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Seattle & King County
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Workshop training topics and contents

The following workshops are offered free of charge and STARS credit hours are available. Schedules are flexible; evening and weekend times are available upon request. All workshops may be combined. For additional classes and trainings, please see Public Health's Child Care Health Program's current class schedule.

Developmental and Oral “Red Flags” - This workshop is designed for childcare providers, early childhood educators and community organizations working with young children. This workshop is a STARS credits course and may be combined with the Well Child Check Up workshop. Highlights include:

  • Introduction to Preventive care, Well Child Check-ups and Health Care Homes
  • Ages and Stages of child development
  • Use of Developmental Surveillance “Red Flags” Tool for children birth to five
  • Autism; causes, diagnoses, and treatment
  • Child Safety
  • What causes cavities and how to prevent them in children
  • Use of Oral Health Red Flags Checklist
  • Why are baby teeth important and how to care for them
  • First visit by first birthday
  • Fluoride
  • What you may not know about fruit drinks
  • Nutrition and oral health
  • Community Resources

Well Child Check-Ups and Health Care Homes - This workshop is designed for parents, grandparents, caregivers, early childhood education providers and community organizations. Many topics are discussed during the presentation, and the session is very informal. STARS credit is optional for this course and may be combined with Developmental “Red Flags” and Oral Health workshops. Highlights:

  • What is a Well child check up?
  • Why all kids need regular checkups
  • Does your child have a medical home?
  • How to find a medical home
  • Immunizations – why they are important to your child’s health
  • How to talk to the doctor
  • Well Child Check-up – For the Health of Your Child Video
  • Community Resources

Family Education - Many topics are presented at this workshop designed for new parents, grandparents parenting the second time around and other caregivers. This session can be combined with any of the three workshop listed above.

  • Bathing
  • Clothing/diapering
  • Keeping your baby healthy
  • Health Care Homes
  • Medication
  • When Baby Won’t Stop Crying
  • Colic – Common warning signs and symptoms
  • Baby’s sleep patterns and routine
  • Ways to comfort an infant
  • Stress management for parents
  • Activities to do with your infant
  • Helping children cope with stress and deal with feelings
  • Children and divorce
  • Television and children
  • Community Resources

Maternal Depression and Child Development – This workshop is offered to parents (fathers too), caregivers, childcare providers and community organization working with pregnant women and women with young children. Highlights:

  • What is the difference between ”Baby Blues”, postpartum depression and Maternal Depression?
  • Risk factors
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • How Maternal Depression affects children
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Community Resources

Maternal Oral Health – This workshop is offered to parents (fathers too), caregivers, childcare providers and community organization working with pregnant women and women with young children. It is designed to increase awareness that cavities can be prevented in infants/toddlers through maternal knowledge and behavior changes. Highlights:

  • What causes cavities?
  • Did you know that cavities are transmitted by a bacteria from Mom to baby?
  • How to keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy
  • When should you visit the dentist
  • How to prevent cavities in young children
  • Why are baby teeth important and how to take care of them
  • First visit by first birthday