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X-ray microfocusing mirrors conceived at ORNL can help scientists determine which manufacturing processes make more reliable electronic circuits and aluminum parts for cars.

Microfocusing Mirrors Advance Materials Science

Editor's note: The following article describes an ORNL technology development that won an R&D 100 Award in 2000. The awards are presented annually by R&D Magazine in recognition of the year's most significant technological innovations. ORNL's 107 R&D 100 awards place it first among DOE laboratories and second only to General Electric.

Research Challenges | Origin of the X-ray Machine | X-ray Microbeams at APS

A new era of X-ray science is being ushered in by an advance in X-ray mirror technology in which an ORNL scientist played a key role. Gene Ice, leader of the X-ray Research and Application Group in ORNL's Metals and Ceramics Division, worked with Beamline Technology Corporation of Tucson, Arizona, to develop advanced X-ray microfocusing mirrors, which received an R&D 100 Award from R&D magazine in 2000. The new technology, combined with computer software to analyze X-ray patterns, opens a new frontier for materials scientists, permitting direct observation of the building blocks of most materials. The technology will allow scientists to characterize material defects down to less than a millionth of a meter (a micron). It will also help them determine which manufacturing processes make more reliable electronic circuits, more efficient materials for energy production, and stronger, lighter transportation materials—such as aluminum—for car bodies.

Gene Ice inspects two advanced elliptical X-ray microfocusing mirrors
Gene Ice inspects two advanced elliptical X-ray microfocusing mirrors used for focusing X rays to submicron spots. The mirrors received an R&D 100 award in 2000. (Photo by Curtis Boles.)

The building blocks of most materials are small, single-crystal grains packed together in a complicated network that includes intersections called grain boundaries. "Our 3D X-ray crystal microscope will allow researchers for the first time to see the three-dimensional crystal structure of each grain making up a material of interest," Ice says. "We will now be able to look at a grain's orientation, size, and shape. We can determine if a grain points in a different direction, becomes deformed, or breaks up into smaller subgrains as a result of internal forces induced by a manufacturing process. We can observe the changes in grains that cause the material to fail."

Research Challenges

In the mid-1990s, Ice was traveling around the nation to try to win funding for materials research experiments that would use brilliant X rays from the Advanced Photon Source (APS), which began operating in 1997 at Argonne National Laboratory. During his visit to Bell Laboratories, he learned of an urgent technical challenge. A major factor in the reliability of computers and computer chips is strain in integrated-circuit wires. The tiny polycrystalline aluminum or copper wires in the integrated-circuit chips expand and shrink differently from the silicon bulk material as temperature changes during processing or computer operation. Together with the mechanical forces associated with current flow through the wires, this effect results in strain, which varies at the micron level because of distortion in individual crystalline grains. This strain can affect the mechanical evolution of the aluminum or copper interconnect wires during operation or even when a chip is made. Mechanical evolution is a change in the shape, size, rotation, and strain (internal stretching) of a grain. It is difficult to study strain, however, because the interconnect wires are buried under an amorphous silicon dioxide film. Today Ice and Ben Larson of the Solid State Division (SSD) and their ORNL colleagues are using the 3D X-ray crystal microscope at APS to study strain in integrated-circuit wires, as well as other materials science problems.

X-ray image of grains in aluminum interconnect wires in a silicon semiconductor chip used in a computer
X-ray image of grains in aluminum interconnect wires in a silicon semiconductor chip used in a computer.

For example, John Budai of SSD has been leading an effort to advance the technology of making effective high-temperature superconducting materials in which a thin superconducting single-crystal film is deposited on a buffer layer that coats a metal substrate. In the best superconducting wires, the film grains are deposited on aligned metal substrates and actually increase their alignment as they grow so that most of the crystals point in the same direction. To determine which processes repeatedly produce superconducting materials with the best alignments, ORNL researchers are using the 3D X-ray crystal microscope to examine many different samples produced by various processes. Their results may help lead to the development of commercial superconducting wires and devices.

Origin of the X-ray Microscope

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, P. Kirkpatrick and Albert V. Baez (father of singer Joan Baez) demonstrated that two mirrors could be arranged to focus an X-ray beam at a small spot on a target material. Such "crossed mirrors" came to be known as Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors. In the past 50 years, X-ray mirror technology has rapidly progressed, especially in the production of mirrors with flat and spherical surfaces. (A mirror with a spherical surface can be visualized as a small strip from a hollow glass sphere).

To focus the beam on a spot small enough to "observe" crystalline grains, it was necessary to fabricate and polish mirrors with elliptical surfaces. The ideal elliptical mirrors can be visualized as strips cut out of the surface of glass shaped like a symmetrical egg. However, the technology does not exist to polish an elliptical mirror to get the required X-ray quality. In recent years, flat mirrors have been elastically bent to produce elliptical surfaces. Although bent mirrors can produce beams that focus to a spot less than a micron in diameter, they are sensitive to mounting stresses and thermal loads.

In the 1990s, with the construction of the APS it was apparent that improved X-ray optics technologies would be needed to exploit the brilliant, laser-like X rays expected from the APS. Ice pushed for improvements in X-ray optics as early as 1990. His sense of urgency grew when he became part of a group that would have a dedicated beam line for experiments at APS, thanks to internal ORNL funding and a collaborative agreement in 1996 with Howard University, a historically black university. Ice called the X-ray optics experts he knew around the country. Eventually, he found a company willing to try making an elliptical mirror to his specifications.

The company, Beamline Technology Corporation of Tucson, Arizona, was interested in depositing a coating of varying thicknesses to build a mirror with the required shape. Andrew Lunt, general manager of Beamline Technology, told Ice that the company had already developed a differential deposition technology for use in correcting small shape defects in X-ray mirrors.

To make the desired elliptical mirror surface, a Beamline Technology team cut out a small strip from the surface of an X-ray-polished spherical mirror made of ultra-low-expansion glass or single-crystal silicon. Scientists at Argonne measured the surface shape, and Ice calculated the required deposition profile. Then a layer of chrome was deposited to bind the differentially deposited coating to the substrate. To build an elliptical surface in the shape specified by calculations, a thin layer of gold was differentially deposited on the chrome coating. Gold atoms were sputtered from a source using a computer-controlled machine; the thickness of the deposited gold coating was adjusted by changing the machine's power-the higher the power at any one point, the thicker the coating there. A final layer of palladium was deposited on the gold coating to make the mirror highly reflective of X rays up to 24,000 electron volts (24 keV).

Throughout the process, many measurements were made to determine the mirror shape. Beamline Technology sent samples to ORNL for Ice to test at APS. The differentially coated mirrors were also tested successfully by researchers at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where Ice worked for five years. Based on feedback from the researchers, Beamline Technology perfected the differentially deposited mirror technology for the X-ray crystal microsope.

X-ray Microbeams at APS

Ice, Larson, Budai, and their ORNL colleagues Jon Tischler, Eliot Specht, Jin-Seok Chung, Nobumichi Tamura, Wenge Yang, Ki-Sup Chung, and Mirang Yoon have performed experiments at the APS using the X-ray crystal microscope. Although the microscope is based on a well-known X-ray dif- fraction technique called polychromatic Laue diffraction, no one had ever pushed the technology to obtain such detailed quantitative information. In fact, several years ago X-ray experts advised ORNL that the technology was not possible. The microscope is possible, Ice says, because of the availability of ultra-brilliant synchrotron radiation at the APS and three other major technical advances. One advance is novel achromatic focusing mirrors that allow the microscope to achieve high spatial resolution with broad spectrum X-ray beams. Another is an innovative X-ray scanning monochromator built at Howard University that allows for the rapid measurement of absolute stresses (internal forces) in crystals. A third is specialized pattern analysis software that determines the type, orientation, and stress of individual grains from overlapping multi-grain X-ray scattering patterns.

Aerial view of the Advanced Photon Source
The advantage of bombarding a material with the Advanced Photon Source's (above) high concentration of X rays of many different wavelengths is that it increases the chances of satisfying Bragg's Law, a statement of the conditions under which a crystal will reflect a beam of X rays with maximum intensity. Because the grains in a material may be pointing in different directions and because it is slow and impractical to rotate the sample, focusing a finely collimated beam of polychromatic X rays on each single-crystal grain should produce detailed information regardless of the grain orientation.

The X-ray diffraction patterns are captured by a charge-coupled detector (CCD), which is carefully calibrated to determine the precise direction of the scattered X-rays. From the pattern on the CCD, the number, orientation, and distortions of the crystal grains can be determined. This information is essential to understanding the forces driving the evolution of the grains at the subgrain level. A complete description of the local forces that are deforming each grain can be measured using the Howard University micromonochromator.

Ice credits Jim Roberto, then director of SSD, for encouraging him and Ben Larson to apply successfully for internal funding from the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program at ORNL to build an X-ray microprobe for mesocale studies.

With LDRD funding and through collaborations with Howard University scientists, Larson and Ice put together all the pieces for a working 3D X-ray crystal microscope. Early results provided essential support for a successful two-percent initiative proposal from ORNL to DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences.

In addition to winning an R&D 100 Award, the new elliptical mirrors have another claim to fame. They have beaten the bent mirror focus record (0.8 x 0.8 mm2) by achieving a focused spot size of ~0.4 x 0.5 mm2. Clearly, these achievements reflect well on the sponsors of the development of the 3D X-ray crystal microscope.

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Related Web sites

ORNL's X-ray Research and Application Group
ORNL's Metals and Ceramics Division
ORNL's Solid State Division
Advanced Photon Source (APS)
National Synchrotron Light Source
DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences

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