"The Japanese commander said, 'You are not prisoners of war, you are captives, you surrendered, you did not fight. If you break our rules, we will kill you or we will do something worse.' They did something worse." Interview, 22:18
Henry John Wilayto |
Henry Wilayto at Camp John Hay Bagio, Philippine Islands, 1941 | World War II, 1939-1946
Luzon Island and Bataan (Philippines)
Staff Sergeant
Nashua, NH
Stationed in the Philippines when the Japanese invaded, Henry Wilayto saw his commanders forced to surrender in the face of sure starvation. Wilayto lost 50 pounds during the infamous Bataan Death March and gained it back working as a stevedore in Manila, where he helped sabotage Japanese cargo ships. At war's end, he was in Japan working in a mine, near death from the oppressive conditions. Wilayto founded American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor to secure more attention for his brave comrades.