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Submissions Not Qualifying for Evaluation

If the submission does not meet the minimum qualifications to proceed with the SEC petitioning process, NIOSH will notify applicants of any requirements that the submission failed to meet and provide guidance to the applicants in developing the relevant information. The applicants have 30 calendar days from the date of notification to revise the submission. If, after 30 days, the submission remains unqualified, NIOSH will notify any applicants whose submission remains unsatisfactory of the proposed finding of NIOSH that the submission fails to meet the specified requirements and the basis for this finding. The applicants then have 30 days to request a review of that proposed finding.

If a review has been requested, three HHS personnel, appointed by the Director of NIOSH, who were not involved in developing the proposed finding will complete reviews within 30 work days of the request for such a review. The Director of NIOSH will consider the results of the review and then make a final decision as to whether the submission satisfies the requirements for evaluation.

If at the end of the 30 calendar days the submission does not meet the minimum qualifications or is not reviewed, NIOSH's proposed finding will become a final decision.

The sites listed below represent SEC submissions that have not qualified for evaluation and therefore, are not active in the SEC petitioning process. Please click on the links below to view the specific details for why the submission did not qualify for evaluation.

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Page last updated: April 12, 2007
Page last reviewed: May 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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