"How did I feel through all of this? Scared to death, naturally... but equally determined not to let the men know how frightened I really was. Since then I've suspected that much bravery is enhanced by the knowledge that others are watching to see how you do react!" The Ardennes Revisited, page 5
Margaret Fleming |
Peggy Henry, during World War II | World War II, 1939-1946
England; France; Luxembourg; Belgium; Germany; also: England; France; Luxembourg; Belgium; Germany
Milwaukee, WI
Shortly after arriving in Luxembourg late in 1944, Red Cross worker Peggy Henry was plunged into a harrowing story of survival. The day the Battle of the Bulge began, Henry hung out a sign at her club, "Sure, We're Open." But she and two local women who worked with her had to flee the advancing German army under cover of darkness. In 1947, President Truman signed the document accompanying her Bronze Star, a unique circumstance for this civilian's award for her selfless devotion to raising the morale of American GIs.