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Beltsville \ BARC Animal & Natural Resources Animal Improvement Programs

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October 28, 2008

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Date Subject Page detail

August 14, 2008 AIPL Centennial Celebration
October 28, 2008
Registration form
Hotel information

July 24, 2008 Changes for August 2008
Evaluation system
  • Service sire conception rate
  • Genetic evaluations for clones
  • More traits of foreign sires used in cow evaluations
  • Reporting genetic recessive codes

April 2, 2008 Changes for April 2008
Evaluation system
  • Genomic prediction

January 12, 2008 Changes for January 2008
Evaluation system
  • New evaluation schedule
  • Interbull fertility evaluations for breeds other than Holstein
  • Interbull evaluations on Milking Shorthorn base
  • Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Guernsey conformation composites

December 5, 2007 Service-sire fertility evaluation Announcement

November 21, 2007 Interim evaluations for progeny-test bulls Announcement

August 9, 2007 Changes for August 2007 Evaluation system
  • Breed composition file for crossbreds
  • Adjustments to all-breed model
  • Parent averages for young bulls
  • Revised definition of Interbull type-of-proof code
Editing system
  • Correction of bull identification (ID) numbers with more than nine digits

May 1, 2007 Changes for May 2007 (final) Evaluation system
  • All-breed animal model
  • Genetic trend for daughter pregnancy rate
  • Genetic trends for calving ease and stillbirth
  • Revisions to herd variance adjustment
  • Sample population for expected future inbreeding
  All-breed evaluation implementation All-breed evaluation

January 11, 2007 Changes for February 2007 (update) Evaluation system
  • Fertility evaluations from Interbull (updated January 18, 2007)
  • Elimination of duplicate evaluations for Red-and-White bulls and related format-38 changes
Editing system
  • Consistency in reporting abortions
  • Designation of breedings with sexed semen (updated January 26, 2007)

November 9, 2006 Changes for November 2006 Evaluation system
  • Holstein stillbirth and Brown Swiss calving-ease evaluations from Interbull
  • Ayrshire and Red Dairy Cattle breed codes
  • Series-840 animal identification (ID) numbers
  • Additional release of yield evaluations for dairy goats
Editing system
  • Eliminating milk-component values when all cows have the same value

July 21 , 2006 Changes for August 2006 (update) Evaluation system
  • Productive life (PL) credits revised; examples of bull changes provided (updated January 31, 2007)
  • Stillbirth and calving ability
  • Lifetime net merit revised
  • Calving ease (CE) edits
  Net merit update (final) Net merit as a measure of lifetime profit: 2006 revision

April 14, 2006 Changes for May 2006 Evaluation system
  • Bull fertility evaluation transferred to AIPL
  • Milking speed evaluations for Brown Swiss
  • Rear legs/rear view evaluations for Brown Swiss and Guernseys

March 1, 2006 2006 annual reports 2005 DHI statistics

February 9, 2006 Changes for February 2006 Evaluation system
  • Daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) for foreign bulls

Last Modified: 08/14/2008