. 14: Suppl 1:S133-43, 2004.

  18. Chiun-Fang C, Weaver MW, Bell MA, Krieger JW. Developing a Multi-attribute Pediatric Asthma Health Outcome Measure. Int J Qual Health Care 2005; 17:23-30.

  19. Krieger JW, Song L, Takaro T. The Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Community Health Worker Intervention to Decrease Exposure to Indoor Asthma Triggers among Low-income Children. American Journal of Public Health. April, 2005.

  20. Horsley K, Ciske S. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: Partnering to Promote Policies Based on the Science of Early Childhood Development. American Journal of Public Health, April, 2005.

  21. Bhuyan R, Senturia K. Introduction to the Special Issue: Understanding Domestic Violence Resource Utilization and Survivor Solutions among Ethnic Minority and LGBT Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, August, 2005.

  22. Bhuyan R, Mell M, Senturia K, Sullivan M, Shiu-Thornton S. "Women Must Endure According to Their Karma": Cambodian Immigrant Women Talk About Domestic Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, August, 2005.

  23. Sullivan M, Negash T, Senturia K, Shiu-Thornton S, Giday B. “For us it is Like Living in the Dark”: Ethiopian Women’s Experiences with Domestic Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence August, 2005.

  24. Crandall M, Senturia K, Shiu-Thornton S, Sullivan M. “No Way Out”: Russian-speaking Women’s Experiences with Domestic Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence August, 2005.

  25. Shiu-Thornton S, Senturia K, Sullivan M. “Like a Bird in a Cage”: Vietnamese Women Survivors Talk about Domestic Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence August, 2005.

  26. Sullivan M, Bhuyan R, Senturia K, Shiu-Thornton S, Ciske S. Participatory Action Research in Practice: A Case Study in Addressing Domestic Violence in Nine Cultural Communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, August, 2005.

  27. Krieger JW, Allen C, Roberts J, Ross L, Takaro T. What's with the Wheezing? :Methods Used by the Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project to Assess Exposure To Indoor Asthma Triggers in Israel

  28. B, Eng E, Parker E, Schulz A eds. Methods for Conducting Community-Based Participatory Research in Public Health. 2005; pp 230-250.

  29. Sullivan M, Kone A, Senturia KD, Chrisman NJ, Ciske SJ, Krieger JW. Researcher and researched-community perspectives: toward bridging the gap. In Brugge D, Hynes HP, eds. Community Research in Environmental Health: Lessons in Science, Advocacy and Ethics. Williston, VT: Ashgate Publishing. 2005; pp 49-78

Accepted manuscripts

  1. Bornstein DR, Fawcett J, Sullivan, M, Senturia KD, Shiu-Thornton, S. Understanding the Experiences of Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Homosexuality (in press).